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Project LC

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Posts posted by Project LC

  1. People don't like sitting next to other people so often you end up with a few sets of 4 with only 3 people or sometimes even a selfish 2 sit in the middle creating 2 empty seats. However they shouldn't add a single rider queue. I'm certain 98% of the time it slows down loading. Very few exceptions like samurai where it works.

  2. Unique flat rides are not really a thing that exists unless it's a dismal failure like the skyswat. Flat rides are not meant to be world firsts. The best flat rides are the refined models not the brand new ones. Swap out samurai for a flat ride and the park is fine.

    They kept slammer working so they will get a good few years out of the rest of them. Samurai however has no reason to be kept and lots of reasons to be removed. Its time has come to be removed. However weather it will be removed is a completely different question.

  3. Presumably they take them off so they can carry out sufficient maintenance on them so that the engineers only have 1 train to do at 10 rather than 2.

    Also the fact 2 trains often needs more staff so to save on staff 1 train is used.

  4. If it is a coaster of some kind I expect footers and track before the building is done so we will find out some details at some point. There is no notable footer locations on the current concrete then again they could just be added later despite it being non conventional.

  5. You can use it to compare to itself of which both have a downwards trend. While the parks are normally quite at the beginning of summer they are never this quite.

    I went to Thorpe on Sunday and longest queue I waited in was one cycle on slammer and that was because the airgates were closed. There was no one at all. The weather was a factor but it still should have had more people. 30-40 minute queues is what they should be getting but instead it's 15-30 minutes. It's the same story at Alton. Attendance is down significantly and while I expect it to pick up it won't hit the normal summer levels.

  6. Apart from samurai closed and tidal wave for a few hours everything was going good once it opened. Stealth,vortex and nemesis inferno opened late but apart from that it was all good. 2 trains on everything even though it probably was not needed.

    Time to replace samurai I think would be my only negative/suggestion to improve the day. Otherwise jolly good show.

  7. I understand where Jamie is coming from as I used to be in that mind set but I just stopped visiting as much. What was once 15-20 times a year is now 2 or 3. Get yourself out to one of the better parks and then you will see what Thorpe is. Then just visit less and save to go see more of the better ones. It may seem odd and something you don't want to do. You still get an adrenaline fix and don't have to put up with Merlin.

  8. I'm sure more would pay for dinner than breakfast. They should be open for both really. They need to focus on guest satisfaction and they are not going to achieve that with 9:30 to 6:00 people don't like getting there for opening. That can be seen from the queue times. People are more likely to stay late than arrive early.

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