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Everything posted by Ian-S

  1. Ian-S

    News Desk

    The same works on the unread content page too, although the gap is quiet small between the dot/star and the topic title which can sometimes cause inadvertant taps on the topic title for us with fat fingers. There's also something funky going on with the quickreply which causes random edits to the quote (as you can see above) and seems to prevent you deleting text you've just typed, but this might be my ancient tablet related rather than the forum itself.
  2. Ian-S

    News Desk

    Is that in the forum itself or the new content page?
  3. Ian-S

    News Desk

    The desktop theme does the same (unless I'm doing something wrong), it's the only unlikable part as it means you have to have a good memory for finding the last post you read in a topic.
  4. What was the instruction they failed to follow?
  5. It's only going to get worse with privatisation, sorry, academies.
  6. They have citizenship lessons now but I don't know what they cover in them.
  7. Wrong, I'll vote for whoever best represents my interests in Parliment, which is why I wrote 'none of these corrupt c----' across the last ballot paper and it was counted as a spoilt ballot which means more to those that are interested than it does if you don't vote at all. Probably quiet a few, I wasn't so much moaning about 20, I wish they'd make our road 20, but the other types of reduction like the 60 the 40 change they've made just down the road.
  8. You've just described my neighbour to a t as you know, just replace the TV with stereo system, she's going through a bit of a crisis too, her husband walked out on her, but I guess that's what happens when you sleep around. She's fast loosing any goodwill with the other neighbours too as a result of the door slamming and really really loud sex at 3am (my neighbours sister can hear her, and she lives 300 yards down the road). Before anybody here calls me a prude, nobody is complaining about the sex, just the volume it's conducted at at 3am, bite the pillow if it's that good... I really wish Thorpe would reconsider scrapping Summer Nights
  9. So how did I do on the Green's then? (and who do you think I'd be inclined to vote for?).
  10. What do you two mean? Don't be shy
  11. We should leave the EU, it's corrupt beyond belief and really, what do we buy from mother Europe? Most stuff comes from China or other far flung places. We have waited two years for our landlord to clear our drains (which are blocked), they have to comply with EU regulations which state that unless it is impossible to do, a ladder must not be used to gain access, a scaffolding tower must be errected instead, they simply can't afford it, so last week I got my dad's ladder and cleared the drains myself, took all of 20 minutes, the landlord told us it was a 2 day job, these regulations came from the EU, not H&S. Travelling to the EU will be no different whatever we do, as you have to show your passport now to get in and out the UK, and our borders will be more secure if we leave, not wide open, as we will be able to actually enforce border control, but that's all a moot point since the exit procedure for a member state to leave requires the unanimous approval of the other member states and the European Council thingy before it can proceed, and that will never happen, Article 50 is far more complicated than rocking up in Belgium and saying adios amigos. Obama came over and said all he did about us dropping to the bottom of the queue in trade deals etc. if we left, well bolly hoo, we don't sell anything to the States anyway, so who cares whether we're first or last, makes no difference to our economy (in the big picture of things). Corbyn is a terrible public speaker, it feels like he is the sacrificial lamb waiting in the slaughter queue until they can convince the right brother to come back and lead them, having said that, I quiet like him. Greens are a joke, I don't live in Brighton but from what I heard they've banned cars from certain parts of the City and then wonder why the passing trade dropped off a cliff, they insist on speed humps and 20mph limits without realising that the longer you spend on the road the more a car is polluting, not so much an issue with 20mph zones, but when you're reducing 60 to 50, 50 to 40 etc. I'm not against 20mph zones in principle though, better make that clear and that problem isn't exclusive to the greens, but they are the ones pushing it most. They've also spent more building an observation tower than Merlin have on DBGT and got rid of the wheel, ironic for a party so intent on cutting pollution. Their London Mayoral candidate can't even add up and thinks they can build a brand new house for £10k, when this was pointed out to her in the TV debate she had a meltdown and just kept saying 'I don't accept that'. Getting back to central Government, it seems to be being ignored, perhaps it's due to the public being more interested in the popstar threesome that broke at the same time, Corbyn was the only Politician to publish his tax return, the others didn't, all they published were spreadsheets claiming they were the return, Corbyn published his actual return, terrible writing and all. Fun OT yes/no poll - say yes if you know who the celebrity threesome is.
  12. If it genuinely is just a modern version of a classic ghost train, then it makes me wonder what exactly will be going on and whether those tunnels are just the entrance/exit and the ghost train bit is the train but the 'ride' part is permanently stationery. By that I meant you enter through the tunnels, go into the train, pop your headset on, do a bit of VR/AR (which could be very good if done right), come out the train, then exit back through the tunnels, thinking it's all over you're nice and relaxed after a bit of a VR/AR scare (as I said, depending how it's done it could be very scary) only to be met by Derren's dog/monkey type monster, giving you one last 'real' fright. It's quiet hard to put into words exactly what I think it'll be, but for anybody who's been on a proper old school ghost train they'll go in with their expectations a lot lower than someone who hasn't, there doesn't seem to be the room to have a proper moving carriage on a track for the scares, but then again I could be wrong.
  13. Last post I promise, the changing/deleting of my posts took away the context to others that you were so fond of telling me about in PM, they may not have liked what I said afterwards, but it gave context as to why I said what I said, if my original comment was so offensive, then perhaps it would have been better to delete it all and given me the wrist slapping in private, rather than just leave the original comment in place and suppress the followup. Yes the joke was in poor taste, but as I tried to explain before, that was my generations humour.
  14. I didn't say nobody spoke up, I said barely anybody, point still stands though, it being fine for someone to witch hunt the disabled but not OK to make a racist joke. Descrimination is descrimination, regardless, and as discussed, that post is the first time you've told me the original post was reported. Similarly, as you know I'm not going to go running to your fellow mods because I don't like your style or views, or whatever, we can continue to discuss it in private, or on the forum, your choice, or you could just ban me and I won't bother you again.
  15. Slightly ironic that a joke attracts so much protesting, yet when a member decided to start a witch hunt the other week against the disabled RAP users at parks, barely anybody speaks up in their defence. Hope you don't edit this post either, suppressing a persons view just because you don't like what they say is, err, very ironic too, given the subject matter. On a personal note, if you think my humour is bad, best be glad my fathers generation hasn't yet worked out how the internet works, now I hope we can draw a line under this, you let this post stand and the forum can move on from it like the adults we're supposed to be.
  16. Britain First wouldn't have been so polite. It wasn't so long ago that racism was when you descriminated, prejudiced or generally suppressed someone of a different race because you felt your race was superior in some way, cracking a joke didn't fall into that, having said that, I apologise to any members of the forum if my humour offends them.
  17. Front row is a different experience but I agree, back row is awesome.
  18. Vampire is great, but it's not that great, we often go up after school to ride it, just to avoid the weekend crowds, but compared to other Merlin coasters, it's mehh as you kids say, it'll be interesting to compare Vampire to the new one at Paultons, I suspect Vampire will take the nod.
  19. So that was two celebrity ch..... Nope, let's not go there. My money is on Brucie as well, Duke of Edinburgh an outside shot too...
  20. That's where I've been going wrong then, I've been trying to burn stone walls instead of stone bridges with people, no wonder it doesn't work.....
  21. But that's a stone wall, you can't burn them down again later.
  22. Those are the same type of arm extensions they use for the motion capture on the Ape films, they make it much easier and realistic for the actor to run like an ape on all fours, if it's all animatronics then it's dam good, but it looks like an actor in dress, hope it,s quick to put on. If that thing is going to meet me I'm now wondering whether it's wise to go on with my two niece's, I'm not sure out of the three of us who'll scream the loudest
  23. Didn't someone here work out Derren was performing in Reading that week? You could cycle that distance, although Derren be Derren so he could just teleport himself there.
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