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Everything posted by MachoMachine

  1. I find your banjolele playing wonderful, toof. I used to play guitar for ages, I wasn't good but I could do all the chords and stuff. I stopped after a while because my fingers couldn't reach certain things and my little finger decided to bend inwards.
  2. Myself and my parents attempted to go to this today (without online tickets). Absolutely packed, they had this massive cattlepen queue covering the greenery in front of the building and that was so busy they had to extend it. We obviously didn't get in, as the people who didn't manage to get tickets for the 11am showing decided they'd queue ready for the 3pm one in the boiling heat. Did manage to have a peek over the wall though, they play creepy music and have a child doing announcements every now and then. The Ferris wheel they have goes backwards and forwards very fast and the people in pink coats with the ears are as equally depressing as the whole place is. There's also this black bird thing that looks like it's from Don't Hug Me I'm Scared walking around the top of the perimeter staring at children. I think next time tickets get released I'll have to get them ASAP...
  3. I always forget about the Victorian perfume bottle, haven't seen that for a while!
  4. I can definitely do this! I only have 2 days at college and they're Tuesday and Wednesday so prepare to be spooped >
  5. They're just the general white towels you get at hotels! the toiletries aren't anything special either
  6. Lost a true horror legend today. Mr Wes Craven. I am absolutely devastated, he created some of the most influential films and gave thousands nightmares. There was talk of him doing one more film with the original Freddy but due to his loss I now hope they drop this idea and let the original nightmare on elm street franchise live on in its true 80's form. I'll never forget the first time I saw the opening to Scream...
  7. I was into Theme Parks when I was younger (Drayton, Legoland, Disney) but not so much the rides as I was too small to go on (there's many a picture of me crying by a height measure thing). I think it would have to be Thorpe park just because it had the biggest impact on me and I remember every time I've been, and I remember my first time on each coaster and how much I loved them!
  8. The most recent teaser video was definitely on the verge of creepy, I'm liking this.
  9. Happy birthday to my lovely boyfriend ryan! He's finally 12
  10. Crealy is my childhood home. I remember maximums being my first ride ever and I fell into the little river in the forest once. Might have to make a trip to there soon, for this and the indoor play area!
  11. Lee Hardcastle is amazing!! I hope they get him involved to help promote FN again, his 'how to break into a theme park' video is one of the best I've seen. Not to mention his T is for Toilet in The ABC's of Death. Bring Thingu to us.
  12. How can you?! I got 5600, I am a weakling. What a good idea though!
  13. Just found this picture on Twitter - There's also a glitched looking Ariel just before the castle!
  14. I'm going to do it slightly intoxicated so I'll probably end up scaring the actors more than they'll scare me Hopefully
  15. "I hope everyone from Weston will once more stand in a puddle of murky water eating cold chips to the sound of crying children." Planning to go to this at the beginning of September considering I don't live too far away, that is if I can get tickets
  16. That would be my worst nightmare come true. I love it.
  17. it's based on the films in chronological order? They chose the most iconic traps in my opinion, I think the whole 'plot' of it can change depending on how the actors interact with you. I doubt they could (would) change much in there!
  18. Studio 13 was one big blur for me, all I can remember is the flashing lights and the actors getting touchy, also at the end with the chainsaw. I have a photographic memory so I remember Cabin and the others really well but I think the lights confused me... Also what was up with the actors having totally white faces and nothing else? Looks like they stuck their face into a cheesecake
  19. I've been using this username for a good 7 years old my life. Never4get your emo kid past. I'd just have Amy if I could, at least people would know how to spell it and not ask me if Amarghh if my real name...
  20. ^ exactly the same! I really don't like Miranda, I didn't know people found a tall woman falling over funny
  21. Voted for a Sunday hoping that when I get my new college timetable I'll have the Monday off! I hope so anyway, excited about this
  22. Or maybe others have suggested it so I pointed out the obvious? you stick to your Derren Brown, brown like the leaflet
  23. The brown sepia effect for the leaflets could be related to something, then again on the website it's in colour so maybe not...
  24. I've definitely seen a lack of advertisement for acts such as Wilkinson and DJ Fresh. Whenever Thorpe post pictures at the gig it does look significantly emptier than the other acts. There's definitely a market for those types of acts (considering that MoS does do quite well). Maybe it's the weather that puts people off? I've seen the odd TV spot and the (horrendous) emoji filled tweets but I do feel as if they could've done a liiiiitle bit more. It definitely has potential!
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