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About Duncanc

  • Birthday 08/14/1994

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  • Favourite ride
    The Incredible Hulk
  • Favourite Theme Park
    Alton Towers

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  1. You are all welcome for my entertaining post on this slowly dying site
  2. The same can be said with myself, Thorpe park is fairly close being about an hour 15 minutes away, whereas anywhere else is much further a field; fright nights was a lot better the year just gone, but still not amazing IMO, the walking dead is a great retheme, I feel it gets a lot of unnecessary hate
  3. Meh, I am guessing poor Steven Vig hasn't had his breast milk in a while as he appears to be going after everyone on this thread - onto bigger and better news, blackpool is booked so I am looking forward to that
  4. Absolutely, going there in a couple weeks time along with the likes of the dungeons too
  5. Anyone else getting withdrawal symptoms or is it just me? It isn't even so much the roller coasters and rides I miss as a whole; but the theme tune as you arrive and walk down the bridge, the iconic themed music to each ride, the scenery around the park, I don't know what it is but I visited a fair amount of times last season, 3 or 4 times over Halloween and loved it each and every time. I need an adrenaline fix asap. #2020.
  6. Is the chat dead now, or is it exclusive only for certain members?
  7. Went on this for the first time today, I think 'meh' describes it perfectly, had to hold the headset the whole time, I did enjoy the live actors that were scattered around the ride so props to Thorpe for that; and the 'demon' at the end was brilliant, it caught a lot of people out who thought that was actually the gift shop and the actor on stage was brilliant, perhaps they've improved this, or only put an effort to do so over the weekend? It went pitch black, followed by flashing strobe lights every couple seconds where he would walk around the stage trying to touch people with a loud scream over a speaker coming from his direction, if it wasn't for that it would have been a bit naff considering how incredibly slow the queue is for this ride.
  8. Cheers guys - it really is a shame to see the fact it barely exists anymore, I thought it was brilliant when I was a teen!
  9. Shame I didn't see this sooner! Unlike the unhelpful comment from the other poster I would have been happy to accommodate, pop me over a message when you're next thinking of going and I will help out
  10. Do single rider queue lines even exist anymore at Thorpe Park? I remember seeing it a few rides when visiting a few years back but I haven't seen them since, could just be that I haven't looked out for them - does anybody know which rides still have them to this day? Cheers in advance!
  11. Duncanc


    Solid guess but no!
  12. Duncanc


    You legend! I cannot believe you've got it in one!
  13. Duncanc

    Wicker Man

    Wickerman is sick, managed to get on it for the first time last weekend and it was pretty damn intense, we managed to get on the second from last train of the day and front row too - my ribs genuinely hurt after - loved it.
  14. Duncanc


    This song for whatever reason has been stuck in my head for a while now, the only problem is I only know a certain part of it, which a few people seem to recognise but cannot remember who sings it or what the song is called. It goes like 'Do do do do, do do do, do do do do do do do do do, do do do, do do do do do do do do do, do do do, do do do do do do do do do, do do do do, do do do do do, do do do, do do do, do do do do do I know it'll be hard to try and guess it from that, so if need be I can record an audio clip as it'll sound familiar to some. I used to hear it from what I can remember in both the queue line and when on the ride itself (back when it was just club based music playing during the ride while going forwards) Any help here is going to be greatly appreciated!
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