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Everything posted by Mark9

  1. Mark9

    How Old Are You?

    I am now 19. Its great....
  2. I agree with Sheepie, 2003 was the best year. A good mix of old and new.
  3. Hes right. But think how celebrated Stealth would be if it was actually themed properly instead of hap-hazardedly.
  4. You just proved my point as they are both nothing special. Theming may have pushed them beyond the port of call. Instead they are just coloured.
  5. Mark9


    I love Doctor Who. Shame the current series is completely hit or miss to be honest. I love the old episodes.. so cute for something so old.
  6. Speak for yourself. I don't go anymore but take your example when I went to Phantasialand and if all there was on Mamba was a black and brown ride with no buildings, no waterfalls, no tunnels, no music or interesting lighting then Black Mamba would have been a very bland ride with nothing special. Thats the trouble with this you have to stop thinking that one time visitors notice nothing because they do. If you send a train on Inferno without the mist then everyone knows you're going through a shed. If its full of mist and red lights you believe its the depths of a volcano (to some extent).
  7. If Thorpe don't have that attitude at all then explain to me why nothing around Tidal wave works. The water tower, the traffic lights, the entrance sign. They are guilty as the other parks when it comes to leaving things turned off. Because it adds something to someones day. Immersiveness and all that jazz.. and about blue theming the only rides Tussauds have added in 10 years now that have no blue on them are Tidal Wave, Inferno and Slammer...
  8. woo thanks guys ;)I got a Dalek card... I love it
  9. Just to put a point across. Parks don't need to add theming everyone who has said that is correct. However wouldn't you prefer to visit somewhere that tries to take you away from the ordinary and immerse you. Lets compare the Runaway Train at Chessington (or even Alpine Express at Europa Park, Colorado Express at Phantasialand or Runaway Mine Train at Alton) against the Flying Fish re-added this year. Flying Fish is a terrible ride in all honesty. The hill embankments saved the ride 3 years ago however now thsi fish is flying above sand and empty ponds. Not really setting things alight. The other 4 rides yes are different themes but are excelling rides. They travel through caverns, around things and are more then just track plonked on a piece of land wit the smallest bit of stylisation added. Anyway my two cents are that Thorpe doesn't need to theme. It never will be a competing world beating park so why should they waste their money on theme.
  10. Sorry but thats the best answer I've read for a long time As for my religion... I only believe in the Tardis.
  11. You can't really say that Seb considering theres a good 10 years between the two.
  12. Original lay-out, forceful elements, an actual story behind the ride, commitment to getting a ride by making a hole, the SW1 and SW2 back story. Everything about Nemesis oozes class. Ah but if you had ridden Rita first you'd see it differently. Although I see your point I think what one of my friends said stands true, "you build up all that speed on Stealth just to slow down again as you go up whilst Rita keeps the speed going"
  13. Mark9


    http://forum.gamesradar.com/viewtopic.php?t=105070How interesting.
  14. I tink some people need to relook at the term over-rated. In fact Rita gets very little rating at all compared to its Southern cousin. Still I'm glad you liked Runaway Train, Hex and Duel, those three are awesome rides and don't get enough of a look in. I felt the same about Nemesis when I first rode but its now my favourite ride, maybe you need it to break in for you to. Oblivion doesn't surprise me however it may be because your so used to Stealth's launch that you feel old Oblivion's a little weak.
  15. We can say whether we think somethings going to be closed though.. for instance I think Carousel will be closed today however its not a guarantee just an outsiders opinion. At the end of the day Mister all you can hope it is.
  16. Mark9


    Haven't you ever heard of recycling!
  17. Mark9


    Haha yea, was bloody empty today. I didn;t mind though was giving 4-5 goes at Runaway.. just out of pure boredom.
  18. S&S just use it stupidly. Flying Jumbos and Berry Bouncers use compressed air to run and are 2 of the most reliable rides in the park, same with air-gates.
  19. That facts come straight out of nowhere, wheres your proof of that Seb? Inferno was only closed fully for one week in 2003 whereas Slammer and Stealth had months of downtime in there first years.
  20. What do you want me to give it, a medal? Aren't rides supposed to be open more then they closed. 2 months doesn't sound like much to me.
  21. And how many times has there been a fire and a whole park evacuation in the last 6 years?
  22. Mark9


    Sexy though....
  23. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Thorpe fills its quote of a ride closed a day.
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