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Project LC

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Posts posted by Project LC

  1. So much of this building is for a shop and the preshow though. I don't hold out for much with the actual ride. The width of the building we have now is pretty much the same width all the way along which the ride has access to. The massive bit that sticks out which they are yet to put up is a shop and preshow... I may be wrong and this ride could be good but at the current moment in time it doesn't look too thrilling. There isn't even any footers for the ride system.

  2. So you honestly think that I'm a celeb is improved by going out of a fire exit with a very anticlimactic end than the cyclone with the slide.

    Yes they listen to feedback, my complaint with them is they listen to feedback and take the easy cheap route out.

  3. During a thunderstorm when I was there all rides ceased operations except X and angry birds which remained open. Oh and the dodgems may have remained open. They did make us have a very swift evac off nemesis inferno. Second the storm had passed they all got going again very quickly

  4. Adding a preshow so screams re-theme. I suspect they will repaint the ride and it will have some kind of sponsorship slapped on the side as a loose relation to the new theme. Just got to look for a new trademark to Merlin, in the next couple of months. 

  5. Just give up on them if you all hate the park so much. Yes its reliability is shocking and there operations are also shocking but they will only listen with a drop in revenue. I have no intention of returning to the park at any point in the next few years. There is only so far they can go before you can no longer justify going. Clearly for a lot of you they haven't reached that point. Yet.  

  6. They have to be the best because more happy customers mean more positive reviews which means more people hear about the place which means more people go so more money.

    While Merlin still do have to do that they also have a safety net of massive advertisement budget. People know the name already and so go there. They forget about their bad experience a few years ago and go back. People think that what Merlin offers is the uks best because of the company's size and that's their money generation.

    To say they only care about the profits is true but in doing that they need to make sure people return. This ride isn't going to be a bunch of broken screen's in 2 years. They will try and keep it in good shape otherwise it will quickly become £x million down the drain. They need the ride to bring people in which means it needs to be good.

    Yes Merlin do a lot wrong but they do have some idea of what they are doing. They understand basic customer satisfaction and getting people to come back. After all I imagine a large portion of people here have an annual pass to get you to come back because it was a "good deal" and get you to spend because you didn't pay to get in. They are not idiots.

  7. Not just priority passes are given out. For you non annual pass holders they give out come back for £x each vouchers with priority passes bolted on the side. Opening at 9:30 is just not do-able. Aim for 10. Very few people will miss the 30 minutes of everything closed.

    RnR is causing horrific estimates on queue times again, as always. Another problem that should have been fixed in its 3 year trial.

    Most of the effects are broken all year round. I haven't seen the water splash by the fire engine for ages. I don't expect them to be fixed anytime soon either. Too busy spending time and money on samurai.

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