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Everything posted by Ian-S

  1. ”I am not riding any coasters, especially not that Smler, I like my legs and so did you last night” Overheard on that monorail, girl to bloke around same time. Oh and the classic: Wife: what ride is this? Son: That's bubbleworks. Me: LOL Five mins later... Wife: why is there bat shaped signs everywhere? And is that dracula playing the organ? I though bubleworks was a kiddie ride?
  2. Ian-S


    They best make a start then, last time I was there it looked worse than the dry lake bed at Towers flume.
  3. Anything left side mid train, right side always gives me headaches (for Swarm). I think it depends on the staff Sam, we asked the same on the Tuesday of the same week and were told no LOL. It's all to do with evacs, rear rows get evacuated first etc.
  4. One thing I forgot to mention is there are no assigned seats/rows for RAP users either on Swarm, the entrance is the fast track queue, not the exit, if the height is a major hurdle, just shut your eyes then count to 5 after you hear the clicking stop, by the time you open your eyes you'll be so far down the drop you won't notice how high you were, but it is a fantastic view though.
  5. I personally watch the station VR then take my headset off at the top of the lift hill and pop it in the pouch.
  6. My wife did over a dozen visits before she went on a coaster. If you can get over your fear of heights, Swarm in a left-sided up front seat (not front row) is the best place to start imho, it's fairly easy on the g. Nemesis is not too bad, but as a RAP'r Sam they'll bundle you onto the back row, which is probably the worst place for g. My wife's first looper was Nemesis, she then did Swarm and said she'd wished she'd have done Swarm first as it was less intense, don't worry about the inverts, you're as close to being inverted as you can be on Vampire on the corner after the photo point and you've done that plenty times.
  7. I guess they consider Thorpe's genre market as mostly unwashed CHAVs so they've no need to bother.... Can't find pink text button but consider that pink...
  8. I think early on they were still getting used to it, I noticed in the two times we've been this year they were noticably quicker on the second visit, although the girl wasn't too pleased with me for putting the headset on too early the second time.
  9. I presume you skipped the biology lesson then where they explained your skin is the largest organ in your body and it absorbs just about everything that touches it (whether said item enters other organs is another matter). I can tell you from experience nurovirus is one such bug that can be transfered by touch alone. I won't bore you with the specifics unless you really want to know, but it can and the incubation period is 12-36 hours for that.
  10. Ian-S

    Wicker Man

    There's no water there now, the area is as dry as a bone, got loads of stuff growing in the old 'lake'.
  11. I thought the contract renewal was confirmed in the closed season already? Sometimes the staff don't spout bull****, had an good conversation with one of the Smiler staff on Wednesdsy who was an obvious geek and as knowledgeable as anybody here.
  12. I just sit back and close my eyes on the vertical lift hill, mainly because the sun get's in my eyes and I have a lazy iris which can give me an instant headache, but I would imagine it would help for someone with a fear of heights, you don't really reslise you're climbing vertically, it's quiet smooth until you're near the top.
  13. Yes even the monorail broke down too on Wednesday, it was not a good day for breakdowns. I had to laugh, or scratch my head in disbelief at one point, Galatica has an hour queue, Nemesis was walk on, so was Rita and 13 had a long queue too, even my wife who doesn't do coasters couldn't work out the logic in that (she asked why the better rides had no queues and the crap ones did), meanwhile we just ignored her and ran back to the Nemesis queue again lol.
  14. Anybody know why the Smiler was shut all day Wednesday? There was loads of unhappy people around it lol, we got on one of the last runs before the park closed on Tuesday and the station didn't arf stink of burning motors (think it reopened today but didn't go on park).
  15. Hard to miss? A zipped up cardigan or jacket is enough to hide a gopro.
  16. I seem to remember reading the figure £20k to hire Thorpe exclusively for corporate events, but don't know how long that related to (morning/afternoon/evening or all day).
  17. They've also been kitted up in harnesses for most of the year too (at least one rideop anyway).
  18. Where is that in relation to spinball?
  19. Well **** my sons school goes on the 15th, think I might sugest he's ill that morning as he'll hate all the crowds.
  20. I think it depends which seat you are in, some have more leg room than others.
  21. Yeah kudos to the staff member that spotted that moron.
  22. Ian-S

    FIM Speedway

    Our local track is the Eagles, but to be honest the last time I went I was your age
  23. Ian-S

    FIM Speedway

    Big motorsport fans here, whether it be two of four wheels, only saw the final tonight, forgot it was on despite numerous fb updates from a friend in the stands.
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