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  1. Coming in to this thread to see what it looks like
  2. btcc1721

    2019 Season

    It opens 3pm normally on Fright Nights. I imagine this is just a mistake on opening dates.
  3. What I would do: - Keep Saw Alive and Living Nightmare as is. They're both decent enough, and don't need changing urgently. - Do Vulcan Peak properly. Do something different. Don't make it a maze with people jumping out at you, not bags on heads. A tour in a mysterious Jungle maybe. Maybe even a little outdoor section where the ride used to be on the exit for IAC(Miss Hippo was it?). A real chance to do something unique. - Scrap Dead Creek Woods, and reverse Platform 15. Start into the tunnel, and use it for storytelling. ("They disappeared into this tunnel never to be seen again"). Then go through the village, and when you get to the bridge, make that a tunnel so you can't see the water. You emerge to see the train, and all it's efeects, then you have a nice section to do stuff with, until at the end you finally reach said Platform 15 and have something to really end it well, then exit there. Think that would remove most of the problems with it as it is and would make it a long maze with proper substance throughout. - Extend Blair Witch slightly into the end of Dead Creek. BW was properly good this year, just needs to be longer. Can't start from the station because of new Platform 15, but still room to expand into Dead Creek slightly. - Scrap Do or Die, and instead make some changes and put actors in TWD: TR and call it 'Live' or 'Extreme', and really push that as a maze. You could even skip this to save money if needed, or no longer need two TWD mazes. - Where Big Top and Do or Die was, put in a new indoor maze, and make that the big headline maze for the year. Be that Big Top reimagined or what. Just needs to be capable of carrying the event a la Big Top. - Do something over by The Swarm. Give people a reason to go there. Heck, even do a similar maze to Sanctum, where survivors of The Swarm apocalypse need help or something. All in all, 8 mazes. Saw, TWD:LN, Vulcan Peak, TWD:TR Live/Extreme, Platform 15, Blair Witch, Big Top replacement and Swarm based Sanctum replacement. (Oh and keep the Big Top roaming actors, they were brilliant) IMO, this would be a good improvement, and more importantly, realistic too. But hey, I'm not an expert
  4. https://queue-times.com/parks/2/queue_times I'm a Celeb is Vulcan Peak, Sanctum is Do or Die, and Big Top is Dead Creek Woods (IIRC)
  5. Here are my brief thoughts from my experience of Fright Nights on opening night: Vulcan Peak: Awful. The bad reviews for it aren't an exaggeration. Opened 40 mins late, and queue moves at a crawl. Couldn't hear the opening video, and only encounterd one actor in the whole maze. Also constantly walking into walls and banging your head which gets pretty painful pretty quickly. Wouldn't even bother even if no queue. Living Nightmare: Same as always. Solid and well themed. Bit with the car at the end is a nice improvement and adds the kick at the end the maze needs Platform 15: Same old, same old. Tunnel still way too long, but decent enough. Dead Creek Woods: Nothing noteworthy at all. Would rather have an extended Blair Witch than this. Also way too short. There also needs to be more of a division between this and P15. You can hear them from each one. Blair Witch: Vastly shorter, but what is there is far improved. Do or Die: Much better than Sanctum, but nothing near a replacement for Big Top Also, the actors in Amity High scare thing are brilliant. Shouldn't be called an attraction, but they are really, really good Didn't do Saw, and Twisted Carnival wasn't open. Big Top Showtime was good, and the roaming clowns were excellent. There was also a fire show next to Stealth at 8:30, which was really good. All in all, not the best Fright Nights ever, but not as bad as some were dreading
  6. Damn, I'm at Thorpe today and was about to post a picture of the new Sanctum stuff. There's also a little bit of building work outside of Blair Witch's hut too (just some wooden frames up atm), plus a new giant wooden Blair Witch symbol (not the hanging one that's been there a while)
  7. No Sanctum. Thank goodness for that.
  8. I had a thought the other day, what if Blair Witch is going to be run in reverse this year? The exit for it has plenty of room for temporary queue barriers, removing the issue with the two new rides blocking the old queue lines, and ends up moving the mazes spread a bit more around the park. Otherwise you have 4 mazes really close to each other. There's also little chance to see that Blair Witch symbol (that you see now from Nemesis's exit) at night, when that maze only opens, unless they put more lighting there, which they would need if there was a queue system there. Another thought, it opens less hours than other mazes too. So it's cheaper for Thorpe to run in terms of paying actors too ?
  9. I was set on going to Fright Nights this year. BT, P15 and LN were all good to varying degrees last year, Saw OK and Sanctum awful. Normally once a year do mazes and rides in the dark which is all good fun. But Saw has been open all summer, we had LN Extreme early on in the year and plenty of chances to ride coasters in the dark this year. So there's no real motivation to go for any of that as have done that already, and in the case of LN, will be a downgrade on what we had earlier on in the year. Still, Fright Nights would give me a chance to do Big Top (the highlight of the year at Thorpe IMO) and Platform 15 (second best last year, but far below Big Top) , so still it was worth it. But if it is true, replacing Big Top with (barely better than Sanctum) Blair Witch, then that means the only motivation to go to the overpriced, overcrowded Fright Nights is Platform 15. Not exactly much in the way of persuasion. I hope Blair Witch is replacing Sanctum, as at least that would be a small improvement, instead of a huge huge loss. If Big Top isn't there, I can say for definite that I won't be going.
  10. Absolutely. Getting shoved and pushed around everywhere
  11. Been lurking here for a while. Decided to post an account for this. Was in the third group to go in. Really good. Huge amount of actors, and think a few bits have been rethemed, and first scene is a little different. All in all, definitely worth doing. Just worth noting queue was moving excruciatingly slowly. Hopefully that will improve as they get going.
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