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Everything posted by Ian-S

  1. Same, although the woman before us strangely came off the right rear totally soaked
  2. It probably doesn't help accuracy when the operators wait until everybody has exited the station before opening the air gates to let the next lot on, we sat on the brake run for 4 minutes while they unload and loaded the other train yesterday.
  3. Wasn't the the same reason Nemesis is built in a pit too? Edit: you're right, the entire site is green belt, which kind of makes the devolpments allowed down the road in mordern rushett a good case of double standards, since that's green belt too.
  4. It's only the south facing areas that can't be built on or the terrain modified correct? Mainly because if you know where to look you can see them from miles away. As others have said you work within what you have, admittedly they don't have a lot of space to work with, but then neither does Thorpe Park which is arguably even more restricted, being surrounded by water etc.
  5. Not rough, just short, Rita is the rough one in the family. But yes, Saw isn't my favourite ride by a long shot.
  6. I was going to say planning isn't the issue if they were allowed to build two hotels and zufari, management is, but I think I was beaten somewhat to the punch. Let's not forget Chessington is the only park Merlin actually own (in the UK), rather than just lease and operate like the others, my point being when you lease/rent something, it usually comes with terms relating to upkeep and maintenance, when you own it, you can do what you want, even if that means strippng away core products in favour of money making hotels.
  7. The thing just needs to be longer with smoother corner transitions, by the time a newbie has got over the shock/rejoice* of the launch and top hat, the ride is over. Same goes for Rita, they're both too rough and short to be enjoyable.
  8. Could be worse, could be a gif
  9. I wouldn't waste your money unless you're into actor led experiences.
  10. Ian-S

    Wicker Man

    Given Merlin's current love for actor/vr led experiences, it'll be an interactive VR lion show.
  11. I though job and done contracts went out with Thatcher.
  12. Ah ha of course, and don't bring JaJa into it, I'm not surprised young Anakin went all Vader on things with him as a mentor
  13. ...and there was me thinking dank meant thanks in German, oh well you learn something new every day...
  14. If it was a power cut and some stuff was still running then it means the park works on a three phase system. Back in the good old days before 'da internet' I worked in a big industrial estate and the power went off, in all but my office.... typical.
  15. Ramesis had scaffolding all over it last Wednesday too.
  16. One thing that hasn't been mentioned is getting **** from other yellow band users, that's even worse. Sometimes a sensible ride op will call down the line asking if there are 'two riders' or a 'single' rider, especially on Inferno to help things along, it happened to us last year and there's nothing more enjoyable than said ride op saying to chav's mother (who said something to the effect of '****ing typical I've got two kids and have to wait another go cos you've only got two seats left, get your **** together, there's nothing wrong with those two don't know why they're in this queue anyway'), "if you're disatisified with my attempts to speed up the queue, you're welcome to join the main queue or buy a fast track ticket". Granted the ride-op was much older than a regular ride op, some of you probably know her, short, big, middle aged, blondy brown hair, but it was one of those both epic, and totally **** moments in life where you find yourself asking whether you've been transported to a parallel universe.
  17. There's no need to use it unless you have to (IMHO), if the queue is less than 20 minutes I will make the member of my family queue, they just slide the band up their arm and get in the queue like anybody else does, we don't make a fuss, like ChessingtonSam they can queue for short period, but anything more than 15-20 minutes and they can be a right nightmare. The judgemental and dirty looks you get actually stopped us going last year as it upset them so much, some people are just ignorant ****s who don't have the slightest clue how a look or off the cuff comment can affect someone.
  18. Ian-S

    Wicker Man

    Most newbs I know, their only impression of a woodie comes from the smokey and the bandit film, and the general answer I usually get is 'I ain't going on that, they collapse too easily'.
  19. Yeah if the train get's evac'd on the lift hill they do the rear carriages first, it's the same at BPB.
  20. Didn't Intamin do the Moscow Monorail system? Pretty sure they made the moving floor walkways you see in airports too.
  21. Yes, not worth the £45 an hour charge at our local one.
  22. No the yellow wristband is the disabled ride access pass user. Those priority passes will I think be normal fast track tickets, which depending on the day, may be sent up the ride exit like rap users, and can easily double the queue length. Unless you know the system you might not be aware that once you've gone on a ride there is a 'timeout' period before you can use it again (roughly equal to the queue length time you would have had to wait) so the person 'waving their yellow wristband' around in the Saw queue might have been on a timeout period where they couldn't use their pass - infact that's the only reason they'd be in the main queue unless the park was empty, and depending on their condition coupled with their desire to get on that ride, one might have overridden the others fears/problems enough for them to queue, or as pointed out, they might be able to queue for a short period. However even as a relative of a RAP user, that doesn't stop me rolling my eyes at the overall stupidity of some people using them, like those who'd rather wait in a queue for 90 minutes to pickup the pass instead of going on the rides while they are walk on, or those still using their pass when the ride is similarly, walk on, so I do feel your frustration. Personally we'd rather not go over busy periods anyway, preferring to go on quiet weekends or week days, but not everybody is lucky enough to be able to do that.
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