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Everything posted by Ian-S

  1. A photo of Derren and his chained up monster was featured on 'have I got news for you' last night, nothing specific mentioned about Thorpe, it was in the piss take 'and finally' section at the end, but funny and unusual at the same time.
  2. I thought it (along with most coasters) didn't like the cold, which causes the wheels to contract and alter the cohesion, slowing the trains down.
  3. Sign me up if it were closer.
  4. Vampire with Bubbleworks a close second. I absolutely hate Wild Asia's theme.
  5. Haha indeed, in another forum I'm a member of there's a thread about that too and the general tounge in cheek opinion (from a woman) was if women want true equality then they need to start emptying the bins, sweep the roads and standing up to go to the toilet... It didn't go down well with her fellow women but the men had as good laugh.
  6. Ian-S


    Yeah it was a wood saw, not Saw the Ride. Paracetamol is for the pain, ibuprofen is an anti inflammatory, if you can handle the pain Sam swap the doses as it'll heal quicker, and don't underestimate the usefulness of a bag of ice.
  7. Stereotyping and racism are two completely different things, what you describe is indeed stereotyping, but it's not in the remotest bit racist. Racism is when someone believes someone else is inferior to them based solely on the color of their skin (or their religious beliefs) and singles them out or tries to restrict their fredom because of it, I.e. white only male toilets are racist, male toilets are not.
  8. Booty isn't the remotest bit racist, if you think it is then well, you are part of the problem.
  9. Ian-S


    No, the other type of Saw
  10. Ian-S


    Be careful what you wish for, sounds like me at your age, in my early teens I went through a phase of breaking at least one bone a year. Sunday was interesting, let's just say saw, it slipped and my finger got in the way, not how you're thinking, but I now have vertical channel up my finger from the tip of my nail to my knuckles (yes it sliced my nail in half vertically), makes typing an experience since just slightest movement is excruciatingly painful.
  11. Thanks, family rooms seem to range from £30 to £60 depending on the date, which is pretty good all things considered.
  12. I'm under an NDA that prevents me from confirming anything other than who I work for so if these people are leaking info they're either not under an NDA or have no clue what one entails. I also had to sign an NDA a few years ago that gagged me completely, I couldn't even confirm the companies name let alone what I was working on until after a specific date.
  13. You should rent out the cottage Sam, you'd make a killing over the summer lol Silly question but how are hostels for families, talking two adults who think they are kids and a teenager, we've done the campsites but never a hostel.
  14. Its what happens at the end of shrek, although you don't see the train, just hear it.
  15. Is it school trip time yet for Chessington? Because Vampire was on two trains today, on a Wednesday. Oh and we got stuck on Vamps for 20 minutes (at the second lift hill), shall I call the Mail?
  16. Should not have set a firm opening date then.
  17. Lucky you didn't come out in a worse condition than when you went in (our local has a reputation for that). If they say you need to be in constant pain, then be in constant pain, although you might want to wait until after the holiday since my niece went in with back ache, was in there 10 days and came out hooked on morphine.
  18. Not every kid that age is a ***** (edit the word I typed rhymes with trick). I blame both the parents and the schools, the schools for teaching them immediately they enter infant school that they are an individual and nobody can tell them what to do, and the parents for not calling that bull**** for what it is. Got plenty of them round here, schools hate them because they can't do nothing about them (pretty sure I've already said if I spoke to anybody in school like that at their age it was straight to the headmasters office for ten strips of the cane) and the parents couldn't give a crap cos they're only interested in EastEnders or Corrie.
  19. I'm sure it was something more simple like collecting more wood for the cattlepen queue line.
  20. Iirc it is to the right as you approach the entrance of Vampire (If you stood st the Vampire entrance and looked up towards bubble works, it would be on your left halfway between where your standing and the arch). I think.
  21. Dam that's a shame about the limits. Guess they could expand onto the carpark and park the cars in the lake.
  22. Ian-S

    News Desk

    Try manually clearing the cookie.
  23. Makes you wonder just how much effort it would be to reclaim all the lake area around that swarm island? Could easily double the size of the park.
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