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Posts posted by Altitude

  1. While this is True, it is now called Drenched so they have changed its name to get rid of the original name's negative connotation, it wouldn't surprise me if they do the same with The Smiler but something more substantial that includes new themeing also. 


    Whilst what you said here is true, they didn't change the name for quite a few years as I rode it years after the accident but it was still called Hydro! :)


    ^ And Ian, you're telling her not to "dwell on it", but you try losing half a leg. I don't think you'll want to brush it off just like you're saying.

  2. I reckon the ride will be SBNO for a while but many others think the ride will be scrapped! I feel awful for the victims, especially the girl who had to have her leg amputated, but I hope they don't remove it! 


    Maybe a more appropriate theme would be good, but the coaster was so unique! 

  3. ^ I relate to the weeping angels thing haha.


    My only real phobias are the dark, supernatural stuff (that can't be explained by science`) and spiders. Spiders being the worst one for me! If there's a spider in a space where I can't escape easily without going near it, I panic and usually feel sick if it's a bad experience! As for the dark and ghostly things, those are just creepy tbh! :P

  4. If one item of food in a delivery to a supermarket turned out to be dangerous, they ask all customers to bring it back because that's basic common sense. If they didn't shut Saw, they'd look worse because it looks like they don't care.

  5. Yeah I do understand that, but just because you can get married at 18, doesn't mean I think everyone should! I would personally feel more safe in the hands of people slightly more experienced but that's just me and my opinion! (Sorry if this offends anyone here as I know half the kids either do it or dream of doing it)


    Also, what's wrong with Bakken haha :P

  6. This accident has effected me more than I thought it had at first. To think that I'm 19 and people younger than me can operate a machine like that does scare me a little. Even now, I would never want that sort of pressure and responsibility! Makes me not want to sit on the back or front row of anything not made by B&M when I go to Germany next month!


    (I know that's such a "stupid general public" thing to say but if it can happen in a UK park like Alton, it makes me thing it can happen anywhere if one little thing cocks up....)

  7. On BBC tonight they said the front-row riders have sustained "life changing injuries". Not sure if that means losing limbs or paralysis but either way it's awful. This sounds bad but when you hear about accidents like on the New Texas Giant, they feel so far away that I never really thought them through, but when it happens in your country and on a coaster you've ridden yourself, it all hits home!



    I agree about how horrible it must have felt knowing what was coming, I'm just so glad nobody has died (from what I've heard). As for the coaster, it's a shame because I like it, but it was so untrustworthy and did seem a tad unsafe after all the little accidents it's had. I feel bad for the ride team too. I know we don't know what happened but it must be horrific working on the coaster knowing that you (as a group) are responsible for all the guests riding on that shift.


    Can't imagine they'd scrap the coaster completely, perhaps a rebuild? 

  8. Oooh is that a dive coaster?  :wub:  Looks great as usual, lots of effort!


    As I said ages ago you've inspired me to get RCT3 working on my Mac (had to buy it again on the app store thing) but I've been working on a little park inspired by Phantasialand! The screenshots look awful so to save time I just took a photo on my phone! I might start it over as it's not perfect but the concept is there!



  9. Some of my mates seemed to love IAC when we went through it, so I think opinions are very mixed. Although may I add the people in my group that enjoyed it were the ones with little theme park or Fright Night experience, so they had no frame of reference really! :)

  10. Mako looks cute but it's nothing new tbh! Nice to see another B&M Hyper though! I assume there might be a Manta-esque splash on that last corner too but who knows!


    Also the line at the end of the video...


    "Inspired by one of the fastest sharks on the planet" doesn't sound incredibly dramatic haha :P

  11. Oh I agree I'd love one in the UK because it's something different and they look really fun! I just don't like how the designers try too hard to make every turn and inversion look weird, like those weird inverted stall things...


    Why didn't they just make it a full zero-g or just an overbank? Like I said a few posts back, Outlaw Run (for me) is the only RMC that doesn't look odd to me because it gets to the point without a badly-shaped turn or pump between every element. 

  12. Yeah I do agree on the length, a Baco-style show before the lift would have worked so well!


    Might sound weird but I can't wait to hear what sound effects they're going to use on the lift hill but also at the top. I see there's a bell there which I guess will ring as it glides slowly along the top? Hopefully there'll be a cool sound for when the chain releases on the drop though!

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