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Everything posted by Cal

  1. Cal


    It's now opening next season or towards the end of this one.
  2. Cal


    ^^ They've probably done it for the same reason they take the signs down when it's closed for a long period of time. It had one of its best seasons last year, and maintenance has been carried out on it this winter, I can't see it going anywhere
  3. Cal


    Yeah hopefully it's not weight issues like last season so they don't have to leave rows of seats empty again
  4. Cal


    Seems Colossus is still having problems with its lift this season, had an evac this morning and was closed till around 2ish. Opened again and another evac on the first train
  5. Infernos mist has also been a lot thicker the last few years than it has in the past I've noticed. I believe saws blades didn't work last year due to them doing something to them during winter maintenance, and if they were to get them working again saw would've had to open a lot later. Wonder if theyll be back for this season.
  6. New map shows that ride DVDs are back for Saw!
  7. Why would they/did they force it? Is it a H&S thing?
  8. I would much rather see speakers upgraded/fixed up rather than new music
  9. First time I remember Vortex However probably CCR back in the day
  10. Its doing better than it ever has before so I can't see it going
  11. Colossus (5) Depth Charge (5) Detonator (5) King Pig's Wild Hog Dodgems (5) Mr Monkey's Banana Ride (5) Nemesis Inferno (6) Quantum (5) Rocky Express (4) Rumba Rapids (4) Rush (5) Samurai (5) SAW - The Ride (5) Slammer (6) Stealth (6) Storm in a Teacup (5) The Swarm (5) Tidal Wave (5) Vortex (4) X (5) + Slammer - Rumba
  12. @Mattgwise You gave Saw a cheeky headstart so put that to 5 Angry Birds 4D Experience (5) Colossus (5) DBGT (5) Depth Charge (5) Detonator: Bombs Away (5) Flying Fish (5) I'm A Celebrity (5) King Pig's Wild Hog Dodgems (5) Mr. Monkey's Banana Ride (5) Nemesis Inferno (5) Quantum (5) Rocky Express (5) Rumba Rapids (5) Rush (5) Samurai (6) SAW - The Ride (5) Slammer (6) Stealth (5) Storm In A Teacup (5) Storm Surge (3) The Swarm (5) Tidal Wave (5) Vortex (5) X (5) Zodiac (5) + Samurai - Storm Surge
  13. Slammer has probably had the best season its ever had! 10x better than the last few anyway, opened on AP day and has only had a few weeks closed and then closed less than a week before the end of season (it could still open again.) The past few, it's opened months later and suffered more downtime throughout the season. Glad Thorpe spent the money on it!
  14. I suggest trying to go with someone with a MAP who can get friends and family tickets for £25
  15. It really was! The worst I've ever seen and have been told the same from staff. Felt very sorry for all staff working that day Witnessed them raiding shops, starting fights and on every single attraction after 3pm we went on was stopped due to them queue jumping or causing trouble. Completely killed the park atmosphere. It was painful having to wait at everything due to them causing trouble and no security to do anything about it. Not once did I see a single person get kicked out of the park all night, even though they're signs everywhere saying queue jumping can get you escorted out the park.
  16. So went to Fright Nights yesterday and was pretty impressed, was a lot better than last year overall. Favourite mazes this year in order... 1) Cabin in the woods - By far the strongest maze this year even though its the one I've probably been on the most there. Loads of actors who were all going all out and still didn't expect a lot of the jump scares 2) Platform 15 - Actually really liked Platform even though I had really low expectations. Yes there is lots of room for improvements, but loved the whole feel of it. Could of been more actors but there actors there were really good, and loved the finale. Strong maze. 3) Blair Witch - Haven't done blair witch the last 2 seasons so I was shocked to see how much it has improved! The grown foliage makes it soo much better as the actors can come out of anywhere and there was loads of actors! 4) Big Top - A lot better than last year, like people have said its pretty much a new maze. Unfortunately only tried it during the day and a lot of light seemed to be let in, would like another run through in the dark. 5) Saw Alive - Actors in this seemed to have been cut a lot in this. Its been here way too long now and would love to see something else. Audio on the whole was pretty good this year but more speakers around the park would really help the park atmosphere. Could anyone who went last Sunday please PM me when you can, thanks
  17. What audio is being used on the rides this year? Is it new audio or the same circus music used last year? Also whats being played around the park?
  18. They seemed to of made the live actor part a lot better, was a lot better the last time I went on and a lot of people seem to be saying it at the moment. The whole evacuation was done very well/seemed real and as soon as you get in that room there is actors chasing you from behind etc. Like you said reactions are hilarious and the amount of people that think that the evacuation is real is funny
  19. Cal


    Higher one is the one closest to the console, far side
  20. Shuttle busses defiantly run for Fright Nights, think its an hour after park close so 11pm but not 100 percent sure on that
  21. So far this season there is only 1 ending
  22. I'm personally not because the last 2 Thorpe have done (Studio and Big Top) are my least favourite, big top being the worst they've done by far. Also the first half of it seems to be outside, and I'm really not a fan of outside scare attractions
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