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Everything posted by Ian-S

  1. April fools are supposes to be funny, not insulting.
  2. Best time to go is after school on a weekday in term time (for AP holder), we went yesterday and it was packed then too, I wouldn't ever plan to go during holiday time (only went to get passes reprinted), the ride access pass queue stretched all the way round to hocos pocus entrance at one point....
  3. A photo of an open door is considered exciting? Someone please stop the earth, I want to get off.... (Just kidding).
  4. They were sending fast trackers up the exit on Inferno on Good Friday, but all the other rides were using their dedicated queues, I've only ever seen Inferno's fast track queue used during the summer holidays or really busy periods, it's probably because the merge point is so far away from the station. It's a bit unfair to blame exit riders for poor operations, it's not them who decide how many trains to run on a particular day.
  5. Yes, but the fence isn't period, call the accuracy police immediately....
  6. I should probably say he survived, fortunately.
  7. Perhaps he was a bit intimidated by you, after all checking restraints can be a bit friendly sometimes, he might have thought ahh lip ring, gonna get punched if I push too hard...I frightened the girl on Vampires last week, they were taking so long to check the restraints I'd dozed off while waiting (I had been awake 16 hours in my defence) and she made me jump when she checked mine, which in turn made her jump out her skin too, my son polished it off by saying 'sorry about my dad, his medication is kicking in'.
  8. Not you as well? Guilty as charged gov. I'll fire them off an email in the morning, but I would expect that will get the same amount of attention as the petition. On the subject of operations, the parks have been terrible so far, perhaps it's because Easter is that much earlier this year that has thrown a spanner in the works, but all the parks should really be opening on full capacity every day until 11th April, it's not like school holidays is a big secret, they're standardised throughout all Surrey schools and published on SCC's website.
  9. Even worse if he was 'quiet young', should have been someone there older to stop him climbing out the boat, I really hate this policy that it seems all the primary school's push to parents of giving their kids their 'independence', sure give them independence, but in moderation and there are times when a kid can't be left to their own devices to do as they wish. Actually don't get me started on this, please, it's a subject a little too close to home... (story in spoilers for those interested).
  10. Did you pull the wings off flies as a kid?
  11. Holy **** if every member her signed it they'd take some notice... no? I'll get the Mrs to sign it immediately as she's a change member, she loves a lost cause (she married me after all).
  12. Surrey School's go back that day (excluding some toffy ones).
  13. Yeah join the club, my boy was gutted when I told him. I'm hoping they're as knowledgeable as the AT web team who don't even know the name of their rides and it's just a case of left hand not knowing what right and is doing. Maybe someone should start a petition to bring it back, I'd happilly contribute chocolate for such a venture...
  14. I wondered why they'd stopped everything earlier.
  15. The girl we spoke to Saturday could hardly contain her excitement, I thought she was going to wet herself at one point.
  16. 96 degrees fov, thanks, back yonks ago I was told if you closed your eyes for 5 seconds before trying to focus, then once focused do it again, it makes things easier, your brain has to be put into a type of 'mode' to work with the glasses properly, otherwise you'll suffer blurry vision or headaches (the blurred image isn't because the focus is wrong, if the focal length is wrong you see two images, it's because your brain isn't processing the images fed to each eye correctly, hence why closing your eyes for a bit will kick start things), it's always worked fine for me but I bet it's not in the instruction manual. Or so the theory goes. I do hope that with the advent of bendable oled's they start producing headsets with 180 degrees fov, it'll make life easier for us 3D hicks.
  17. Thanks, but that's not really what I meant, it's quiet hard to describe but the only experience I have of VR was with those really early prototype headsets that had quiet a narrow field of view, I guess the closest thing to it is using Google glass with a small mobile phone, everything works but just not quiet right (like what you'd see if you cupped your hands around your eyes to cut off most of your view). From the video SkyNews showed it looks like everything is so big that it passes in front of your eyes so fast if you blinked you'd miss it.
  18. I liked the blue mugs that look like they are half sunk into whatever they're sitting on, I'm a big tea drinker so promised myself one of them later in the year.
  19. Just out of interest, what is the field of view like on the headsets? Is it tunnel vision like the original Rift was?
  20. For the same reason the moron from the CAA thinks shooting down drones over a crowded area with net fired from the ground is safer than locating the operator and simply asking them to land it themselves, lack of common sense. If the pouch isn't holding the headset inside with the Velcro flaps, use clips instead.... duhh. I'm going ot, sorry.
  21. Nah, I often have my belts unlatched even before entering the station, usually they just look at me and go 'please unbu... oh never mind'. The headset is attached by a tether, from the photos I saw it looked very similar to the ones the wheels are held on by on formula one cars, I suspect, if this is a hard and fast rule, that some health and safety freak has noticed the headset hanging free could smack the person in the face so instead of doing the sensible thing and ensuring it's secured in the pouch, they've decided everybody has to use the headsets or they don't ride.
  22. Jesus Christ, way to alienate 10% of your potential customer base. Actually that figures not accurate, it could be higher than that, it's 10% of the population that cannot see 3D, an even greater percentage could suffer from sim sickness, something that is completely unrelated to the usual rollercoaster induced sickness and something you won't know about until you've puked all over the place. I thought if you didn't want to use the headset you just didn't put them on, oh well I guess my headset will accidentally slip off my face just after I crest the top of the lift hill.
  23. I'd say the 4/5th will be busier than the 30th, simply because the 4/5th is the second week of the Easter Half Term when kids start getting completely bored and parents get desperate and drag them to theme parks to keep them occupied, but frankly any of those dates will be 'more busy than an average week day', 40-80 mins queues likely.
  24. Can someone post here when the annual pass tickets go on general release for the preview night, not all of us spend our lives on social media 24/7, thanks.
  25. Power cut at theme park meaning you're stuck on a ride for hours? Oh my that's most husbands dream situation, getting them away from the moaning wife for a few hours without having to make up some excuse haha
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