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Now you see I liked Reyes, thought he could have given alot especially with the extra width at Emirates. Still the Beast is one hell of a player and with Wengers guidance we might see a superstar.And finally Ca$hley COle has Gone with Gallas coming our way, what a buy.I was alittle down about our squad this year but with Rosicky, The beast and GAllas the glory days might just be coming back.Come on the Gunners - You see there is more to life than Theme parks

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I dislike football with a passion I must say. It intrests me in no way, shape or form. Its crazy because all my dad and brother talk about is football... when ever I talk about coasters they just look at me as if to say, shut up.Well anyway, if I was to support anything I would support the ball... it always scores so you cant loose.

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Personally, don't dislike football, but do despise when it's all people can find to talk about. That and the stupid amounts on money these (mostly) brain dead idiots get paid to kick a bit of leather around for 90 minutes each week, it's just utterly ridiculos.I mean, Beckham, ?500k a WEEK, a friggin' week! Most people wouldn't earn that in a lifetime, and when you have people like doctors and surgeons that are saving lives on a daily basis, you'd think the pay packets should be switched.Sure, a footballer might get up to run around a bit in the morning, and go to the gym once a day or whatever, but it's hardly taxing! A doctor on the other hand has spent 4 years + in University to gain his/her qualifications, but gets paid a fraction of what a footballer does in a year.


My physics teacher is obssesed with reading FC and we say reading suck just to annoy him

Not too far from the truth tbh :unsure:
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well it is good to see that I am not the only one who hates football


I mean, Beckham, ?500k a WEEK, a friggin' week! Most people wouldn't earn that in a lifetime, and when you have people like doctors and surgeons that are saving lives on a daily basis, you'd think the pay packets should be switched.

totally agree why not sell all the football pitches to raise money to fund into the HNS to reward doctors and nurses and midwife's and all those people trying to find a cure for cancer not spent on footballers houses and cars and hair products and stuff.footballers get paid to much for practically nothing (I know that is a bit extreme but I am extreme in some topics)
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