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Chessington Trip Reports

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Just got back from Chessington. What can I say? Without a doubt the best day trip to a theme park I've ever had. First things first - The Staff. I can't even begin to complement all of the Chessington staff enough, for their friendliness and enthusiasm towards guests. It seemed as though they couldn't have done more for me today, and I can't thank them enough for it. The day wouldn't have been half of what it was without the wonderful staff. My friend treated us both to an Express fastpass, which meant that we had an incredibly high ride count, without queueing for longer than 15 minutes. I now have a new favourite attraction - Rameses Revenge. The ride was being run on setting 6, which was incredible, all 4 times I went on it. The atmosphere around the park is far more friendly than Thorpe, and I could actually join a queue without worrying whether the group in front of or behind me were likely to stab me. I didn't see any breakdowns, and the park as usual had a full ride line-up. All the the ride-ops were fun and exciting, which added something special to the ride experience. I've never actually paid much attention to it, but the theming was absolutely impeccable throughout. I was especially impressed with Rattlesnake and Vampire. All of the rides were being run incredibly well, for example Rattlesnake was running on 7 cars and dispatching at least every 20 seconds. The park was clean, tidy and a pleasure to be spending a day in. All I kept thinking on the way home was, "Why did I have to buy a Thorpe Park Annual Pass?" In no way shape or form can I pick a fault with my day today. Just incredible. There's not really a lot more that I can say. If you work for Chessington in any department and are reading this, then please give yourself a huge pat on the back. I really am, beyond impressed with my visit.My ride count from today:Vampire: 2Bubbleworks: 2Seastorm: 1Black Bucanneer: 3Dragon's Fury: 1Billy's Whizzer: 1Dragon Falls: 1Rameses Revenge: 4Runaway Train: 2Tomb Blaster: 1I am logging on to the recruitment website again as I speak! :P

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  Paul said:

Just got back from Chessington. What can I say? Without a doubt the best day trip to a theme park I've ever had. First things first - The Staff. I can't even begin to complement all of the Chessington staff enough, for their friendliness and enthusiasm towards guests. It seemed as though they couldn't have done more for me today, and I can't thank them enough for it. The day wouldn't have been half of what it was without the wonderful staff. My friend treated us both to an Express fastpass, which meant that we had an incredibly high ride count, without queueing for longer than 15 minutes. I now have a new favourite attraction - Rameses Revenge. The ride was being run on setting 6, which was incredible, all 4 times I went on it. The atmosphere around the park is far more friendly than Thorpe, and I could actually join a queue without worrying whether the group in front of or behind me were likely to stab me. I didn't see any breakdowns, and the park as usual had a full ride line-up. All the the ride-ops were fun and exciting, which added something special to the ride experience. I've never actually paid much attention to it, but the theming was absolutely impeccable throughout. I was especially impressed with Rattlesnake and Vampire. All of the rides were being run incredibly well, for example Rattlesnake was running on 7 cars and dispatching at least every 20 seconds. The park was clean, tidy and a pleasure to be spending a day in. All I kept thinking on the way home was, "Why did I have to buy a Thorpe Park Annual Pass?" In no way shape or form can I pick a fault with my day today. Just incredible. There's not really a lot more that I can say. If you work for Chessington in any department and are reading this, then please give yourself a huge pat on the back. I really am, beyond impressed with my visit.My ride count from today:Vampire: 2Bubbleworks: 2Seastorm: 1Black Bucanneer: 3Dragon's Fury: 1Billy's Whizzer: 1Dragon Falls: 1Rameses Revenge: 4Runaway Train: 2Tomb Blaster: 1I am logging on to the recruitment website again as I speak! :P

That is a GREAT trip report!How was your first ride on Vampire then? :PI can't wait to hear!
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  themeparkmad said:

How was your first ride on Vampire then? :PI can't wait to hear!

It was fantastic! I tried it once at the front, and once at the back. I know you love the front, but I have to say, for me the ride was 100 times better at the back. Also, I couldn't believe how slow the second lift is! But yes, a great ride.
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  Paul said:

It was fantastic! I tried it once at the front, and once at the back. I know you love the front, but I have to say, for me the ride was 100 times better at the back. Also, I couldn't believe how slow the second lift is! But yes, a great ride.

Glad you enjoyed it! :PIf the second lift was slow, then you had a 3 train operation.When Vampire operates with a 1 or 2 train operation, lift 2 is usually alot faster.
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Could not agree more, absolutely unbelieveable day out, will go into more detail later :PThe staff as you say are mind-blowing, they are so friendly and just so nice whilst being so efficent.I agree Rameses Revenge was fantastic today Vampire and Dragon\'s Fury were as usual brilliant as was Rattlesnake,It will be after man trips to Chessington I even think about going back to the low depths of Thorpe.The atmosphere at Chessington is so nice, friendly and you feel you are where your supposed to be, also noone breaks rules!I was with 15 other people today and all of them commented on the staff, the rides, the length of the rides, theming, just absolutely everything!Pictures:Posted ImageFirst ride of the day, did it twice with no que :PI love this ride!Posted ImageI love this ride :P There\'s a tradition going on here.Posted ImageBest pirate ship EVER, near Rush amount of air :PPosted ImageThe brilliant Rameses RevengePosted ImageAnd againPosted ImageAnd again :PPosted ImagePosted ImagePosted Image

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Really good to hear you had such a great day today James, hopefully more people will read the comments and visit Chessie a lot more often.As ever, if you have any positive comments you'd like to put forward to them - guest.services@chessington.co.uk will be the place to send them :P

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Without a doubt I will be, I was , even after last time, just amazed. Sorry for the not-so-good trip report this time , but all it would be is, "went to Rattlesnake, was amazing, went to.... was amazing, went to... was amazing etc etc :P ".If you want them these are the que times:Vampire: Didn't see it go above 30 although it might of done, even when 30, didn't even take 20. It's such a nice change to be in a que where you feel like your getting somewhere and not going through endless switchbacks.Rattlesnake: 15 all day pretty much.Dragon's Fury: Got up to 60, but after about 1 it was 30 for the rest of the day and even then only took 20Bubbleworks: Had a pretty solid que all day, 45 minutes for most of it.Rameses Revenge: Usually 20, topped out at 35.Tomb Blaster: Biggest I saw was 65 but I think most of the time it was 45.Dragon Falls: 50, I think... only saw it once.Queueing in these que's is actually very easily bearable and actually enjoyable, as if in you don't really mind queueing a lengthy amount of time as, you are always moving the staff are unbelieveably efficent the majority of the time, the theming around you and that you get a brilliant, long ride after it.I'm about to start repeating myself because I want to get over just how fantastic Chessington is. Go there, go there now :P

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  rossafc said:

Why did I get a Thorpe Park Annual Pass?! :P

I really wish there was a AP swap I could do!There was just one thing that ruins the atmosphere a little when at any theme park. At some point, (In R&A), there will always be people working on the rides that have an expression on their face that implies that they really don't want to be there. For example, yesterday in the Vampire station, although they were quite friendly, it seemed a great effort for them to do their job, and they did seem incredibly bored.
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  Paul said:

I really wish there was a AP swap I could do!There was just one thing that ruins the atmosphere a little when at any theme park. At some point, (In R&A), there will always be people working on the rides that have an expression on their face that implies that they really don't want to be there. For example, yesterday in the Vampire station, although they were quite friendly, it seemed a great effort for them to do their job, and they did seem incredibly bored.

If I am being honest...Out of all members of staff on R&A at Chessington; Vampire's staff do seem the most bored.I mean, People on Dragon Falls standing there all day seem happier than being on a major attraction and constantly working.It is annoying as most Vampire staff do seem very happy. As you said Paul, there is the odd few that are not happy.(Prepared to swap with the unhappy ones :P)
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It really was fantastic,and about the Vampire staff thing, when I was there the person organising the que at the Express Pass/ Main que merge point , I don't know if he was just grumpy but I think he was trying to get into the theme of Vampire which, was Vampire a really serious ride ( Saw) I would understand , but a real family attraction and this guy was staring people out. Wasn't really a bad thing I just didn't think it suited.One great thing with staff though was, One of the people I was with always seems to get picked on in like horror walk-through things, somehow people just know to go for her and she was sat in the Rattlesnake car and one of the ride assistant's sprinted down the station and shouted "bang" right in her ear, it was hilarious, the main ride op physically fell off his chair with laughter and all the ride assistants etc were crying with laughter. Was one of the funniest things I've ever seen ever and although the Thorpe staff are usually great, I just don't think they'd ever do something comical like that.Ended the day spectacularly. :)

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  Mark9 said:

It's really refreshing to hear some Chessington trip reports full of praise. I'm glad you guys had a good day and that the park is impressing people this season.

I was so impressed, earlier today I wrote up a more detailed version of my trip report, and sent it off to guest services.
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  • 4 weeks later...

Running Chessington , it's a hard life :blink:Today was amazing, in short, there aren't enough words to describe how good it was!Chessington's staff team is pyhsically unbelieveable and the nicest group of genuine people I've ever met anywhere.Sorry for the lack of detail but I'm exhausted!It was however much, much busier than I expected with Vampire's Queue getting up to 70 minutes!Oh, one bad thing from today, while testing Bubbleworks :blink: , Someone had stood up in there boat and pulled one of the little workers, snapping it from it's foot.I rode it twice, once after it had not long happened, with the little man lieing there broken, and later once it had been removed. All that remains at this moment is his foot.

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  • 5 weeks later...

I went to Chessington yesterday and it was just fantastic.There effort made is second to none and it really was just incredible, first thing we did was head to Vampire for the little'un and the atmosphere in Transylvania was electric, especially as there wasn't anyone else here at that time, but spiders, lights, witches webs etc etc made it just incredible.Just a quick report today as I'm tired and getting ready for an evening session at Alton Towers tonight :PHighlightsHocus Pocus Hall: Bewitched! This was absolutely brilliant, I don't really know what else to say without spoiling it! One thing, we queued from the point where it said 60 mins, and it took 20 mins, which was great, but we were almost put off by it, and I'm sure a lot of people would have been. :D 9.5/10Black Forest Haunt: Like HPH:B This was just fantastic, the effort made was unbelievable, smoke machines everywhere, lights, hearse's just everything. Once again I don't want to spoil it but all I'm going to say is... "I crashed my hearse and my dead body ran away" Plenty of laughs to be had on this. 10/10Vampire: In the dark, this is my No.1 ride. The tunnel is one of the single most fantastic experiences ever. You plunge into the smoke filled tunnel and hear wolf howling noises, then after being blinded by the On ride photo camera, racing lights around the corner tease you before that "phwoar" moment. Hard to explain, just experience it and you'll know what I mean.And just the general effort around the parkI don't have one bad thing to say but a couple of things to improve.The flames on Dragon's Fury were so infrequent and short I doubt many people would even notice them.Oh actually, one bad thing. If you are visiting Halloween Hocus Pocus, don't waste your time with the Fiery Faun show. Lets just say he's more like the excruciatingly-boring-less-fiery-than-a-teabag- faun.He spends so long telling a story, and then eventually gets to one fire blow thing and that's pretty much it. You spend the whole time waiting for the fire and it doesn't really happen. Not even the tiny-tots with me today enjoyed it.Oh and one annoying thing. Whilst on the Safari Skyway I saw one kid amongst the hay and pumpkins near the North entrance, and was picking them up and moving an throwing them around! And then further along, more kids were playing catch with the pumpkins near Seastorm. How can parents let there kids do that?It really was incredible and you've just got to experience it.Edit:This is the one of the single best things I have ever seen, if you've seen it, you'll know why :DAbsolutely hilariousPosted ImagePosted ImageThe majority of my pictures from yesterday were rubbish, sorry to dissapoint guys :D

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  On 10/27/2009 at 8:10 AM, 'James6 said:

You plunge into the smoke filled tunnel and hear wolf howling noises, then after being blinded by the On ride photo camera, racing lights around the corner tease you before that "phwoar" moment. Hard to explain, just experience it and you'll know what I mean.

I totally know what you mean! This was my first time on Vampire in the dark but the small tunnel section was absolutely mad! I had no idea what just happened with all the flashing lights then suddenly we were back outside again! Luckily, it was empty so we went on 4 times in a row.
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You were there yesterday? I went too and have to agree, it was great!Vampire is just brilliant in the dark! That tunnel... wow! It was truly the highlight of the day!I didn't do the black forest haunt, but I did do hocus pocus hall bewitched which had lots of jumps and laughs! I would rate it above most THORPE PARK mazes as Hocus Pocus Hall seemed to have many more jumpy moments!

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Oh awesome :DHocus Pocus Hall: Bewitched was brilliant :D

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Forogt a Ride Count, so here we go :DDragon's Fury x 2Vampire x 3Rattlesnake x 5/6Safari SkywayBlack Forest HauntHocus Pocus Hall: BewitchedBubbleworksSealife CenterRunaway TrainNot a lot but a truly great day.

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