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Everything posted by Ian-S

  1. Could loosen your knickers a bit a cut him some slack, at least he was man enough to post a report knowing full well he was going to get a bit of a ribbing over what he said previously about not going, and didn't just keep the trip details to himself.
  2. Last time we went it stank of burning oil (or was it rubber?) at the bottom of the lift hill.
  3. That was my wife's thought, she swore blind we were queuing for Bubbleworks and she only realised it was Vampire when she saw the train sitting in the station
  4. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-kent-36408268 The link to the news item pluk was trying to post.
  5. Your knickers are perfectly fastened, "end of the line"
  6. No but I'm afraid some people have tight knickers and don't see the funny side of things.
  7. LOL not sure how they would have reported our comments on Vampire the other week then... One witness said a teenage boy at the front of the cart was heard saying to staff "you can leave us here till the morning if you want, just bring us some pizza and a bottle of coke". Nope, just doesn't scream drama does it?
  8. I don't think the price is a controlling factor, if it were people wouldn't pay £80 a pop now for it.
  9. I think in principle the idea is a reasonable one, they just oversell it so much. Plus there never seems to be a lot of common sense with some ride ops, if you've got an exit queue full of priority pass holders, put them all on the same train and get rid of the queue rather than drip feeding them in, as that just makes both queues longer.
  10. As they say there's one born every minute, Chessington's target audience is kids who don't decide where they are going that day, the parents do and as you say the zoo is a popular pull for a five year old bored out of their head. Thorpe and Alton's target audience is teenagers who tend change their thrill desires by the week. Oh and Chessington giving every kid who goes on a school trip there a 50% off voucher can't hurt.
  11. When we went to Paulton's a couple of years ago they didn't have fast-track, I don't know if things have changed since but the longest we waited was 45 minutes for big water ride, and this was August Bank Holiday Monday. I don't like Fast-track, especially when it costs 3x what it does to get in.
  12. Lots of crazy people round here, that's why they goto Chessington.
  13. "Should open this season" isn't inspiring confidence
  14. TV advertising is scheduled months in advance, no way they can pull a specific advert on a few hours notice, they'll pull or amend it eventually, but it's not a same day job.
  15. Do what? You bought up the Hitler comments by saying they were pandering to irrational fears, all I said in response to that is that it was no different to Dave's claims of leaving the EU triggering WWIII, not quiet sure how that equates to jumping on you about Hitler and ignoring Dave....
  16. Could someone provide a translation of those things for us old farts because Google doesn't have emoji in the translator languge list.
  17. That, and some of the other stuff I've heard, such as: Leaving will: Make our borders less secure - even though we'll actually be able to police them ourselves and decide who we let in, instead of having it dictated to us by the EU. Make travelling to the EU more difficult for UK residents - I'm not sure in what way since you already have to show your passport to enter and exit the UK and go through security checks, perhaps they mean we'll have to go through strip searches? Make it harder to export or import goods - this is taking advantage of most people's lack of knowledge of how export/import is done, tottle off down to the post office and try to send packages to France and Australia, that little yellow/green slip you fill in for Australia is the only difference, it's called a customs deceleration. I won't go in to detail about imports other than to say only person who's life will be different is the company accountant who will have to fill in the VAT return differently, things may be a little more expensive than before but not by much and may infact be cheaper in the long run. Oh and of course leaving EU will destabilize it so much the World may decend into WW3.
  18. No more pandering or different to the "IN" camp claiming Brexit will trigger off World War III. Putting on my best punch voice "they started it".
  19. Well at least I was partly right, I knew it was FUBAR but that's a special kind of FUBAR.
  20. Ian-S


    For us it was quiet intense, I sat on the outside and Cian (the singing ride op?) immediately said you've drawn the short straw I see. Well it certainly felt intense anyway. Annoyingly I can't take anti sickness tablets because they give me blinding migraine.
  21. I think it goes to the Council who ratify it (same Council that will authorise or deny our request to withdraw should we vote that way) then member states have to implement it, there is little choice involved, some Countries (like us) have vetos but most don't.
  22. Ian-S


    The only ride on park to make me feel genuinely ill! But glad we finally got to ride it today.
  23. Because the 'efficient' eco friendly kettle takes 5x as long as the 'ineffecient' power hungry version to do the same thing, but the 'inefficient' kettle uses less energy overall. Its the same dumb mentality as limiting the amount of water a washing machine uses to cut down on water usage, which results in the user having to do two or three wash cycles to get the clothes clean, or limiting cars to 20mph to cut pollutants, which means they spend nearly three times as long doing the same journey as what the car would do at its most efficient speed (around 56mph). As for all the Hitler talk recently, I don't know why people are getting their knickers in a twist over them, they are factually correct in most respects after all, perhaps there is some truth to the saying 'truth hurts'.
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