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Theme Park Fanatic

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Everything posted by Theme Park Fanatic

  1. @Benin I don’t evnvy who ever has too apply the PollyFilla. It’ll be a long and boring job. As long as you cannot see a discolouration where the PollyFilla is the carriages will look epic. I wonder if Emily Alton is paying for this renovation. I admire her she’s finally evicted the Zombies after 19 years. I cannot wait to see how she decorates and refurbishes HER house.
  2. Looking at a photograph that’s been posted on Facebook the Duel carriages are leaving. I expect their going away to have the Guns and Scoreboards removed. I imagine the same carriages will return without the guns and with a new paint job. It wouldn’t be the first time ride hardware has been sent away. During Forbidden Tomb’s transformation to Tomb Blaster the carriages went and returned. As Duel’s refurbishment is scheduled to be finished by March,I think the ride system will remain but the Theming altered. If/when the carriages return I hope marks aren’t apparent where the Guns and Scoreboards were. This is why I suspect removing these elements is an offsite job. I don’t know but I suspect the holes where the guns were will have to be filled by Mack. Does anyone know how the holes left from the Guns and Scoreboards can be filled in?
  3. @Benin are there any Chessington employees left on this forum? If there are you should them. This may be the only way to getting a reliable,honest and solid answer. I don’t work at Chessington but I wish I did. I think your point is justified and “Scorpion Express is more likely to reopen this year then Enterprise is”. At least part of Scorpion Express is still standing and the area is not overgrown. I really fear for Scorpion Express and Enterprise. If I had to predict one ride that will leave Alton and one that will leave Chessington I would say Scorpion Express and Enterprise. Looking at a photograph that’s been posted on Facebook the Duel carriages are leaving. I expect their going away to have the Guns and Scoreboards removed. I imagine the same carriages will return without the guns and with a new paint job. It wouldn’t be the first time ride hardware has been sent away. During Forbidden Tomb’s transformation to Tomb Blaster the carriages went and returned.
  4. @Matt Creek if Scorpion Express is demolished,I would really like to purchase a piece.
  5. @Matt Creek I think Bob my be bonkers. Your more likely to see a flying Pig than the return of the Runaway Train minus the Mine (Rocks). I’d believe Bob had he said the ride was being reverted with the Mine.Bob probably doesn’t know that the entire Train has been stripped to its bones. Sorry to quench your happiness.
  6. @Mark9 hopefully the fact Enterprise and Hex are still on the Alton Towers website,means they’ll reopen. Incidentally I think Hex did reopen a couple of days ago. As for Chessington’s oldest Scourpeon Express I think it’s reached the end of the line. I’m devastated by the rides removal from the Chessington website. I could be jumping the gun but I think wee need to say choorio. Pun intended. This aging and increasingly unreliable Rollercoaster was rumoured to be leaving in 2019. I’m upset that Scourpeon Express left in a puff of smoke and not in a controlled situation. I’m certain that without the fire Scourpeon Express would’ve crammed in at least one more season. It’s unfortunate that enthusiasts won’t be able to say goodbye to the Rollercoaster at closing down events. The closure of Scourpeon Express would be very sad. Not only is Scourpeon Express a ride that can be enjoyed by all the family, but it was Chessington’s first Rollercoaster that adults could ride. The reason behind this statement is that The Clown Coaster in Circus World also opened in 1987. The Clown Coaster was more subdued than Scourpeon Express,the then Runaway Mine Train,. @Mark9 I was probably in the last billion people to board Scorpion Express. I was rode Scourpeon Express on the 29 of June and the 30th. Less than 6 weeks later my beloved Scorpion Express would be destroyed by fire.
  7. @EmilyLovesVortex I was just about to post the same thing. We must be telepathic. The likelihood of Scorpion Express returning is remote. Merlin don’t remove rides from websites unless they’re being removed. Scorpion Express has been extremely unreliable and is an ageing ride.Furthermore in 2019 there were rumours that Scorpion Express and Seastorm were both closing. Fortunately Seastorm won’t be going. Due to the ride breaking itself it’s had a major restoration. It would be a complete waste of money if Chessington repaired Scorpion Express only to remove it soon. and is an unreliable ride. The removal from the Chessington website and App is even more poignant as Duel at Alton Towers is still listed. Duel has been confirmed as closed in its current format. This more or less rules out a retheme of Scorpion Express. It’s sad if Scorpion Express has taken it’s final passengers. It’s a true Chessington classic and their eldest Rollercoaster. I was only on Scorpion Express on the 1/2nd of July. I remember feeling blessed due to the rides unreliability. Had I known that Scorpion Express would literally leave in a puff of smoke,less than 4 weeks later, I would have appreciated the experience more. The way Scourpeon Express was a tragedy. Fans of the ride will never get to say Choorio to the Rollercoaster. Had fate not intervened Chessington would probably have held a closing down event like Bubbleworks and Ramesis Ravenge had. If Scorpion Express has departed I hope Chessington use the plot in Mexicana usefully. I would like a ride like Vicking River Splash at Legoland Windsor to be built. Including the queline,disused queline,ride area and the former Flying Jumbos site behind Croc Drop the footprints about the same. I will miss Scorpion Express it was good news for all thrill seekers no matter their age. When working Scorpion Express was also a blast during the Summer. I say this as during my ride in July the animatronic Scorpion didn’t squirt water once. being removed is heightened,as desperate being closed Duel at Alton Towers is still on the website. Duel is having a refurbishment,whereas I think Scourpeon Express has come to the end of the line. Pun intended.
  8. @Matt N this adds further certainty to my belief that The Haunted House is returning. If the Haunted House returns I hope they focus the storyline around Emily Alton. It would be great if air effects and leg ticklers are added to the vehicles. Thease effects could simulate Rats crawling over you. In addition it could simulate Snowey the Cat walking around. and Vampires,Witches,Ghosts,Mummy’s and Emily Alton breathing on you. I’m hoping to visit Alton Towers next year to experience the returning Haunted House.
  9. @Matt N the site of this new Indoor attraction is very near to The World Of David Williams. When The World Of David Williams was The Land Of Make Believe this plot was part of the area. On old Alton Towers parks maps you’ll see that The Alton Beast,Wild Mouse and Big Apple were part of this area. I hope this development doesn’t receive objections at the Public Consultations. I say this as the mentioned Rollercoasters closed due to local residents complaining. Hopefully over 30 years later these residents have died/moved house. I think it’s pathetic to complain about noise from a Theme Park. Due to their nature noise is generated at these attractions. If you don’t like noise don’t move in close proximity to a Theme Park. Alternatively move away. It’s the residents that are at fault not the Theme Park. I’m surprised John Broome the then owner of Alton Towers didn’t complain about the local residents.
  10. @Matt N it sounds like this indoor attraction will be an expansion of The World Of David Williams. I would expect a Flying Theatre themed to Grandpa’s Great Escape. My other theory is that the Alton Towers Dungeons are being extended. This could be why work is happening with Nemesis Sub-Terra. My rationale is the Drop Towers could be relocated to the expansion. Many Dungeon attractions have a Drop Tower that simulates a hanging. If Nemesis Sub-Terra had its Drop Towers removed,Alton Towers could add this experience.
  11. If the original Haunted House does return who else thinks it should be called The Haunted House Strikes Back? This name would be appropriate.
  12. @Mark9 next year has the potential to be a good season for Alton Towers. With the “rumoured” reopening of The Haunted House and “rumoured” return of Nemesis Sub-Terra it’ll be great. Both rides are sorely missed. From the message written in the Duel queline,I expect the main characters of the returning Haunted House will be Emily Alton and Snowy. I wouldn’t rule out the building being rethemed to Emily Alton’s Dolls house and the ride taking you around scenes. For instance a playroom that features the dolls house and causes children to become possessed. I like most people believe that both rumours are true. If these rides return Alton will technically gain a couple of new/rethemed Dark Rides in the space of a year.
  13. @Matt N too some a complete reinstallation of the original Haunted House may seem fuddy-duddy. The original incarnation of the Haunted House predates me by 7 years. There’s been many technical advances in my life but in my opinion classic rides like The Haunted House should return. More modern Dark Rides lack character and Theming. Take Professor Burp’s Bubbleworks at Chessington for example. This ride was amazing for all ages with marvellous Theming and Gags. It’s successor The Gruffalo River Ride Adventure is missing all of the above. The ride is 95% TV screens and projections. I’d much rather the 1992 Haunted House return then a cheap and tacky ride with TVs occupy the space. I must confess the Gruffalo River Ride Adventure is far better than Bubbleworks Imperial Leather. Despite this the ride isn’t even an inch on the Professor Burp version.
  14. @Matt N how would you feel about the Haunted House returning exactly how it was? I know technology has advanced in 30 years. This doesn’t stop Alton Towers from having exact replicas of the Theming made. Alternatively the Haunted House could return as a mixture of old and new. John Wardley was sighted on Duel. Apparently he had and was looking at the original plans while going around the ride. Personally I think this means some unused concepts from the original Haunted House could be used. It’s amazing Alton Towers are rumoured to be bringing back an old classic.
  15. @Matt N I think Duel is going to return as the Original Haunted House. All the signs and statements point to it. I’m as certain The Haunted House is returning as I was that Project Amazon would be Jumanji themed. You all know that my Jumanji hunch was correct.
  16. My Mum’s booked a Chessington holiday for myself,my Younger Sister and her. We’re going for Howl’Oween. This will be the first Merlin event I’ve attended. Well I did go to Chessington for Halloween 2007. I didn’t do many Halloween activities then. I was only 7. Can someone tell me if you have to pay for the Scare Mazes before you arrive? I hope we can pay at Chessington. I’m a MAP (Merlin Annual Pass Holder) but my Mum and Sister aren’t.
  17. I’ve seen on Facebook and Twitter that The Jungle Bus plot is currently a building site. The codename for this development is Project 71. The ride type is not known,but it’s thought to be a newer version of The Jungle Bus. Chessington Buzz stated they think the Project will take weeks rather than months.
  18. @Benin I get what you mean about Merlin’s “cheap nonsense”.Back in 2011 Themeing was not Merlin’s forte. Merlin have since stepped up their game To be fear in recent years Merlin have opened rides in the Disney league.Tacky themeing is a thing of the past. Merlin have astounded me with many themed rides. Some examples are Tiger Rock/Land Of The Tiger,Croc Drop,Tomb Blaster’s overhaul,The Rainforest,Vampires refurbishment,Wickerman,Blue Barnacle,Lego Mythica,The World Of David Williams and the Wild Asia refresh. Other recent attractions are far from brilliant. The Gruffalo River Ride Adventure Looks like it was largely made by toddlers. 85% of the ride is cardboard cutouts,projections and TVs. I feel like Chessington rethemed Bubbleworks on a low budget. Don’t misunderstand Gruffalo is superior to Bubbleworks Imperial Leather. To be blunt anything would be. If Merlin replaced the Cardboard cutouts,TVs and projections with physical sets the ride would be awesome. At least the Gruffalo kind of of fits into the surrounding area. Following the Imperial Leather Sponsorship Bubbleworks did not. If Dreamworks struck up a contract with Merlin now, the result would be different. I bet the person responsible for Dreamworks pulling out is squirming about it. I would like to congratulate Merlin on seeing their mistakes and stepping up the Theming. I really look forward to experiencing The World Of Jumanji at Chessington next year. I know it’ll rival if not suceed the Lands at the Universal and Disney Theme Parks.
  19. Does anyone remember when in 2011 Alton Towers planned to build this area. Far Far Away was proposed to be a rethemed amalgamation of Storybook Land and Old McDonald’s Farmyard. Unfortunately at the last minute Dreamworks pulled out. It’s thought that Dreamworks didn’t like the artist’s plans of the site. Apparently Dreamworks thought Merlin was inferior to them. It’s a great shame that Dreamworks opted out. A Shrek themed land would have catered for all ages. There’s not many Theme Park areas that Grandparents would enjoy as much as kids. Who else shares my opinion that it’s a pity the area featured in the linked video didn’t make it to Alton Towers. When I say there isn’t many Theme Park areas that appeal to all,I mean at Alton Towers. Chessington has areas that entertain all. For example Chessington has a large Zoo. This is an area that people who aren’t into rides enjoy. I think CBeebies Land that now occupies the plot is geared towards Children under the age of 8. I personally think Alton Towers shot themselves in the foot. Old McDonald’s Farmyard had something for all. The Animals gave people who don’t like rides something to appreciate. Let’s face it who doesn’t love Animals. CBeebies Land in my opinion is an annoying attraction. It wastes a space where a multi generational area or Rollercoaster could be. The programmes on CBeebies change quicker than Alton Towers can adapt to. For example Tree Fu Tom Training Camp and Charlie and Lola’s Moonsquirters And Green Drops have only been rethemed this season. This is despite both programmes being axed years ago. I fear that CBeebies will invade what’s left of Adventureland and result in the removal of Spinball Wizzer (Sonic Spinball).
  20. @Matt Creek is Rocky Express still SBNO in Old Town? I ask as I’ve heard it’s still owned by Thorpe Park and in storage. I think that over the coming months Thorpe will announce the return of Rocky Express. It wouldn’t be the first time a Thorpe Park ride has had a reprieve. In 2007 The Flying Fish was brought back after a couple of years.
  21. Is the Blair Rabbit’s Burrow ride that closed almost a decade ago SBNO? If it is retaining it is an utter waste. The ride could be rethemed or replaced with a large scale attraction. In other news Theme Park Worldwide posted a photo on Instagram of Bounce operational. This photograph was great to see the rides been SBNO for many years.
  22. @Mattgwise I think we know what to expect from seeing the Jumanji ride at Gardaland. If this Jumanji attraction is anything too go by,Chessington will have,an immersive,well themed premier attraction. I’m expecting smoke effects,animatronics,water effects,mist effects,sound effects and smell pods. I’ve heard the Gardaland ride features all of the above. Personally I hope the new Rollercoaster has a Dark Ride section. I know the only thing they have in common is being Rollercoasters,but I am thinking along the lines of The Dragon at Legoland Windsor.
  23. I’m no fortunate teller yet I could’ve told you months ago that Project Amazon was Jumanji Themed. Don’t get me wrong I’m exited about The World Of Jumanji. Id love to become the next Robin Williams (Alan Parrish) and enter the Jungle. I hope Chessington’s Jumanji area is as heavily Themed,if not more so than Gardaland’s.
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