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Project LC

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Everything posted by Project LC

  1. I never claimed it was their fault. I just don't think they should be able to come along and make people who have waited extra for the front wait longer. Especially on 1 train operation. They had the back row cut off so they can go there, rather than stop people going on the front.
  2. It was nemesis and air and I also saw them do it on oblivion. Staff were instructing all fastrack to use the exits. They are simply an annoyance to other guests.
  3. Yeah, it's just what was going on with oblivion that I found confusing. They had enough people to fill all the shuttles but they kept sending 2 of the 4 empty.
  4. I don't care what anyone pays, VIP should not be able to turn up at the exit and take the front row. There were a few at Alton today and not only did the queue hate them the staff seem to strongly dislike the procedure.
  5. Odd operations today. Oblivion was only using the front of the station and had alternate cars going round empty. The smiler only has 3 trains at the moment as 2 are still in strip down. Apart from that everything was on low capacity with the exception of Rita. Not really complaining as more wasn't need as everything was walk on.
  6. There is an area beneath the structure that is something like 3m deep. However this space is for maintenance purposes only. So I would imagine that it will also be the electronic centre. Got to house the lsm systems somewhere.
  7. Swarm suffers from it being in part of the park far away from everything else. As a result people go there in the morning and simply dont return as they expect it to be a 45+minute queue. In reality by that time on a weekend the 2nd train has been added and the actual queue time is walk on. what should then happen is the advertised queue time should be dropped to 10 minutes but that suddenly means everyone comes over and its no longer 10 minutes. As a result from 2pm onwards the swarm island is often empty. Stealth fluctuates a lot, often having a high queues before lunch as its near all of the food places. it sometimes (really depends on the rest of the day) has a peak around 3:30 to 5:00 ish as people do it as their last ride before leaving. After 5pm the whole park is dead and most things have short queues.
  8. That is possibly the most illogical statement I've ever read. How can you possibly get more rides done by turning up later.
  9. There is excess demand for them as there is a waiting list. So a load of people willing to pay £500 and people honestly believe that merlin are not just going to creep up the numbers of them. They slowly made all the other passes worse while slowly upping the price, same will happen with VIP.
  10. This is the best dark ride... ... In the world!
  11. Coasters are easy to retheme on the fly, a dark ride is not quite the same. The theme will be pretty much set as its based on a story. It wont be easy to change that unlike the swarm or The Smiler. As a result they can make the marketing far more precise and accurate and generally put across a much better marketing campaign. Then again it is merlin so you never know...
  12. Well tragic is certainly one word for that monstrosity. The same tacky queue as the dodgems, horrific wooden fence and a plastic sign stuck on it. Do Thorpe understand that a themed experience should be from the start of the queue not the ride. I will admit that my view is rather extremely negative on it but look at it. That is going to be sitting opposite the new dark ride for crying out loud. At least they have done the inside.
  13. It does look like a blury image of a dalek eye stalk. I get the impression of science fiction however if it's DW or not it's impossible to tell. The text is too vague to get any clues from. Que a season of teasers.
  14. Teasers are up. Dalek eye stalk anyone?
  15. Alton offers so many jobs to the local area... They really need to start considering how much money Alton brings to the area.
  16. Towers is a joke at the moment. Later opening times allows people to justify a longer journey. So more customers, so more money. Especially if they are in the middle of no where. Chessington has taken a step in the right direction alton however has taken 2 steps back.
  17. I'll just stand in this dark corner of the forum and wait for paramount park.
  18. Ha they also removed the RMT head choppers. Sort of happy I have only chosen to go for 2 days not 3. What is up with Merlin this year. I hated them last year but this is just a whole new level.
  19. Alton was already hard to get everything done as it is too large. Glad to see they have made it even harder. Truly terrible decision by the park to have staggered openings. The loss of single rider also makes it harder. Budget cuts which also happen to drive up fastrack sales.
  20. Spinball has to go at some point. Its planning permission is only a temporary thing. I'm not sure if they can extend it or make it permanent however at this current moment in time it will have to leave.
  21. So a week extra would have seen the shambles at the start of the season be non-existent.
  22. I am fully aware of what engineering have to go through. I was merely stating that regardless of the reason management would have taken action. They are not just going to sit there with major rides closed and not ask questions. Someone taking responsibility doesn't mean they are going to get punished. It just identifies a fault and allows management to take actions to prevent it happening again. In some cases prevention will be impossible but they will still want to know what has happened and who's fault is it.
  23. Well end of the day something has gone wrong and someone needs to be held responsible. Not sure sacking someone is the way forward though but accountability in a buisness is key. Merlin is a multimullion pound company so I'm quite sure someone has been held responsible.
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