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BelGerAnd Day 4 - Phantasialand

[Apologises for the length delay between reports - I've had an interview to prepare for recently, as well as a few other bits come up!] After a surprisingly nice sleep in the hostel of meh-service, and a slight accident where Adam reserved into a lamp post (don't worry, no damage done to us or the car!), we set off to Phantasialand! Collectively, it was probably the park we were looking forward to most. We arrived at the park for their 9am, and headed into the park. Our first port of call wa




Although we were at Efteling for 2 days and the evening of Baron's opening I didn't take that many photos of the park. And of Bobbejaanland I took like 5 in total, so this report will have a Bob ending. Random fact, the name works because Efteling has a ride called Bob. We arrived at the village, checked in a walked to the park for one reason. It was 7pm, park closed at 8. Let's ride Baron I guess. First impressions, it is gorgeous. It's not a ride, it's a piece of architectural art! It lo




Tadah! It's Toverland! Ticket booths (note these were taken at the end of the day, it wasn't quite this quiet) Chairswing with no chairs. Kinda closed CRED best Boomerang of the trip It's very pretty Like a mini indoor theme park Great for kids (also the dark twisty dingy slide is sooo cool) Teacups that tried chucking out Josh's bag And out we went Nothing to see here Log flume Lovely park Inside part of flume. Nicely done rock work Was very nice La



LEGOLAND Windsor - 3/08/2015

Today, I was on park at LEGOLAND. And before I say anything, today was one of the WORST DAYS I have had at LEGOLAND. So let me talk you through it. We got there 45 minutes after opening time, which isn't bad. We then queued up for a ride access pass, which took a long time. Isn't it slightly stupid making people who can't queue, well... queue? Finally we got one, and we walked down the hill to the left, as the way down to Viking's was packed. The weather wasn't the best. Grey skies and very,




For a park to stand out to me it has to be really special. Not many parks do that successfully, give such a great balance of fun, imersiveness, magic etc. But Phantasialand is right up there for me with the great parks of Florida (probably my 2nd or 3rd favourite park I've been too). My only tiny complaint, there didn't seem to be a like big impact entrance. But that might just be they only have one and it's at the Berlin park entrance, not the mystery one (so many entrances and car parks).



Walibi Belgium- No Wallabies.

Welcome to Walabi. This isn't the entrance but it has the logo so it'll do. Plus it's a thrill ride on park, the dodgems. Revenge of the Wallabies! Oh, no. My bad. Did have the classic Sally Corp gun noise which is annoying. Zomg serious cred. Wee! Thing even went backwards a bit Urgh. Pointless waste of space. Yeah... this thing spins... wasn't impressed. It's a very colourful park! And a good flume! I-Spy: The Queue line experience! Oh. This should have been at



BelGerAnd Day 3 - Walibi Beglium

After a fab night's sleep in our lovely hotel, it was Walibi Belgium day. Out of all the park's we were visiting, Walibi Belgium was the park I was most 'meh' about visiting. All the other parks had one or two attractions that I was really interested in trying out, and in some cases, were parks I wanted to try out for quite a while now. Given how I'd only heard about Bellewaerde a few months ago as well, this perhaps shows how blasé my expectations were for the park. We set off, giving ourselve




Welcome to the park down a road behind some houses on some grass where we parked next to a tree. Look who's in Jack's bag! No temple not open yet. Jack is unimpressed by lack of temple. Correction- the temple thing that's now a mine shaft is open! Correction- it's an awesome tomb! See the awesomeness. Temple of awesome mineshaft tomb with broken on board audio. Well I'm glad I tried one. Really doesn't feel like you tilt much at all on ride. The excitement! Look a



Creeking New Heights- My First Ever Coaster Climb

Causing a bit of a gap to the long speculated trip reports of certain members visiting several new major parks [surprisingly not Benin in this case], you may be wondering what the Creek will be able to provide to contend with this. If you were hoping for reports of new visited parks and the like, you may leave feeling rather disappointed [there are big plans in the works for the near'ish future though], however what I will offer instead will be in the shape and form of unique and different theme

Matt 236

Matt 236

BelGerAnd Day 2 - Bellewaerde

Day 2 of the trip got off to a slightly bad start, with no where around our French hotel seemingly being open for us to buy breakfast (despite the internet and shop signs saying they would be open..). After much wandering around, we found a nice little bakery where I couldn't resist getting anything other than a croissant. After food was sorted, and a nice 30 minute car journey was had, we arrived at our second park , Bellewaerde. Now, before I start, I should probably confess that I hadn't rea




Much like a year of Britain, A Year of Europe looks to expand upon its predecessor by including some European parks (of which I already have gained 7). Aim is to end this around this time next year to start a further, worldwide one (one can dream). So, my first European park outside of DLP when I was 15, Plopsaland. It was an early morning when we left Dover (5:15am). To arrive before 9am at a park that opens at 10. Notice the oversized door, yeah we didn't understand why everything was so



BelGerAnd Day 1 - Plopsaland de Panne

So, as some on here might be aware, myself, scarycoasterboy (Adam), J.S217 (Jack) and Peaj did a bit of a European road trip at the end of last month / beginning of this month. 8 days, 7 parks, 3 countries - it was a big'un. Parks we visited were... Plopsaland de Panne (27th June) Bellewaerde (28th) Walibi Belgium (29th) Phantasialand (30th) Toverland (1st July) Efteling (1st-3rd) Bobbejaanland (4th) As we were visiting Belgium, Germany and Holland, we squished the three countries togeth



Back to The Towers: A Tale with Twists (and Turns)

"Twas on a warm summer night in 2015...when the thunder of suitcase wheels signalled the return of the (not-so) wealthy CoasterDude back to his getaway - Alton Towers. As the journey neared its end, a mysterious force was suddenly present in the road. CoasterDude impatiently demanded at the heavens why his journey had been interrupted. With a menacing demeanor, a thought reminded CoasterDude of work and college. CoasterDude cruelly dismissed his troubles and instructed his family to head back to



Oh I Do Like To Be Beside The Seaside!

Sup nerds, So today I had my first visit to a seaside amusement park, with my charity taking a bunch of our disabled Young People. We went to Funland Hayling Island just outside Portsmouth, a cute little place right on the beach a lot bigger than it appears from the outside, with actually some decent stuff. First came a twister, pretty much what it says on the tin but it was on a pretty good setting. Then there was the Klondlike rollercoaster that was really good surprisingly, if a little cr

Celia Mae

Celia Mae

Agressive Bingo in Windsor

I just realised I hadn't written a blog from the TPM LEGOLAND Meet! Should have been a quite important one too seeing as I haven't been before... First impressions of LEGOLAND, it was alright! Obviously designed with little children in mind but it was a fun day all the same. Though I will admit that I fear I'm too much of a thrill seeker and it definitely needs a few more serious coasters... Still loving the meets though Lego Bingo... Got very competitive. Got a list of 20-ish questions fro

Celia Mae

Celia Mae

An Alton Tower-less Weekend

Many Weeks ago I had planned and booked a weekend away at Alton Towers, to check out the new attractions, re ride the existing favourites and a behind the scenes lift hill walk on the Smiler . However unfortunately, 5 days prior to our trip, a terrible accident on the Smiler occurred, resulting in the park being closed for days and the park's worst ride accident in it's history. With our plans changing constantly on the few days before including a proposed changed walk to Nemesis instead, by th

Matt 236

Matt 236

Universal Studios Florida: 25 Years On

Today celebrates the 25th anniversary of Universal Studios Florida (and in essence the entire Orlando Resort but more on that later). Instead of revising for my exams I've decided to share how the park has fallen, picked itself up hugely and become a real competitor to Disney. It started nearly 35 years ago with the idea of Universal building a theme park on the East Coast coming into managers minds in 1981. It was a big move, Hollywood was already in place as a working studios with the studio



A New View on Chessington

Sup ridefans, So I work for a charity where we run playschemes and respite care for disabled children up to disabled young adults, split into three groups; play (5-12), youth (12-18) and young adults (18-25); specialising in our 'non-exclusion policy', meaning any young people are welcome, no matter how severe or not severe their disability is. I work at the youth scheme near Guildford, and on Saturdays we sometimes go on day trips. So today, we went to Chessington. That was an experience. I d

Celia Mae

Celia Mae

Nerding + Work + Life = Fail

I'm gonna say this straight out, I love my job. I'm so happy to finally have one, it's a massive weight off my chest But I am way too used to having so much freedom to organise what I do. For everyone that doesn't know, my air cadet squadron is my life. Completely. Almost everything I do within my cadets capacity isn't for myself, it's for them. I run my squadron's marching band which I have actually built myself from nothing, I have to organise most events, and I help the staff run the squa

Celia Mae

Celia Mae

Glitz and Glamour

Yes I know what you're thinking, another Europa Park/Disneyland Paris trip report from Mark9. I was blown away by Europa Park in 2010 and 2013 and surely this trip can't be any different. And how could I possibly compete with the three blog wonder of Matt Creek's comprehensive Disneyland trip reports. Well... this is a report with a little bit of difference (Or at least I hope so, this is all on the fly so might just end up me complimenting every aspect of Europa Park). Nonetheless, I hope this



Disney & The Creek Part 3 Rock N Rat Tower

Despite our slightly stumbly trip back from Mcdonalds, we made it back to the hotel in where Part 3 of the trip shall now entail. After a waking alarm at 7am, packing our bags and everything, we headed back to Disney, this time using Peajy Taxis instead of the train. During the 2nd day at the park, we gain a sixth person to our party, Sam [Lightyear93] as one of my sixth form mates was able to join us for the day [who is currently doing a placement in Paris]. He too has a Disney Pass. Aft

Matt 236

Matt 236

Disney & The Creek Part 2: Great Theming

Welcome to Part 2 of Disney & The Creek-The Report. Previously we left you with some magical photos of Big Thunder amongst others. What other interesting sights is there to be discovered in what could be the happiest place in Europe? Adventure Isle, home to some great theming More Great Theming Further great theming And most importantly Pirates Of The Caribbean, an amazing ride full of great theming from the moment you enter the queueline. Pirates Of The Caribbean is an absolute

Matt 236

Matt 236

Disney & The Creek- Part 1 Breaking Of The Spell, Everything's Magic

Once Upon A Time, in a land of Merlin empire lived a Creaky Themepark Fanatic who had a life long dream to visit Disneyland Paris. Living under the curse for 21 years, many attempts to break the spell in 2014 were unleashed, but none prevailed. However many months later in to 2015, The Creek encountered Buzz Lightyear & Remy who cooked together a magic plan. Joined by a Mickey Taking Sorcerer. And The Spell Was Broken!!! Matt Creek had made it to Disneyland Paris. Transformed back t

Matt 236

Matt 236

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