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Posts posted by Altitude

  1. I can change it if you want but I'm guessing you were being sarcastic or something!

    The news report were the people who ruined it, so I agree Hansa did a fantastic job. I just don't know why they would allow them to use the lift hill footage if it ruined it?

  2. I'm with Turtle on this

    It's been open a day and its (potentially) most interesting feature has been revealed due to laziness of not spoilering


    Oh I agree the park should have tried to keep it secret, but nobody on this forum has spoiled it for Turtle as this is the Hansa Park thread.

  3. Couldn't agree more. The media really need to know what harm they're bringing to Merlin and also when enough is enough. This just can't continue. This has got to be the most disgusting bout of activity by the media since the phone hacking scandal.


    I agree the stories they're "writing" are a load of bull, but the media couldn't care less if they are damaging Merlin (or any company really). As long as the slow people of Britain continue to view online articles or buy newspapers, they will generate profit and they don't care how true or false their data is!

  4. 1. No because the papers won't care if it's Germany


    2. Thanks for spoiling that.


    If you didn't want spoilers, reading the construction thread probably wasn't a good move! :P


    Reverse drop looks fun! I assume the lights in the lift hill tower will usually be off, because those stairs look gross!

  5. This is the kind of ignorance that makes disabled people feel like a burden on society, nobody said anything about the pens being emptied.



    I'm just old enough to know there's more to life than being a narrow minded selfish git (although Altitude may disagree lol).


    There you go. It's settled.

  6. Ah ok, well I did misunderstand your point then. I apologise Ryan. 


    I'm going to take Benin's advise and just not reply anymore to this thread, if others think I called you ignorant, arrogant or a narrow minded git then yes I'd apologise, but more than one person understood what I was saying so I'll just call it day now.

    If you do decide to post your ideas about how to improve the system then I may pop back in, but it's probably best I don't bother replying anymore.


    Thanks for no longer replying, makes me life easier. 


    If you don't think you called me ignorant, arrogant or a narrow minded git, take the time to read your own posts and get back to me with that apology.

  7. Benin, how is the second post you've quoted bad? The first one I should have worded better, yes, but I'm not ignorant to ADHD. Autism is a different matter, however considering ADHD is an "illness" that is loosing credibility in recent years, I don't think it's on the same level as Autism or Anxiety. I know wheelchair users don't skip the queues exactly, but what I'm saying is that the same system, in my opinion, doesn't work for everyone.


    And Ian, you called me a git and now you're denying it. How mature of you.

  8. So you're saying you haven't written any insults? Oh please, you called me a git and now you're trying to retract it?


    Also Benin, what I'm saying is this...


    He originally wrote about how they close off one pen per ride. When I then quoted him on that, he said they only close one per ride, which I never disagreed with. He twisted what I was saying to make it look like I was wrong? I said "they close pens for rides" not "they close the entire queue for rides". 


    Christ this is ridiculous all I said was I disagree and now some people are calling me a git, trying to look like an amazing person and all that. Don't tell me to read your posts again to get the message because if my eyes see any more bullish*t I think I might go blind.

  9. So they only empty one pen on one ride? No, the plural of pen is pens and you're trying to twist my words however you can to get your way. You're saying you didn't call me ignorant? You literally typed it and I quoted it so that's quite funny isn't it! You also call me a narrow selfish git. Again, funny considering you don't know me. You're sharing these beautiful stories about how you help the world and it's troubles by giving up seats for people...


    Yeah, I get it. I do it too, as do most people, and they don't see themselves as the second coming of Jesus. I disagree with what people are saying, I've suggested alternative methods however they have all been ignored because people disagree with my previous statement. 

  10. I agree that grumpy staff are no good! Although if the pay was decent I'm sure they'd be a lot fewer grumpy staff members! 


    And remember most of them don't know if they'll be asked back next season so that must be stressful.

  11. Yes debate can be good, if it's done well. What Ian said to me wasn't right and wasn't from a good place so I'm throwing it right back at him, even if it makes me look a fool.


    And by the way I meant people without what appears to be a significant enough mental illness sometimes get a pass, as was mentioned earlier by someone else, but I get where you're coming from with your point.


    And before someone says "all mental illness is significant", I agree but there's a flaw when it comes to how should get any queueing "privileges" if you can call it that.

  12. The RAP works like Reserve and Ride, you walk up to the ride exit, show them your wristband and access card, they then shout across to the operator on the other side who closes off one of the cattle pens (you don't get a choice), you then wait, if someone was already in the 'pen', they go first, then you go on the next rain, depending how busy the station is, you can wait up to 10 minutes, when you get on, they mark your card with the queue time displayed on the boards outside (there is a repeater in some control boxes), you then cannot use the ride access pass again until that time is up.


    Oh and here's your earlier post, just for reference.


    [Double post, god I'm a hypocrite]

  13. This is the kind of ignorance that makes disabled people feel like a burden on society, nobody said anything about the pens being emptied.

    I won't go into detail but I gave up my seat on Nemesis last Friday for a disabled kid and his mum and it didn't make me feel the slightest bit discriminated against, but it made that kids day for the sake of me waiting another 30 seconds. If you got your way that kid would never get the opportunity to experience a rollercoaster and nobody should be prevented from enjoying something because thy have an invisible disability.


    Okay that's it. You have the nerve to call me ignorant when you don't even know me? I don't need to hear your heartwarming story about how you give up everything for the disabled. I treat everyone equally just like everyone should. 


    If you understood my post you'd think differently. I admit "annoying" for staff was a bad word to use, I should have said "time saving" if it makes you feel any better. I personally think there are better, more efficient ways of doing certain things. I know my view hasn't been welcomed on this thread but to be honest I don't care in the slightest right now. Me having an opinion that different from yours does not make me ignorant. I am not ignorant to how disabled people feel, however I am personally not disabled so I, fortunately, don't know exactly what it's like.


    And before you say anything, I have to live with mental illness every day so don't even think about posting how I'm ignorant or arrogant. You then go on to say in your post that "nobody said anything about pens being emptied". However, it was you that actually mentioned it two pages back (page 5 of this thread incase you cannot count), so don't use that argument. 


    In my opinion, like I've said before, mental and physical disabilities are different in so many ways, and although they both prohibit that person from being able to queue, I personally think it could be dealt with better as the system is obviously being abused. 

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