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Everything posted by yeah

  1. See, this is what frustrates me, not just about Merlin but big companies in general. I honestly haven't seen one good reaction to the Gruffalo rumours. I want to think Merlin won't be that stupid but with people such as you, @Archive, who are very knowledgeable saying how likely it is put together with the fact that popular rumours about Merlin rides are nearly always right (Thirteen's drop, Smiler's name, Derren Brown's Ghost Train) the more I think "Its going to be the Gruffalo isn't it", and Merlin won't care about our feedback. The same sort of thing is happening in football. For those of you who don't know the EFL (English Football League) want to add another division to football, incorporate Premier League B Teams in and get rid of midweek games. Nobody wants it but it's looking likely it's going to happen in a few years anyway. Merlin won't care about the feedback and some of the people there seem so out of touch they're sat there thinking "Everyone's going to love this" whereas really everyone's just a bit sad Bubbleworks has gone, because its still very popular with young children. For example, when I told my younger cousins Bubbleworks was closing the reaction was "Oh no!" And when I said it's most likely going to be replaced by the Gruffalo they weren't happy. If, or when, Bubbleworks is replaced by the Gruffalo I honestly hope it blows up in Merlin's face, and all anyone ever says about the ride is "We want Bubbleworks back" "Bubbleworks was so much better" not because I think itll make them bring Bubbleworks back, but because hopefully itll make them realise what a stupid mistake they'll have made by replacing a ride which obviously isn't perfect but on its own (let's just imagine Prof. Burps never existed for one second) definetly isn't a bad dark ride, and which lots of people still enjoy. I never experienced Prof. Burps but when I was younger and I viewed Chessington as an "adults park" Bubbleworks was a very magical experience and my favourite ride in the world, and probably about equally as special as Prof. Burps was to kids back then. The Gruffalo would be a stupid, nonsensical, idiotic replacement but as if Merlin will listen to us, we have no say in it and we can either enjoy it or ignore it. I'll most likely be riding it once and on the off chance it's good I'll ride it more but I can't see it being good. Sorry for the long post but the thought of Merlin actually replacing Bubbleworks with the Gruffalo gets me so very angry. Even the fact that stuff like the elephants head is being sold but not the rest of it. You know what'll happen to it? It'll be painted Brown with some spikes on its back, no tail and a Gruffalo's head on it.
  2. I don't think they'd relocate Flying Fish, a kids ride, too close to Saw. In all honesty if they were going to relocate the Fish Id say just remove it. True, I may be slightly biased lmao, I hate the thing, and I probably sound like a broken record but it's just so slow, rough and boring. My whole family agreed with me this time and now we're probably never gonna bother with it again, despite the fact it used to be my sister's favourite ride. Thorpe really need better. Tbh I want Thorpe to get a Flyer and a Maurer Sohne Spinner. I wonder why...
  3. Safari Skyway was not a children's ride okay it was a terrifying nightmare creature which haunts my dreams okay
  4. Being an IP I somehow doubt that But the forest is the other end of Transylvania and it includes a beautiful Arrow Suspended Coaster!
  5. A. That's just Maurer Sohne spinners in general. B. Dragon's Fury was three years old when this post was made C. I like your username
  6. So without turning this into a Q&A thread again is there an actual fix for this?
  7. yeah

    Logger's Leap

    Tbh I can't see that being a bad thing unless they retheme it to that sponsor *glares at Imperial Leather*
  8. yeah

    Logger's Leap

    Because it's popular? Just because you don't think it's not worth it doesnt mean that they should get rid of it.
  9. Stealth is shut at the moment according to Thorpes website and so was Inferno and DBGT, as well as a few others and Swarm broken down. Wouldn't get this at Chessington! Because you'd get ridiculous throughputs and dozens of breakdowns per ride instead.
  10. yeah

    Logger's Leap

    Depends on what it is. For most big rides it probably wouldn't be cheaper.
  11. Yeah, one of my other posts has disappeared too. Thanks for trying to help!
  12. Where's my post gone? I posted it and now it's not there? Anyway, every major ride broke down apart from Bubbleworks, 2 people per car on Dragon's Fury because of the hot weather.
  13. A book factory? A Gruffalo factory? Eh, it's probably just marketing.
  14. LOL Fury broke down with me on it xD not for long but hanging over Pirates Cove wasn't fun. Handed Priority Pass and went to use it on Rattlesnake... which was broken down.
  15. Sorry for the double post but Chessie have only gone and got some lovely gates at the South car park entrance! I'll get a picture next time because I missed it this time.
  16. So in essence it's the Anti-Swarm. Think about it: Swarm is a rollercoaster, DBGT is not. Swarm has inversions, DBGT does not. Swarm (Until recently) hadnt been down a full day, DBGT hasn't been open one full day. Swarm is manufactured by B&M, (part of) DBGT is manufactured by Intamin. Swarm is themed around devestation and destruction, DBGT is... Oh.
  17. yeah

    Paultons Park

    I'm going back to Paultons next week, ready to have my mind changed! I don't think there where any areas when I went other than Peppa.
  18. What? Your train stalled? How did you get going again?
  19. For some reason I'm really happy you're going. You're missing out! What ride you start with depends where you enter. If you enter via Explorer Gate then Fury will be right in front of you. Vampy is closer to the Lodge Gate using the main paths however there's a shortcut next to Black Buccanneer through a graveyard with the names of past characters eg prof. Burp. Rattlesnake is good and Scorpion Express is a Flying Fish clone (Scorpion is the original) however not as rough and faster. Kobra is good, Dragon Falls is fairly standard, Black Buccanneer is the best pirate ship I've ridden and Monkey Swinger is a soaker in the right seats. I can't speak for Rameses. Tomb Blaster is good, Zufari is alright for seeing animals but you could just go in Wanyama Reserve, Sea Storm is a fun Rocky Express-a-like which spins round and Griffins Galleon is a Heave Ho. There are some kids rides too but with queues and such itd be an idea to leave most of them, you're not missing much. The zoo is pretty standard but whether you want to visit it or not os up to you. For food, Chessie has basically all the Merlin in-house outlets, a sandwich shop and the hotel restaurants. The Temple restaurant is a small buffet with burgers, sausages, chips, ribs and the like and Zafari is a grill. Both have bars. In terms of merch Chessie have a few mugs and stuff, Kobra Zufari and Vampire have resins and not many good t shirts are sold. Oh, and for Vampire try and get closer to the back, it's less painful there. Hope you enjoy it!
  20. That is what's now being said. Picture Courtesy of Towers Street on Twitter.
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