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Canadian Caper: Canada's Wonderland

Canadian Caper   Sometimes in life, an opportunity presents itself that you just can't pass up, despite the fact it might be a bit mad... and in my case, this year it was an email from British Airways offering me a return flight to Toronto, Friday - Wednesday in September, for just £356. I had a few days holiday left, hadn't set foot in Canada before, and knew there were some tasty coasters operating in this part of the world... so why not?   It didn't take too long to come u



Closed Season Cravings-Disney At Christmas

Several weeks into the UK theme park closed season and the urge to visit somewhere has kicked in. Rather than pay over the odds for a zoo with a Poundland grotto or illuminated bricks, I decided to return somewhere special to my heart. Lurking in the distance lies, a magicical place.    Disneyland Paris, is that magical place. A place of dreams and wonders  It's certainly clear that 2016 isn't the most ideal time to be visiting with the yearly closu

Matt 236

Matt 236

2016- Josh's Season Recap

So, hey frens and fellow geeks. 2016 has been a pretty good year for me in terms of Theme Parks, so I thought I'd like to do a sarcastic recap of some of my major trips this season! Bulgaria: So even though you'd think this third world(ish) country would have nothing in terms of roller coasters.. In my cheap and tacky summer travels, I came across the best coaster I'd ever ridden, the best coaster in the world, a true beauty.. Why have that when you can have this.. Is



15 Years of Fear - Act 2

Hope you all grabbed some popcorn or something during this brief intermission.  Anyways, here's the second half...   #7 - Cabin in the Woods (2013-2016) Years experienced:  2013-2016 To be honest, Cabin has gotten progressively worse each season for me.  I'm sure that's partly down to getting used to it all, as newbies in the maze really are blown away by the idea.  However, the original version in 2013 was by far the best.  The idea of the maze was that you would enter a roo



Closed Season Part 1

The dreaded closed season. A time when the ride games return, the silly season occurs with people making the same jokes about Colossus being repainted or Rumba being rethemed. Just be glad the Intamin aquatrax joke hasn't reared its ugly head. I like to think of closed season as a time of opportunity, a start of planning trips for 2017 and I thought I'd just put together a few blogs to maybe, inspire.   Denmark. A road trip around Denmark is surprisingly easy. Start your trip in C



15 Years of Fear

Fright Nights might be over, and it might be closed season, but I'm doing a belated 15 Years of Fear Celebration!  I've been fortunate enough to visit every Fright Nights, and do all but one Fright Nights maze-style attraction, so I'm going to do a quick worst-to-best ranking (16 to 1) of all those mazes.  Naturally, mazes change year-on-year, and even one run through can be dramatically different to another on the same night, so I'm being nice and judging these off my best runthroughs.  A



Phantasialand - the best THEME park in the world?

Hi one and all, I am just a lurker here really so you probably haven't seen me around before.  I've recently returned from a trip I took to Phantasialand and have alot to share.   It doesn't take much to make an impression to me, and I feel like the impression Phantasialand makes is incomparable.     I hope, that it pretty quickly displays why it's my favourite park in the world.   I'm not one for just concrete and thrills. The immersion this place delivers is un



Spooky 2016

Welcome, to the Haunted Reviews, Mwoarhaha    2016 has provided me with a vast number of park trips and adventures. A trend which has continued happily for the Halloween season.    Due to excessive number of events done and trying not to bore you with maze review after maze review, I thought I would try and compact my trips into just one report. Where I intend to focus mainly on the best bits (and sometimes the worst).    Xtreme Scream Park/

Matt 236

Matt 236

Josh's Halloween 2016 Awards

So to start the blog off, here's a joke The Conservative Party Anyway its sadly nearly Halloween, meaning the parks close for off season!  So I guess its back to rocking back and forward in my room til march.. So I've reviewed a few events over Halloween, so I'm going to do some awards to recap my Halloween Season! http://forum.maniahub.com/blogs/entry/812-alton-towers-scarefest-2016-review/ http://forum.maniahub.com/blogs/entry/808-screamland-margate-2016-review/ http://



Six Flags Great Adventure - October

Six Flags Great Adventure - October: This was a park I had on my mind since 2011 (when I became an enthusiast), since then I had always wanted to go to this park because of Kingda Ka (obviously). After my parents then made some ludicrous promise based on my GCSEs, which I then achieved, it was confirmed that I was going to go to this park. Believe it or not, I actually made it to Kingda Ka.   So lets start from the beginning...   When driving to the park, there were tree



Tulleys Shocktoberfest 2016 Review!

I tried my best to think of an exciting title but I really lack in creativity so it's simply 'Shocktoberfest Review'. This year, I was lucky enough to visit Tulleys Farm's scare event Shocktoberfest. I had heard nothing but great reviews from the event, and after wanting to go since 2014, Cian and I managed to save enough cash for a ticket. Despite the horrible Friday evening traffic on the M25, we managed to get there in fairly good time, and once we were there, we managed to get all 8 att



Alton Towers Scarefest 2016 Review!

This Blog Will Contain Spoilers And Sarcasm you've been warned! So back in 2015 Scarefest really got a kick up the arse! Scarefest has created some of the best scare attractions in the industry, but back in 2013/2014 the quality of the mazes where really plummeting.. Thankfully last year was one of the best years in Scarefests history, so I was itching to get back! So after a grueling 4 hour drive, a fun M1 Traffifc jam, and a posh meal at Mcdonalds, I was there! FYI I c



Europa Halloween

This year it was decided we'd upgrade our trips in October and visit a foreign scare event. Europa was chosen having won the Scar award for the best international event the past 2 years.   Tth But it wasn't just for their scare event, it was also for the entire park! There are pumpkins everywhere, it feels like a different park Pumpkin cake Halloween special parade Special musical for the season based on Ghost Castle. Rides ha



A Very Frightening Night

On Sunday the 9th of October 2016, me and a few other forum members (and a few other non-forum members) set out on a venture to Thorpe Park Resort. However, this was not just any ordinary day at Thorpe Park; Fright Nights had kicked just two days prior to this visit, and we were all extremely excited to get into the six attractions that the park had to offer. Before the mazes opened to the public for the evening, we had the pleasure of experiencing a behind the scenes tour of Saw Alive and Cabin



Screamland Margate 2016 Review

This Blog Contains Minor Spoilers*   Screamland is a upcoming giant in the scare industry, and last year received rave reviews from scare veterans and the GP alike. I personally have never been to Margate, so my whole night was a complete 'new experience' to me..Yup  Especially the completely rundown city of Margate, and some "interesting" graffiti on some of the walls.. Anyway the event was a grueling Hour and a half drive, so was it worth it? In short, yes..



2016 Containment Review

SPOILER WARNING   So after trying Containment again this year, it feels appropriate in some ways to do a review to mirror my review from last year, and see whether the improvements I wanted to see happened or not.   For a quick run down, here's some of the things I said could be improved, and some comments...   1) The preshow.  Last year, I felt the preshow either needed to be moved inside or just be given totally be an actor.  This year, it's given totally by



Thorpe Park Fright Nights 2016 Review

(THIS BLOG WILL CONTAIN MILD SPOILERS) So Fright Nights returns for its fifteenth year! Overall this year the event was somewhat of a mixed bag. One thing to note is some of the park-wide theming! Fright Nights in previous years have not bothered with theming, but this year they seemed to make some effort which is nice.   The Big Top The Big Top has been completely changed this year, and was way better than last year! The maze is everything it should have been la



Tulleys Farm Shocktoberfest 2016 review

Beware this review may contain mild spoilers!   So Tulleys Shocktoberfest is back! Overall being located at my local farm Tulleys is a must each year, this year sees two new attractions and a bunch of classics return!   Creepy Cottage Even though being the smallest attraction at the event, Creepy Cottage is still a strong attraction. The theming and the eerieness of the attraction is really what makes it, plus a few actors make this attraction a little gem



Halloween Scare Attractions Reviews Preview!

So its that time of the year again... NO NOT CHRISTMAS.   Anyway its getting nearer and nearer to the Halloween season.. So this means I'm gonna get a crap ton of travelling to do! Anyway I'm going to review quite a lot of events this year!   1 Of October, Tulleys Farm Shocktoberfest: Tulleys always finds a way into my calendar. With it being located at my local farm its quite a no brainer, new for this year  includes a 3D revamp of there clown m



Abandoned Wild Wongs Chopstick

Not sure if anyone has realised but wild wongs noodle bar has now vanished off the face of the earth, not that I ever ate at the bloody place but still I want answers! One of my favourite areas of the park is just slowly becoming and looking abandoned. Like some people say, yes it will probably look a lot more alive at fright nights but for the majority of this season it has looked very dead. People are also saying that now loggers is gone for good  and if you are one of those saying this please



Paultons Spark

I first visited Paultons Park in the mid 80's (ish) although the only thing I really remember is feeling hugely travel sick from the coach journey there.  Fast forward to 2010 when I took my next visit to the park - this was the year before Peppa Pig world opened and the park was heavily advertising it (understandably) - we actually queued for about 90 minutes to get a photo taken with Peppa Pig (or her annoying brother - not sure which) - I might add, this was because I was with my then 6 year



Phantastically Acceptable

2016 has certainly been one of my best years for visiting new amazing parks, being lucky enough to visit Europa Park, Liseberg, Paultons Park and Drayton Manor (I suppose).    This September though, things would become even more fantastic as I was to experience my first time. The first time I would be visiting Phantasialand. This is a park I've been wanting to visit now for a longtime, hearing how flawless the theming and attention to detail was here and the quality of the rides; at le

Matt 236

Matt 236

Drayton Manor 1st Visit (September 2016)

Upon arriving at the park, we were both very impressed with the location of the park, all the rides around the lake  looked stunning as we were driving to the car park. Excited to see what this park had to offer, we head for the park   entrance. The park opens and 09:30 and the rides open at 10:30, we turned up around 09:15 and there were already loads  of staff at the ticket booths which was great to see, this meant we could buy our tickets ready to enter the park when  it opened. As it



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