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Everything posted by Ian-S

  1. Or he's bull****ting and using 'Thorpe said' to cover his arse. Teacher at my son's school told the pupils the ride was already open, when my son said 'but only for technical rehearsals and it's not every day', he was given the 'Thorpe staff said' line to and got told to shut up. To which he replied "well the ride is crap anyway, I'd rather queue for Swarm than the breakdown train'.
  2. Oh gawd completely forgot about Sub Terrible.
  3. The difference being the Brit who goes to live in Malaga does so able to support themselves without having to rely on the Spanish for handouts. The EU's own laws state that Syrian refugee you refer to, only has the right to claim asylum and settle in the first Schengen Country they come to, not the last one they get to which isn't even a member, perhaps if the EU had enforced their own rules properly instead of turning a blind eye, then maybe, just maybe the result of the referendum might have been different. Stop trying to save the world, we can barely look after our own people as it is.
  4. Ripsaw's theming? I didnt think Ripsaw had any. Besides the only thing on Ripsaw's old site is one of those spinning things you jump over and pay £3 for the privilege (like the one near Colossus at Thorpe).
  5. Our policy should be to return refugees to where they came from, so as soon as they turn up at Dover in the back of a lorry, dump them on the next ferry back to France and tell the French to deal with them, since that's where they came from. I'm pretty sure that's what America does with anybody they don't want to let through security, and nobody seems to have problem with them doing it.
  6. It'll be Charlie, Hex is located in a listed building correct? They're not going to be demolishing that Castle anytime soon.
  7. I agree 100% but just a couple of funny ironic points... The e-petition wanting a second referendum was started by a brexit supporter (because he was so convinced the result was going to be remain). http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/brexit-petition-second-eu-referendum-latest-news-vote-leave-a7104076.html At final count 60k signatures came from the Vatican City, a country with only 451 residents. http://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/683520/Second-EU-referendum-petition-FRAUD-sign-OUTSIDE-UK-brexit-signatures LOL
  8. Looks like Chessington brown, perhaps Zufari is getting an upgrade
  9. Probably the head sets had packed up, on Friday they were doing the same and only loading 2 or 3 people on some rows because of dead headsets.
  10. Ian-S


    So I guess that's the second time we've left Europe this week then? Talk about not doing things by half.
  11. As you say it's easy to make assumptions, people tend to do that a lot nowadays. About 20 years ago a friend of mine had his arm 99% severed (it was literally just attached by the main artery), at the time everbody assumed he'd lost the arm, but fortunately it was reattached, the point being when you see someone with their arm hanging off, it's not such a huge leap to sssume the arm is gone. If I were the family I wouldn't be celebrating just yet that his arm has been "saved", ride injury history is a good indicator of why not.
  12. You can never make something 100% safe, but you can do everything possible to minimise the risk. It's funny but my dad is an engineer and won't go on anything, he was watching us on Spinball on Friday and asked me how often the cars and tracks were crack and ultrasonically tested, I couldn't answer, anybody know?
  13. The only problem is Merlin don't own Thorpe Park, they lease it from Nick Leslau, but depending how much is in the kittie, it would be a good idea to buy thr site to prevent other people building on it.
  14. That is the plan but I get the impression Boris is getting cold feet, he took the same style gamble as Dave in the hope that by backing leave it would frighten some sense into the EU (his own words), I'm sure he never truely expected to win. Of course Parliment could choose to ignore the result.
  15. Don't iphones have some sort of gps location software on them?
  16. Sorry about the poor quality screen shot but could someone tell me if: That section of rail is a transfer track, or That's a very sharp corner and and the angle is hiding the other part of the track, or There is supposed to be track attached after that section and the aforementioned track is elsewhere, perhaps under or behind the cars?
  17. I an not sure Boris wants the job, actually I dont think any politician does. The next Prime Minister will either, invoke A50 and alienate half the country whilst concurrently driving Scotland to Independence and Ireland to reunification, or Not invoke A50 and alienate the other half of the country. Either way they are damned if they do, and damned if they don't. The only good thing is Osbourne won't ever be Prime Minister, which was a strong possibility this time last week.
  18. Easy to assume that is the cause when it could be the result.
  19. You cannot see the top of the ride in the photos, one reporter said it stopped at the top of the lift hill before falling, but you know how reliable witnesses can be, however the cars do look to have dropped vertically because if they'd have been running at speed, the cars would likely have been spread out over a bigger footprint.
  20. In theory but when that assembly breaks, can the others take up the slack? I think its more likely the broken assembly was done when it hit the ground.
  21. Yes but listening to witness's is unreliable, some are saying the train broke in half, others the track broke, some are saying it slipped off because of the rain, you get the idea.
  22. Oh great another rollercoaster crash to hamper the industry. Just to fill in a noob, who makes this and what is its nearest merlin equivalent ride?
  23. There's no oil left in Scotland, the fields are all but depleted. If Scotland think they can survive on fish and whiskey exports they're in for a rude awakening, I'm not in charge but if I were and they voted to go I'd say fine, but don't expect us to fix your bridge or keep paying for your free prescriptions, good luck fending for yourselves, and when Nicola is charging you 50% basic rate tax, don't come to us for handouts.
  24. The reason you didn't get a say is in the laws eyes you are not capable of making rational long term decisions at your age, you are too easy to manipulate, an example of this for me is seen if you talk to any school leaver, another is why you are not allowed a credit card or mortgage until you are older. Having said that, I do agree that it is an unfair situation, perhaps membership of these organisations/clubs should be decided on a generational basis, membership or exclusion shouldn't be binding for all of time, but that's not how the EU club works, if it was France and Germany would be gone too since all they seem to be doing is propping up the others financially at the moment. The EU is broken and far outgrown it's original intended plan, and in five years when their new army has declared war on Russia, you might be thanking the very same people who voted out that you're now safe and excluded from mandatory enlistment.
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