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Everything posted by Ian-S

  1. The kind of people who would be enticed into being interested are the very same people who would be influenced by the celebrity in question, so no, on the whole its not a good thing, those that are interested will vote, and those that are not will continue to complain regardless of the outcome.
  2. Probably a new "customer confidence" campaign, I've heard some dumb crap standing in the queues recently, especially at client services.
  3. You're the one who said people should be honoured they get in the park at all and Thorpe are not obliged to provide any rides or entertainment and to quit moaning and check their sense of entitlement at the door when rides are unavailable. Perhaps you didn't understand but I didn't present an argument, I stated that attitude was a **** one to have (and gave an alternative non-theme park related example to highlight how the same attutide would work elsehere) you are the one arguing with anybody that disagrees with your point of view. It would be much better if you countered an opposing view with a sensible, mature argument, rather than sarcasm.
  4. Of course nobody has the right to enter the property like they do a public park, but what you're saying 'hey you should be honoured to pay £50 to enter and think yourself lucky there's any rides open at all" which a really ****ty attitude to have towards your customers, it would be like opening a nightclub and charging £20 a head to enter then when people complain there is no music simply shrung your shoulders and saying "DJ broke the decks, tough titties you paid to enter the building, I'm not obliged to provide you music, you should just be honoured I let you in".
  5. What would your answer be? "Well next time don't unbuckle then at the top of the lift hill."
  6. They have been past, Flying Fish and a couple of others open when friends stayed there. Its a privilege when you're invited by management to enter for free as their guest, it's not a privilege when you have to pay £50 to enter, then it becomes a right, you know, that pesky old "exchange of money for goods or services" principle our economy is based on.
  7. Previews for select groups (whether that be hotel guests, passholders etc.) should be done out of hours, its not like they don't already open a few rides for hotel guests in the evenings anyway. I personally don't care as I have no intention of riding it, I can see how this operation would annoy people, especially when you have people bragging it.
  8. Thanks, that's what I thought.
  9. Is it politically correct to call someone gay nowadays? I'm asking seriously, when I was younger gay was the correct term (or lesbian for women), the insults were other thing like fag, poof etc. but thing have changed so much over the years all I hear now is the LBGT term (which I had to Google the first time I heard it) so I don't know,is gay now considered derogatory?
  10. Could someone please explain to Lucy the internet doesn't charge per letter? Many thanks
  11. What was that old saying? Don't feed the trolls? If he annoys you ignore him, then once the ride opens, if what he says was correct, you won't be eating copious amounts of humble pie.
  12. Less, or more chance of being picked out for some interactive task? (In Shrek people think standing at the back or to one side means they won't get picked without realising the actors all have ear pieces and know who has already been picked).
  13. £12 for a wristband for over 1.2m for the day, £16 for the weekend. What were the prices before?
  14. You would, it's called the Unfair Consumer Contract Terms Regulations Act 1999: You can have any terms and conditions you want attached to entry but if its loaded against the consumer, anybody competent in civil procedure would drive a truck through those terms and win hands down. Standing behind those terms and being a meanie about it, is well, just being a meanie.
  15. Some people are just not cut out to be a teacher, I must admit the ones at my sons school are pretty good when it comes to sorting problems out and actually teaching, the ones at his last school not so much. Talking of teachers, I think I may have mentioned my music loving alcoholic neighbour once or twice, well it seems she is on her final warning at the school now, no idea what over but she was none too happy last night and now the rest of the street knows, not something I'd be broadcasting to all and sundry but each to their own as they say.
  16. You should learn to read pal, I was asking a question, not stating a fact, hence question mark at the end of the sentence.
  17. Ian-S


    It says they have no present plans, that could change next week.
  18. They are the only operator in Europe that has more than one park?
  19. Nah, they got away with it in Ireland, nobody lost their seats over the whole "we don't like this no vote, have another vote, in fact have as many as you need and don't come back until you get a yes vote". But it would be lovely to see the very MP's who introduced the no confidence / call back clause be sacked by it.
  20. Hahahahaha yeah wake me from the cryogenic stasis chamber when Paramount opens.
  21. Agreed with all the above, both sides are guilty of scaremongering. Regarding Cornish Pasties, there is nothing stopping the present Government from ratifying the same protective legislation to protect production if we leave, unless of course they can't be trusted.
  22. Yeah I know, I was just being facetious. I didn't watch the Sky debates but I get the general feeling from talking to Joe Public that most people are getting fedup with the doom and gloom from the stay in side, it's like they either think it doesn't matter, or they generally don't have any good viewpoints to backup their in stance, so just keep droning on about how life will be worse if we leave, insteasd of pushing the benefits to staying.
  23. Didn't YouGov have a Labour landslide majority prediction at the last election?
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