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Everything posted by Dan9

  1. I don't think they were implying that they are different TYPES of coasters, just that they are both very different to eachother.
  2. It's just a shame that in the photo you can still clearly see the Station Tin Shed in the background .
  3. Whilst on 6 cars a car began going up the lift hill as another hit the brakes, meaning they met side by side. Now that it's on 8 cars one indeed does start the lift hill ascent as another leaves the MCBR, so as one hits the brakes another is going over the top of the tower I believe.
  4. Well to be fair to newbies, a lot of them are here to learn more about Theme Parks, and is probably the main reason they joined, so don't shout at them for trying. I agree further with Will, I really don't like it when people always say and think their right, and then are continuously rude to anyone who doubts them when sometimes they aren't even right. Even if they are right they shouldn't be acting that way.
  5. Every time I've been it's been open on time fine..And as for the heater thing, I love how Nemesis Inferno's tunnel is nice and cool. Fantastic on a hot day! . And a heater would probably just be another thing to go wrong, even if it would make it feel more volcano-like.
  6. I wish people would stop wasting their wishes with Theme Park related wishes .
  7. Dan9

    Your Thorpe Park

    The coasters queue's all move the fastest, Nemesis Inferno's and SAW's being the quickest overall. Rush's queue moves the fastest out of all the flat rides. Samurai's is just about the slowest moving queue of all the main rides I think.
  8. I was unsure how much Nemesis Inferno's effects would make, but in the end they really do make a difference. I had the best few rides I've ever had on it with being able to ride it with all the effects working for the first time.
  9. Rob was right, they are apparently £7 at Alton Towers now too. The ones at Alton also seemed to go up before they did at Thorpe.
  10. Dan9

    Your Thorpe Park

    A few weeks ago it was only going to the 4th row of the cattlepen, and it took 45 minutes.
  11. Dan9

    Your Thorpe Park

    And it has probably the slowest moving queueline in the world.
  12. It's not really a matter of feeling left out, it was a joke . Anyway, Back on Topic..
  13. So now are we randomly congratulating people for reaching 1000 posts when it doesn't even matter? Because I didn't get one .But yes I can remember what must be at least 5 times when people have made trip reports boasting about their stupidly high Saw ride count all down to SR.
  14. *Daydream Believer by The Monkees.
  15. And that makes it much better .
  16. It hadn't happened at all at this point last year. Or the year before. Or the year before. Or ever, in fact. So it is reaching capacity a lot more this year than at any other time.
  17. And again, in one of your trip reports you said you rode Saw 9 times in a day via SRQ. :)Which is a bit more than 2-3 times.
  18. Dan9

    Britain's got talent

    Your neighbouring town ACTUALLY . But I saw them there, was pretty damn awsaume I must say.
  19. I never realised before yesterday how much a difference Nemesis Inferno's effects actually made. They really complete the ride I feel, and I've never actually enjoyed it as much as I did yesterday (I've never actually had one ride on it when all the tunnel effects are on). Even the Queueline mister makes a difference too, so well done again to the person/people who managed to get all these working again!
  20. I don't think that a SRQ should be introduced on all the rides for pretty much all the reasons Mark said, but some rides I just don't understand what the problem would be for having one. Just because not all the rides can have one doesn't mean certain other rides can't.
  21. Well I'm going tomorrow for the whole day so I'll say then how the queues were like for the main part of the day and then if they died down at all.
  22. Dan9


    Yes, it opened on Monday.
  23. Dan9


    I find Rush's restraints and seats the most comfortable in the whold park. And I don't ever seem to have a problem with Slammer's restraints. If you just do what the ride operators say and only pull the shoulder harness down lightly I don't see there to be any problem at all.
  24. But Mondays are also supposed to be very busy, and the fact that this Monday was a bank holiday and still wasn't that busy means that Friday could still be like the rest of the week - Generally smaller than expected.
  25. The last few visits I've been Nemesis Inferno's water feature has been working fine.
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