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Project LC

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Posts posted by Project LC

  1. Very few, if any head to NST in the last hour. Staggered openings on it is almost guaranteed and I would be surprised if it opened 7 days a week. It's a bad ride, no one rides it so closing it will have pretty much no impact to everyone's day.

  2. £3m on the building, £5-15m on advertising. Remaining on theming and ride hardware. Now this is very likely to be screen based so that will take a large budget on animation/filming. So with all that the ride hardware comes to £10-20m. Now they are all rough estimates so I could be out by quite a lot. However an AGV for £30m would be a discount price.

    Another point to consider is AGVs struggle with elevation change. This is over 2 floors.

  3. Knowing a ride is going to be closed the day before when it was working "fine" implies that stealths current downtime is planned. However just because it's planned doesn't mean it's avoidable. It's down for a reason but seeing as we don't know that reason it's stupid to make any sort of complaint about it.

  4. I do not think Thorpe would take note of low numbers in the last week and blame it on stealth. The downtime of stealth does seem odd and planned. It is a poor decision but I think emailing would get the point across more than not turning up.

  5. You have to take into account that if one ride has an issue it will affect the others. Thorpe don't have an unlimited amount of engineers.

    Also slammer, Samurai, Rocky, Rumba and loggers have been on staggered opening pretty much all year. No one rides them then anyway so it's not really an issue.

  6. Whilst it can be used for that the ride will also know when all seats are locked. The more prominent reason is that during an evacuation it is not possible to release the restraints one person at a time. So to stop all the seats releasing at once the seatbelt keeps them down. Saw doesn't have seatbelts because the seats can be released individually so they aren't needed. There are also other minor reasons for there existence.

  7. Visited Oakwood today. Very empty lots of rerides. Drenched was closed all day :(

    The wild west area still has an orange fence and on the map it says new development coming soon. As far as I can tell no work is being done to that at all.

    It's a nice park it's just lacking some more rides. Oh and I can see how operations would become annoying if the park was busy. I've never seen a coaster run by 1 person before. Nor 2 flat rides run by 1 person on a rotation thingy.

    The park has potential it just needs investment.

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