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Everything posted by pognoi

  1. It's normally signposted with a guy with a scanner standing outside.
  3. I went to towers on the 30th and we were stalled on the air lift hill as you come out of the tunnel. We were there for less then 2 minutes. Same thing with nemesis, the train was stopped because someone had a camera out. At air, a woman came along taking pictures with her phone then laughed and said she'd send it to the sun. It made me consider alot of these reports may literally be guests taking the piss and sending the picture to [insert crappy 'news'paper here]. It goes without saying all the problems throughout the day were dealt with extremely swiftly. I consider myself very lucky as the last couple times I've been to towers I've had 3 breakdowns, and one of them included a nice little back stage tour. Before this I'd only ever been on one ride breakdown, so it's been almost a treat to be involved with so many, and as people say they are making up stories out of air. No one cares is the ride stalls for a short period of time, some people might make some distasteful laughs and the group of teenage girls may start giggling but thats it.
  4. screen shots may not appear because rct3 is unable to actually take a photo in game due to how big and heavy the area is its looking at and it causes the photo taker to stop working properly. If this happens I use gyazo and simply make thegame desktop.
  5. pognoi


    dem snares doe
  6. pognoi


    bum, bum bum, bum bum buuuuuuum dum dum dum, dum, dum dum dum duuuuuum
  7. I find it hard to believe there is a british youth who doesn't understand the concept of one having a cheeky nandos with the lads.
  8. But Winjas. WHAT ABOUT WINJAS
  9. hitting up the cheeky nandos with a cheeky dose of X extra extra hot cheeky sauce
  10. 1. sort out my bedroom so it's nice. 2. go to Orlando and do stuff 3. have a bbq where people eat bacon by the bucket 4. get something deep and meaningful tattooed on my wrist 5. get on to a good uni course 6. not fail my a levels.
  11. Some people here need to stop whining and appreciate the genius of facades. It should make you go wow I never expected that, rather then oh that's a bummer. I've always thought they were clever. and if you are going to use my name I'd really appreciate it if you spelt it correctly. its 2 o's and 2 k's.
  12. I'm surprised you guys didn't know, I thought everest was like the most popular well executed facade.
  13. But the smiler wasn't required to replant trees, so you sort of missed the entire point. And it not being a justification..? Seriously? theres no point adding attention to detail on parts of buildings people wont see (much of). And please please please don't use an excuse because other big parks do it, because most of them (including disney) dont.
  14. Agh, not fun to see a member of staff personally attack a member like that. The system is very difficult to abuse, surprisingly. As has been said numerous times now, I know for some merlin parks that the pass works that you can't go and queue for another ride until your time slot has passed. Everyone is queuing (aparts from FPs), just some are doing so on paper, rather then in pens. I should also point out that mental illnesses range so widely, to say you live with one doesn't necessarily justify being opinionated on all of them. You yourself said they are all so different (and please don't go out on a limb and accuse me of being arrogant too, because I can go out on a double jointed, extended limb if you play that card). At the end of the day, some of the priority pass holders actually may even end up waiting longer then the main queues. They have to come back on this allocated time, and they're not allowed to arrive beforehand. They also end up waiting (albeit a short amount of time) on top of this, before they are allocated seats, and even then their time slot may not be written until after they have ridden (although I believe this is rarely the case, and they tend to be written beforehand, and do include the approximate ride time). I appreciate Ian's earlier comment may be a slice of positive discrimination, however I'm sure that it was all in the faith of a good heart. If the child wasn't disabled however, would you have done the same Ian? I mean, they would have only had to wait an extra 30 seconds. Good, debate is good.
  15. You forget the amount of behind the scenes happenings on rides. For all we know, the restraints could've had a big fault in them, and had to be recalled (however what the real reason is, is very unclear). Towers normally deal with things like this brilliantly, so I wouldn't jump to conclusions, but rather trust that they're doing it for the greater good.
  16. Rita was launching well for the whole last half hour or so yesterday. There was lots of activity in the area which was good, but a shame they couldn't get it open to the public.
  17. Anyone know the EDM track now used for the end of the preshow of the haunting?
  18. pognoi


    Well on the meet some of us just got a cheeky evac from the drop chamber. The evac was conducted brilliantly and quickly in a reassuring manner, and we even got a nerdy look at how the drop is done. I got a really good view of how the mechanism works and might draw some simple sketches to explain how I saw it works.
  19. This looks so good. Especially seeing as you get a free glass of milk.
  20. *sigh* Black mamba is best ride.
  21. They do still happen, but very very rarely, I believe.
  22. It's very different. Mamba very much takes you up on the role of being a snake, turning tightly through amazingly excavated pits and holes, and it really throws you about like a snake moves. The theming on top is very much of an area inhabited by humans where similar snakes dwell, so it can very much be related in a tight manner to the name. Baron takes you on a thrilling experience. The ride experience itself may not be so relatable to the theming however the theming itself has been so carefully mastered it can be an attraction on its own. The theming for black mamba is just there to compliment the ride, or vice versa. The theming for baron, however, completely creates the atmosphere and story.
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