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Everything posted by yeah

  1. None of which I have ridden... Also there are 3 coasters better than Vampire because I forgot about Thirteen, and also Dragon's Fury overtook Vampire yesterday so... I still love Vampy uncontrollably, I just love the others more
  2. It was all in good fun, nothing too bad happened. I could have explained it better. Also, one of the most common things I hear is "Are the pandas real?"
  3. I get quite a bit of airtime on Dragon's Fury on that hill after the drop round the tower, Vampire second drop, Rattlesnake and the drop tower at Gullivers where your restraints don't lock.
  4. On Kobra today, a member of staff forgot to step off of the ramp (that moves up and down, forgot what its called) so the air gates shut on his back, George (the best and funniest ride operator ever, who's always on Kobra) goes "Dont test me (his name, couldn't hear properly), don't test me". My mum made a passing comment about how she hates Kobra (only went on it because I needed someone to go on with me) and the member of staff said something to her, cant remember, so George goes "Stop talking (name). Don't test me" the member of staff pretends to throw his pen at him, so then George gets on the mic and repeats himself "Don't test me (name)" The member of staff goes in the ops cabin and shuts the door, the door opens up again and George pushes him out, then shouts at him "You're sacked now! You've done it! Get out of here! Get out of my park!" So the other staff member pretends to walk away sad then turns around and throws his pen for real, the ride ends and George makes the "Your spin is slowly coming to an end" announcement and so the member of staff goes "You know it hasn't stopped yet don't you" so George says "That's why I said slowly. This is why youre sacked". All parks need this lol.
  5. The length is my only complaint about Galactica. Other than that its perfect and is the only thing on this planet better than Vampire
  6. Id imagine the bubbleheads aswell
  7. The thing I'm scared of on Swarm is the height and slow inversion at the top.
  8. Oh, well that's a slight inconvenience tbh and that's it, puzzled as to why they've gone for this though.
  9. Where exactly is the carousel going? The actual plaza itself looks too small, unless it replaces the doughnut stall, or the compass in which case I will riot.
  10. Let's just remember that to younger guests who never experienced the original, Bubbleworks is the most magical thing ever. I never rode the original, and I don't ever remember finding it particularly magical, but today I really noticed how magical people can find it. Think its for efficiency, it doesn't really extend queue times, in fact I can see it reducing them, saying that though, it was on 80 minutes earlier.
  11. Ugh the music was terrible all over today with the exception of Land of the Dragons and Wild Asia. The entrance music at lodge gate was inaudible standing right next to the BOSE speakers. The chandeliers where taken down for maintenance correct? They just didnt put them back.
  12. I'm not sure on it tbh, if it's for safety than that's that, you can't really argue. It didn't affect through put when I went, they filled up the air gates while the ride was in motion with one adult on one end and one on the other. Then we all just got on. The place it really affects throughput is Legoland, where they turn down single riders under 18, only to release the lap bars again when they realise they can just go in the middle.
  13. yeah


    Must explain why its bright green and blue then.
  14. DLP has been evacuated after a suspicious package has been found http://www.standard.co.uk/news/world/disneyland-paris-train-station-evacuated-after-security-alert-a3317331.html
  15. I didn't think of that, then you'd be putting the ride in Pirates Cove (nope) or Trail of the Kings which could work, but I imagine Chessie couldnt be asked to do that.
  16. Not something I overheard but funny and sad all in one, an elderly couple who had presumably gone to Towers just for the Towers themselves reading the Scarefest preparation sign... I felt so sorry for them but its hard not to laugh... what awful timing.
  17. yeah

    Merlin Name Mania!

    The Gruffalo's Magical Boat Adventure.
  18. yeah

    Merlin Name Mania!

    One coaster with VR and bad throughput and suddenly that's Alton Towers style?
  19. Looking through old construction topics and laughing at some of the guesses is a boredom beater anywhere. (Mostly because alot of them are correct)
  20. Rumours have surfaced it'll be another Charlie ride, which I really can't see straight after the other contract ran out. If its Grufalo than thats going to fit in with Transylvania about as much as a nightclub in a lost Atlantean cit- Oh.
  21. The Carousel was already in Market Square. Also, most pointless theme park addition of ever.
  22. yeah


    So I just played against the under 13s team of Guangzhou, one of the biggest academies in the world, a Chelsea partner club, Jackson Martinez' and Filipe Scolari's current team, and the Chinese champions for the last five years in a row lmao. Fair to say they smashed us, but they play football literally six days of the week, their school is a football school and five of those six days is training vs our one hour lol.
  23. No I don't think so - I can't remember fully but I think they were the same age but two girls and a boy.
  24. That same day at Towers - A group in the Congo River Rapids exit "Excuse me, do you know where Duel is?" (I give them directions) "Oh so we just walked past it." (Start to walk away then turn around) "What is Duel?"
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