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  On 4/22/2011 at 11:46 AM, 'Sheepie said:

I saw that last night and had to stifle a scream. It's the whole silence thing, them not speaking, not doing anything, but just being there. (have they always been there?)I'm too excited for tomorrow. I'm also loving the Beeb for the viral marketing they're creating for Who. :D

I saw yesterday also, and I forgot to post :L I'm super excited though! and the next episode "Day of the Moon" gets clips unlocked at 6.45pm tomorrow as well :Phttp://www.bbc.co.uk/doctorwho/dw/news/bulletin_110422_01/Day_of_the_MoonWe we we so excited <3
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Mmmmmm, after having watch last night's episode I can't really say I got into them... There seemed to be a lot going on, too much in fact for an opening lot of episodes... It may be cos of being used to the more 'generic' Who style storyline opening the series since the reboot, but I just didn't really connect with the two episodes because it was all this that and the other... Wayyyyyyyy too much going on when usually it gets teasered in the background for a few episodes before the big reveal...Back to basics next week at least... Bring on the Pirates!

And yet another alien species the Doctor has condemned to death, he's an arse... :rolleyes:

And the girl regenerated!

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The Silence will be back, for sure. We're still yet to find out why they wanted the Tardis explode in the last series amongst some other things. I think they play a larger part in this series.It does perhaps elude to how all those aliens managed to form an alliance last season- they were manipulated by the Silence, and then they forgot.Watched the episode a second time last night, after missing little bits of the episode before. I thought it was fantastic and a cracking two parter for Who. There were some amazing River moments in this episode that was really touching.... that is the last time she will kiss the Doctor and it was his first. Aww. Confidential was also a cracker too. So glad it's back. :rolleyes:

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Load of tripe last night. I'm getting a bit fed up with this timey wimey stuff now and Moffats "throw everything into the pot and hope the audience works it out for themselves" approach. The constant story arcing everywhere is making some stories irrelevant like The Beast Below and Victory of the Daleks last year.

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This series has been so crap so far... the new script-writer was awful last series too with cop-out endings and absurd stories which are difficult to follow which makes it harder to watch and thus enjoy. The bad script-writer does Matt Smith no justice.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It was a very expensive episode; it was pushed from last season to this one because they couldn't afford it last year after the Beeb cut the show's production budget. The Ood was used to save some money after splashing the cash on other areas in this episode.Saying that it's not up there with the best, is of course, your opinion, which your entitled to. Take a look through these people's opinions on tonight's episode: Digital Spy Forums

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Might as well make comment on last week's episode...Much improved over the terrible pirate one, what with an actual interesting story and actually challenging the canon of the past series... I doubt we'll see Idris again but I hope we do...The corridor scenes were pretty well done even if the budget could only stretch to one... That should be done more in the future, more scenes in the actual OTHER parts of the Tardis and not just the control room... Oh, and finally...Posted Image

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Yes it made a nice change to see some more of the TARDIS but I personally think it would probably be best not to go there too often as you could kinda see they were using the same set and I think I prefer to imagine what the rest may look like. It was great to see the old control room though. :) Oh and... "Did you wish really hard?" :blush: Best line of the new series so far!

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