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The left foot of one of the workers? If so I can explain...It happened the day I was there, sometime in September. A group, going round on the ride, decided it'd be fun to knock over one of the Bubble workers, which are obviously secured to the floor, this broke one of it's feet. In fact for a while afterwards all that was there was the broken foot as the model had been taken away.Don't you just hate people who do things like that?

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Ahh yes, I remember that, I think I was there on that day... anyway, that wasn't the model I was referring to. Let me explain a bit more.Here's a picture of what I mean from 2005 (Click) Notice the left foot (if your looking at it) is leaning onto the right foot (the one where the toes move) and its being tickled by a bubble worker. (This was the same case in 2006, but I can't find a good enough picture).Now, around 2008 (Click) You can see the foot has fallen towards the wall, and the worker has been turned slightly so it is now tickling the right foot with the feather duster.Before finally in 2009 (Click) you can see the left foot has completely disappeared, or at least it has done by the end of 2009 anyway. Seems strange the park would just take this theming away and not even try to put it back. Can anyone shed some light on it?

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Just to make this even more strange, I took that photo on the 7th of April 2009, not 2008. So it must have been fixed (albeit with the foot against the wall) and then broken again since then.Posted ImageSo, that's Prof Burp's Bubbleworks with battered up feet. It is the left that is being tickled and has a patch where the feather duster had been wearing the paint away for 15 years.Posted ImageThen I can only assume that during the retheme they got altered (they would have had to remove them to paint them) leaving the positioning slightly different. This photo shows little change other than the angle of the lefty (I assume it was taken in 2006).Posted ImageFinally this one shows a big change when the left goes missing, the big toe fallen off (you can just see it behind the foot) and the angle changed so that the feather duster is now reaching the right.Posted Image2009 it gets some TLC and the left makes a reappearance.Posted Image2010 it happens all over again.Posted ImageIs that right? :) What's more, I quite clearly remember a year ago when I was researching this seeing a photo of the left foot in place of the right foot with the right missing. But, I can't find the photo (just as well probably, I mean, this is rather silly).
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I went on the re-themed Bubbleworks for the first time today as last time I went on Bubbleworks was 8 years ago. But it's amazing, it really brought back loads of memories. It did seem good, what effects usually don't work? But I loved it, I got on it twice today the most memorable bits for me are 'Bath time' and the water fountains. But defiantly a top class family attraction.

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I went on the re-themed Bubbleworks for the first time today as last time I went on Bubbleworks was 8 years ago. But it's amazing, it really brought back loads of memories. It did seem good, what effects usually don't work? But I loved it, I got on it twice today the most memorable bits for me are 'Bath time' and the water fountains. But defiantly a top class family attraction.

Next time you go hand out the stuff you were on so we can all enjoy your experience on this piece of faeces...
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  • 1 month later...
Yes, the warehouse that contains the Vampire break run and station is also the warehouse that contains the whole of Bubbleworks. The building must be pretty big, but it is totally hidden behind the facades of Transylvania.On the exit path, as you come out on to the balcony overlooking the lift hill and break run, you will see a brown door. This door is the emergency exit door beside the giant pressure gauge seen in the Rub a Dub Reactor scene on Bubbleworks. I only worked that out the other day when I heard the music from that scene playing and traced it to that door. Listen out for it next time. That must mean most of Bubbleworks is actually on top of Vampire... Didn't know you could smell it though!
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