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Everything posted by Kerfuffle

  1. Well, I've heard that a nest (possibly with the eggs in it) will be placed at the top of the tower. In this case, I'm gonna start placing a bet to what the theme and ride experience will be!: If the egg's nest is gonna be at the top of the tower, then the theme might be a Bad Piggies sort of thing, where the car will be themed around the pigs' latest vehicle to get the eggs! Of course, once you reach the top, the birds start to get a little mad! The sound effects playing will consist of (say) the pigs sniggering at times, followed by the slowly oncoming sound of the birds enraging! This will probably be followed by the familiar sound of the catapult being pulled back from speakers on ground level, then the sound of a random bird (varies between rides) launching into the air, then a speaker on top of the tower will play the sound of smashing wood the moment the brake goes off for the drop! ...*pant...pant...pant*
  2. If the Scorpion Express is gonna do the 3 circuit system again, it might be suitable for the scorpion animatronic (if there is one) to be behind one of those shutters (like the one for Zufari's cave). When the train passes on it's last circuit, the shutter would've OPENED to reveal the surprise finale! This way, the storyline will actually make sense, rather than repeatedly speeding past the scorpion, in which by the 3rd circuit, the effect would've got pretty boring!
  3. It's also a good sign in terms of Angry Birds Toons, as the characters in that specific art style will be slapped onto the dodgem cars and (possibly) Detonator! This sort of thing makes me look forward to Angry Birds 4D (or whatever they're gonna call it) even more!
  4. I'm gonna take a wild guess, but it's possible Twirling Toadstool is being moved to CBeebies Land
  5. That combined with having to queue in a prison like state... *shudder*
  6. Alton better have replaced The Smiler's current speakers with BOSE ones!
  7. Look what I found on YouTube! Not the best quality, but it's the closest we're getting to the full loop so far!
  8. This all looks very fishy to me. Are Alton just gonna bring in the CREEPY stuff now? I mean, if you come to terms with both The Smiler and most of the CBeebies characters, you'll see what I mean!
  9. This is why you should build inside a hill... YOU HAVE A FLIPPIN EMPIRE DOWN THERE!!! I still remember my first Minecraft world. My base had: - The main HQ (mineshaft, workbench, furnace, chest ect.) - Storage room - Watchtower - 2x Living rooms (one of which I had to build myself) - ...I even had an ART GALLERY! *sniff* I miss Minecraft Beta!
  10. Kerfuffle


    (This is a Tim Vine joke, but it's sure worth spreading!) The scariest thing happened to me today. I was mucking about in class and the teacher made me stand outside... It was a flying lesson!
  11. Try jumping to the 'Jokes' topic and repeating that!
  12. Kerfuffle


    I got a Tablet today! Yeah. I got a bag of them from my local pharmacist! ;)
  13. OH THE HUMANITY! How was so much destruction caused by a single, tiny little heater?
  14. Why can't Thorpe just bring in mazes with what Chessie and Alton have; a storyline that slowly unfolds throughout the experience (take 'VAMPIRE: The Haunting in the Hollows' for instance), some actual quality acting and a good use of lighting, effects and jump scares!
  15. 'Private Bubbly Bits'... Erm... ...REALLY CHESSINGTON? You REALLY think that is family friendly?
  16. All that matters is that if Bubbleworks was affected, then that's also a huge majority of 23 year-old quality theming in Transylvania damaged!
  17. The question is, WILL Dragon Falls still be in it's current state next year? I'd bet my gold coins on it!
  18. Sounds great but I only have one thing to say... GOODBYE CALAMITY CANYON REFERENCES! But wait... we now know what's happening with Runaway Train, but what about Dragon Falls?
  19. "Most Uncomfortable Ride"... ... SAW - The Ride... ... Nuff said...
  20. You're probably above a cave at this point
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