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Posts posted by Altitude

  1. After riding Talocan this week, I'll say the newer Suspended Top Spins are great rides (although you do get a slight ball crushing), but without music/show elements, they'd be awkward to ride due to the squeaks and lack of screaming.


    I did the crappy one at Heidi Park a few days before and it was DIRE. Like really.

  2. This POV shows the wheels before the lift hill turning!



    Does anyone know what the song translates to in English? I know the line at the end says something like "Pride comes before the fall" but I'd love to know what the actual song means!


    Also Josh (or others who have ridden it) is there a fire effect behind the train on the preshow? I don't trust Wikipedia so I'll believe it when I hear it from here!



  3. Yeah both days I went the queue for a Mystery Castle never went over 10 minutes, however yesterday they did the short cycle all day. On our second go on it yesterday, there was literally no queue yet the cycle was still cut in half. Annoying as like I said, I think the full ride is fab as it actually gives you something to compare the finale to.

  4. Ok so did Heide Park last week, on my phone so I'll keep it short.

    Entrance area is really nice, as are the Pirate and Transylvania areas. The rest of the park looks like a slightly nicer Thorpe Park, full of Merlin touches.

    Desert Race is really fun, miles better than Rita in terms of smoothness and actual airtime. Also the guy on the unload station was cute. Flug was decent but SO bumpy and all pace was lost after the Immelmann loop. Good music though. Limit and Big Loop were dire but I wasn't expecting much.

    Krake was really fun. Drop is great and the layout flows well. The music is also good! Colossos had an AMAZING first drop and the airtime is great but the areas with positive Gs are quite rough which hurt your back if your weren't prepared. Water rides were meh, flat rides were also meh and the Top Spin was just so uncomfortable it was funny.

    Overall the park is decent but nothing to write home about in my opinion! Worth visiting once though for Krake and Colossos :)

  5. Rode Black Mamba again today as it was walk on... Still meh. It has a rattle the entire way round, and because it spends all of the time close to the ground, the effect is lost.

    Winjas is fun but not polished. Has some areas of great theming, however some parts felt a bit dead. The pacing on both is good however and I like the layouts.

    River Quest was fun but very rough. Only rode it once yesterday and that was it for us!

    Mystery Castle was fab yesterday but today they only ran it on the short cycle which meant it was so disappointing it actually had me slightly angry. All the build up was lost and it lasted about 25 seconds. I can see above some of you didn't like Mystery Castle. I can see why but drop towers to me are just too intense to be enjoyable sometimes and are more of a trophy ride than a good experience. Mystery Castle, for me, was thrilling enough to make me scream like a little girl but fun and enjoyable enough to make me want to run back and do it again right away.

    As a whole though, the park is bloody fantastic. In a different league to UK parks and Heide Park we visited a few days ago.

  6. Just had my first day at the park, going again tomorrow. I have a few little things to say! :)

    Overall park atmosphere, fantastic. Very Disney, very immersive and family orientated. It has the magic most theme parks don't just by being there and walking around.

    Black Mamba was meh. Theming and station were fab but the ride experience to me just felt like a forceless Nemesis Inferno. I'll do it again tomorrow and see but I'm not sure.

    Chiapas was fab. Smells fantastic (like the swimming pools at Center Parcs) and very fun theme and ride experience.

    Colorado Adventure was great, and Maus au Chocolat was too. River Quest was good but theming was basically concrete and the drops were rough.

    Mystery Castle though... Oh my god. The queue line builds up this weird atmosphere/tension that I've never experienced before. Then you go down the staircase which seemed to fit perfectly with all the pipes and machinery above and around you. The ride itself was incredible. The music worked with the ride so well, and the second half of the ride is stripped to just the basic forces and darkness. The drops are strong enough to be thrilling but not painful like most drop towers. Definitely worth the visit.

  7. Tabloid "news"papers have always been a joke tbh, nothing worthy of reading ever. The problem is people feel the need to buy them in between their lunch at Greggs and their Jobcentre visit, so we'll never see the end of them unfortunately.


    What I think is weird though is that usually I know the press are lying/exaggerating about every story, but because the theme park industry is relevant to me, suddenly you see the media in it's worse light while others don't. For me, that's the most frustrating part!

  8. Maybe we should make them aware of the amount and severity of accidents that have happened in Six Flags parks over the past few decades. It'd be a cheap move passing the buck but would certainly make Merlin look a little better. 



    Nah they'll just use that as more justification.


    I actually agree with Ian on this. If they mentioned accidents at Six Flags, the papers (well, the Mail, Sun and Mirror) would say "THEME PARKS ARE DANGEROUS, BOYCOTT ALTON TOWERS AND THE REST OF THEM".


    I know the law gives papers the right to print what they want, but some of it is just lies. I know it's more complicated than this but I wish there was a law which made journalists back up all information and facts with evidence and real statistics. The point of the press is to bring the news to the people, but now it's all about money (as everything is).

  9. Yeah exactly the same. Although I guess with Thirteen, the surprise is all the coaster really has going for it, so the news report on ITV did ruin it. Whereas I suppose Kärnan is a monster of a coaster without the freefall so marketing it without ruining everything would be easier than Thirteen.

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