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Liseberg: The Hills Of Helix

Two weeks after experiencing the wonders of Europa, I would be experiencing another new European park. This park was Liseberg, Sweden's largest amusement park located slap-bang in the middle of Gothenburg home to a fine number of flat rides and coasters. Prior to 2014 I knew nothing about this place until a certain ride helixed into the lineup making this park leapfrog onto my list of must do parks.  After checking in and dropping our bags off at Gothia Towers we headed over

Matt 236

Matt 236

ChessingtonSam's 2016 Blog - June

So my last blog lasted long. Hopefully I'll be able to keep up-to-date with this one.   This blog will be divided into three sections: My News: Stuff I'm doing (theme park related)   UK Theme Park News (that you probably wouldn't have heard about)   International Theme Park News (that you proabably won't have heard about)   Anyway, on with proceedings.    MY NEWS I'm going to Alton Towers in July! We're going t



Reign of Kong - Universal Studios Orlando - SPOILERS

KONG…     This has been an attraction I’ve been following for a very long time, I just knew that if the ride was going to be as good as the facade, then Universal have done it again. Boy oh boy have they done it again. They have well and truly hit it out of the park with this ride. From the moment you enter the queueline, to the moment you step out of the mammoth ride vehicles at exit, you are fully immersed in the world of Kong.   The story stars with myself and Amarghh




I'm not gonna drown you with words, or pictures either. I just want to demonstrate how I fell in love with Wodan.   From the entrance, Wodan sits on the far right hand side of the park. you have to walk through most areas to get there, and the pathways there are limited, but stunningly themed, however when you emerge in Iceland you are treated to this gem of a view.     The ride casts an intimidating shadow over the rest of Iceland, and it's thunderous roar is well



Dem Deutsche Days - 3/3

Germany trip - Part 3/3 From 19th May to 25th May 2016 With Loose Steele Bluth Parks visited: Hansa Park, Heide Park, Phantasialand **Photos to be added at a later date**   See parts 1 and 2 for Hansa Park and Heide Park Days 4, 5, and beginning of 6 were spent at Phantasialand   General points ⁃              Park open 9-6 (Rides open either 9:30 or 10, and queues close at 17:45) ⁃              All rides were walk-on during the visi



Dem Deutsche Days - 2/3

Germany trip - Part 2/3 From 19th May to 25th May 2016 With Loose Steele Bluth Parks visited: Hansa Park, Heide Park, Phantasialand **Photos to be added at a later date**   Day 1 - Hansa Park is in the previous blog post   Day 2 - Heide Park     General points ⁃              Park open 10-6 ⁃              It was a Saturday so the park was very busy (See queue-times to see the difference between Saturday and Sunday particularly!)



Dem Deutsche Days - 1/3

Germany trip - Part 1/3 From 19th May to 25th May 2016 With Loose Steele Bluth Parks visited: Hansa Park, Heide Park, Phantasialand **Photos to be added at a later date**   Edit:  SPOILER TAGS ARE NOT WORKING AT PRESENT, SO BEWARE THERE ARE MANY SPOILERS   We hopped on the plane at LHR being keen for the parks again, Got the metro from HAM woo! Am I getting airtime?  Jumped out the train it's Hamburg Central Station, checked in the hotel I can see the free



Take me to Disneyland (16)

I must admit when reviewing Disneyland two years ago I was way to harsh. Part of the nature of theme parks is having high expectations and them not quite being fulfilled. Part of that is my fault, I'd built the place up to be the place that Walt built, when in reality the place has grown beyond recognition from when he was alive. The aspect I wasn't quite prepared for was just how small (in comparison to Disneyland Parc or Magic Kingdom) Disneyland is and how crowded it could become. Everytime I



Euro Matt: The Wonders Of Europa

Over the last year, my theme park adventures have taken me to some  weird and wonderful places away from the U.K. This is all started with Disneyland Paris last april [with a return visit in September] followed by Efteling in November. But from here on, where would my next theme park adventure take me? It would take me to Europa Park, the crème de la creme of European parks amongst being one of the best in the world [if not the best]. After a doable 1 hr 20 minute flight to Basel from Gatwi

Matt 236

Matt 236

Natural Beauty, Amongst the twists and the turns

Thought I'd start my blog with something light and jolly. There is something so amazing about theme parks, the thrills and the adrenaline when your on the towering wonders of engineering. However there are only a few Theme parks where you can have fun without riding a single ride or visiting a single attraction. Alton Towers breaks the mold. It is extremely calming and relaxing to take half of the day walking around the gardens or climbing the Towers rather than rushing from ride to ri



Europa Park

Been a long time! But a busy few months lie ahead for me and theme parks so time to revive this blog!  Europa Park is one me and Jack had talked about for a few years, the place of dreams almost. Finally, it happened! This is one of those trips worthy of a realistic report, not some sarcastic attack at the park like I usually do. We arrived in Basel to get a 100+mph train into Freiburg, followed by a double decker train to Ringsheim and a short "bus" (was a coach) ride to the park




Hey nerds, I know I promised a part three of my disappearance blog AGES AGO but it's been a while so I'm just going to dump a load of Scarefest pictures and pictures from other stuff I've been up to since the end of last year here for anyone who's interested The welcome posters were fabulous... Spot the mistake?   Compulsory trip Nemesis photos: Spooky!   The Towers all lit up   No lights on the Smiler   Scarefe

Celia Mae

Celia Mae

Stuttgart Sojourn: Holiday Park

Stuttgart Sojourn   Welcome to Part 2 of the Stuttgart Sojourn; an April weekend exploring the regional Parks of south Germany (if you haven't read it, Part 1 is here). Following an overcast, but very enjoyable, day at Tripsdrill, a good night's sleep in one of their cosy Schäferwagen, and a hearty continental breakfast in a log cabin in the middle of the WildParadies (a second gate Wildlife Park next to the Theme Park), it was time to make the hour-long drive north to Haßloch's Holida



Stuttgart Sojourn: Tripsdrill

Stuttgart Sojourn   The 2016 Theme Park season is upon us, and what better way to kick off than a weekend hop over to visit our deutsche Freunde in Baden Württemberg. The reason for the trip was to explore two of the more regional, and less-well-travelled parks, in Germany: Tripsdrill and Holiday Park.   Planning was a cinch, involving a Eurowings flight out to Stuttgart (£50) and overnight stay at the Wyndham hotel on airport (£30) on the Friday evening, 2-day car hire from



Galactica: A Gimmick Lost In Space

It had been almost two years since my previous visit to Alton Towers, due to numerous reasons and terrible planning in 2015 [see my Alton Towerless weekend entry]. Whilst 2016 is set to Thorpe's year on the new ride development front, a new attraction managed to pull me in to the orbit of Alton Towers. That new experience was Galactica, the park's former flyer Air, now turned VR coaster for 2016.Would this ret-heme reach new heights or lack atmosphere without Air. Now I know what some of you

Matt 236

Matt 236

Universal Studios Orlando October 2015

So we get of the Hogwarts express and arrive at Kings cross. It's crazy, literally just like a London station. The posters on the walls, to the bins, the constant train announcements, and they even had buskers!? It's just themeing to a whole new level. We then walked out of Kings Cross to enter Diagon Alley. You turn a corner around a brick wall and then boom. There it is, Diagon alley. Literally one place everyone has there phones out taking constant pictures. So real, just like the movie



Universal Islands of Adventure October 2015

So it was the first day of our holiday, and waking up stupidly early due to jet lag we arrived at Universal after eating an IHOP. Yum. We got our tickets, and we waited for IOA to open (even though studios opened at 8) not having a clue how busy it was going to be. It opened a bit before 9, and after scanning our fingers we were in. We went straight to the back of the park for the Wizarding World. Seeing the whole area, and Hogwarts for the first time is amazing. Photos, like of most places



Busch Gardens Howl-O-Scream October 2015

So was in the park from around mid day. The event started at half 7, and the park closed for normal quests at 6. People for Howl O scream were aloud in at 5 and were given wristbands, so from 6 only people with wristbands were given access to all the rides. This was nice as it meant we didn't have to sit doing nothing for an hour like we did at Universal. Was really looking forward to this event, open until 1am with 7 houses with all the main rides open. There was a also a show, live music and



2015- A look back

If 2014 was a year with new rollercoasters left, right and centre, then 2015 was like returning to old friends and sharing a big hug. This was a first for me. Not a single new park in 2015 and only two rollercoasters to my name. Why was this? I wish I knew but my priorities seemed to be tried and tested parks rather then venturing out into the unknown in a quest too boost a coaster count. To start the year, it took till May to visit my first theme park of the year; the amazing Europa Park. We a



Benin's Park Awards 2015

Back again with more definitive decisions on whatever I've visited over this year. And it's been a VERY busy year, with trips far and wide (as far as the Netherlands at least), as once again Europe called to me on a much more regular basis than anywhere in the UK. Indeed, I only visited Towers once, and only because I would've been upset with that red dot on my Coaster-Count profile. Perhaps next year I'll look to complete the leftovers of the UK. How does one define 60 odd park visits into one



Broken Coat Hangers: The 2015 Matt Creek Awards

2015 in summary has been one of the best years visiting theme parks myself, reaching some major milestones including visiting to major parks outside the uk [Disneyland Paris & Efteling] and my first ever coaster climb on the Swarm. Previously, my end of year reports have involved fully analysing the highs and lows of all the parks I've been visited that year [amongst those I almost did or had some importance]. However due to the higher amount of park's I've been lucky to visit this year [

Matt 236

Matt 236

JoshC.'s Review of the Thorpe Season - 2015

Yeah, I'm doing this thing again. It's my 5th season doing a 'season review', and it's interesting seeing not only how the park has changed, but also how my general views of the park have changed, in that time. Here's some links to 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014's reviews if you're interested. This entry will be a lot less photo-heavy than the rest, mostly because I've taken less pictures this season, so I'll try and keep the writing to a minimum too. With the boring points out of the way, "prepare f



Kinder bars give me happiness.

I got back from a trip to Italy ab out 3 weeks ago. Personally, I think the trip could've been better. This was down to several reasons; 1. The people on it were eh 2. The people running it were rubbish 3. We were 20 minutes from Cinecitta world at one point AND WE DIDNT VIST WHY buuuut it's sop picturesque I can't really complain too much Anyway, here's a little collection of pictures and talk through my 5 day trip to Naples and Sorrento and Capri (no sun). Day 1. So we spent most of the



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