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Posts posted by Altitude

  1. When I rode the Smiler in May 2014 one of the projections in the queue line wasn't working which ruined the entire room tbh. On Monday when I visited Thorpe, Saw's strobe light on the inside drop wasn't working, none of Swarm's effects worked except for the fire (which went off every 10 minutes or so) and there was no mist on Inferno! 


    Which is why if the reviews for WC16 are good, I'll quickly visit just the once before the entire ride is a giant blue screen with an error message on! :P

  2. ^^ I can add to this and say during my visit to Heide Park last month...


    Krake broke down on us on two consecutive days

    Scream was shut completely for "maintenance" however nobody was ever working on it

    Colossos broke down three times 

    Grottenblitz was broken for most of the two days, only got to ride it once at the end of the second day

    Limit broke down after we got out the station

    Aqua Spin and many of the flats were down for most of the first day


    It's not acceptable really. I know all rides break down and all, but it's not fair that ticket prices (and parking tickets) continue to rise without any new investment or an improvement in reliability. 


    I hate to mention Phantasialand again, but during our two day visit, Colorado Adventure broke down once and I think that was literally it. I know they have less rides but it does make you think.

  3. Other non Merlin-owned parks I've visited in both the Autumn and Spring/Summer have all (or almost all) of their attractions open throughout the day. I know I can't speak for every park ever, but Merlin and other companies are particularly bad with reliability when compared to others.


    And if I went to a good park, for instance Phantasialand, I wouldn't be as disappointed if a major attraction was shut because the entire park experience is, for me, a lot more enjoyable and well kept.


    I know not all parks can have perfect reliability but if the money is there, I don't see why they can't be equal with other parks that set a high standard. That goes for cleanliness and upkeep as well.

  4. Oh are there pre-shows now? Didn't realise that. 


    Ignore my previous post then. I can't see a re-theme being too great unless there's a new paint job, or are they doing that too?

  5. I personally despise Avatar but I think this new area will look spectacular, and I bet guests will love it as soon as they lay eyes on it. It can't be over 200 feet because of the whole red light thing, but I think that's more than high enough to make the flying islands look fab.


    New Fantasyland looks great, and as Dan9 said above Cars Land seemed a bit of an odd choice too but it turned out very popular! 

  6. I agree revalidating tickets is their only short term fix really. However someone above said Thorpe Park and poor reliability have gone hand in hand for years, which is why I don't have any sympathy as they should have sorted the problem a long time ago if they're not happy about it.


    Other european parks manage fine...

  7. Yeah the new site is awful! Which is really a shame because I liked the old website, I could see info on tickets and transport in a few clicks and it even offered to translate the website as soon as you enter it! :(


    Now as far as I can tell, workers have begun re-themeing the lift tower of River Quest which faces Klugheim. I'm glad this is happening as it's kinda old now and it's colour and texture just doesn't flow with the new theming. 




    It's covered by fences but you can just make out what I think is new theming on the tower! Hopefully this doesn't mean River Quest is closed because I have a feeling it might be down for my visit :(

  8. Couple of things did get the boot... The jetty for one thing if I recall correctly... Granted they added the billboard (which is... ok, I guess? I dunno, it is very tacked on)...


    Also, Smiler got a lot of ideas cut from the budget as well... Including two theming elements...


    There is a small wooden jetty near the helicopter, not sure if that's what you mean. But you're right about the billboard, it looks a bit odd next to a church. 


    About the Smiler, what were the theming elements? I remember the station building was supposed to look a lot better, however they scrapped it for concrete and yellow pipes! :(



  9. I really like the layout actually! It looks like it'll really flow, especially the second half with the airtime hill. I look forward to seeing a real POV when it opens to see how it's paced.


    I'm guessing it's an 8 or 10 seater and not a 6 seater?

  10. Just thought I'd share a little update of Pandora: The World of Avatar, which is being constructed at Animal Kingdom as we speak!
    Photos from themeparkx.com






    It's odd seeing such a top heavy structure, but it should look like it's floating when finished! This also gives us an idea of how huge this new build is.

  11. And cringiest comment about a crash victim goes to..



    She's a pretty young woman before and after the crash. Did you want me to call her ugly, then?


    It is interesting that she noticed people taking photos of her after it happened. I know it's exciting for people watching but it is so cruel. I get they couldn't do anything other than alert members of staff/police but it's quite shocking what social media does!

  12. Agreed. I visited the park yesterday...


    Storm Surge got stuck multiple times throughout the day

    Samurai shut

    Vortex shut

    Loggers Leap shut

    Saw shut in the morning

    Rush broke down twice if I remember correctly

    Quantum shut the moment we stepped off the ride


    I know I hate it when people complain about Merlin but it is ridiculous! The whole park has no atmosphere or character whatsoever. You arrive at the entrance to be greeted with R&B music? No thanks. Everything looks dirty and unloved, it's full of chavs (which isn't all their fault) and as said above by multiple people here, the reliability of the rides is appalling. 


    We even had to queue about 30 minutes for Detonator because people had nothing much else available to ride, and it was being run very badly. We had a bloke on the microphone in the booth constantly interrupting the soundtrack to make annoying comments to his colleague and people in the queue. I get that a bit of banter is funny, but it looked so unprofessional and it was more awkward than anything if I'm honest.


    I won't be visiting again in the near future unless reviews of WC16 are good. Not only because I'd rather not hand over my money to them, but I didn't actually enjoy the day very much because of it.

  13. So after what looks like a photo of the ride's layout, a German fan creating a detailed model of the coaster has shown us what the layout should look like. Looks fun!






    Meanwhile, construction continues on the theming against the walls behind China Town, and little details in the basalt cliffs.






    The only thing I'm worried about is Klugheim looking like a sea of black and grey. I know that could look good, but I hope there are more browns and maybe some greenery to balance it out a little.

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