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Project LC

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Posts posted by Project LC

  1. I love slammer because of the free fall and the weightless sensation you get when its at full speed. Everyone else's reaction on the ride is also great entertainment. By no means is the last of its kind a reason to stay. The reason I think it should stay is because of the ride experience. The only issues its very much a Marmite ride. You either love slammer or hate it. 

  2. Yeah I have a feeling I've had my last ride on slammer. Stop pouring money into samurai and spend it on slammer. Samurai is terrible and boring, slammer is unique and fun.

  3. They are so uncomfortable if you don't get the seat just right. First time on a stand up was just me trying to stop the pain the whole way round. If it wasn't for there being no queue I wouldnt have bothered with a 2nd go.

    I think the future for them is the floorless conversion. Stand ups don't attract people any more and people which do ride them always say that they are uncomfortable.

  4. I know what you meant however I think that for rides with inversions they will have restraints like banshee.

    A flying coaster with a half loop is an interesting idea however having played with the concept in no limits on multiple occasions it's very hard to get the g-force at the bottom of the loop to be surviveable. It needs a very gradual curve which means it needs more hight which means more speed so a more gradual curve. It is possible just difficult to get right. Then there is the issue of falling objects from the train. It would need a net in a very odd location.

  5. RnR was never using an app, that would have cost them too much money to develop a very simple app for the operating systems of phones. Instead they are just using a website to deal with requests which at the moment is still up.

    An app would have been way superior to the system they are currently using.

    According to thorpes Twitter RnR is not running over fright nights.

  6. Stealth doesn't need anything, it's fine how it is and any changes would bring in very few people compared to cost.

    A multilaunch could be a good addition if done right. However I don't think it should be there next investment. They really need something which is more family friendly. An airtime machine is what they need. Something with no inversions so youngsters will be willing to ride it.

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