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Everything posted by Dan9

  1. They could have just been turned off? Unsure why but sometimes they do just seem to turn off once in a while (if they are in a phase when they're working anyway that is).
  2. Well people would have said that if anyone had even hinted at the idea of effects being fixed. But now they've gone and proved people wrong and fixed nearly all the Nemesis Inferno effects, including one which hasn't been working for years!
  3. Dan9


    It is open, it opened around 1ish today!
  4. This is excellent news .Thorpe really seem to be on it now and really paying attention to the little details of the park such as effects which just make the day that bit better. Hope these kind of improvements continue!
  5. When there was no fastrack with 8 cars, literally only between 30 - 40 minutes. However with fastrack's arrival it's probably longer now.
  6. Apparentely it was busy. They had to use the overflow car park.
  7. During Fright Nights the lights are blue I think. That is if Nemesis Inferno keeps the 'Hell Frozen Over' theme this year.
  8. It's the only reason isn't it?
  9. Dan9

    Your Thorpe Park

    I admit a 4D would be an intresting coaster and I'd love to ride one one day. However 4D's do take up a fair bit of space, as can be seen here...And considering Thorpe Park's already very cramped together rides and lack of space, it seems a 4D is unlikely, which is a shame, as X2 is supposed to be very good.
  10. If no one makes any suggestions no one would ever have anything to talk about anyway. It's a forum. You discuss things, you throw around ideas and people build on them and you get along talking about a common intrest.Obviously he didn't think it was a bad idea, and rossafc doesn't either. Neither does TimR. Jonny didn't like the idea, but he replied in a better way, without actually trying to insult him in the process. It's an opinion. Don't shout at people for having one. You were a new member once. How would you like it if you joined and put in an idea, and someone came along and made you look like a fool. If you continue like this you're going to put off new people joining the forum and TPM will get nowhere, because it's full of people who just shout at people for making suggestions and speaking about their ideas. I'm not being awkward, I'm trying to stop the forum appearing as one where no one is allowed to voice their opinions and ideas, because it seems that's what you want at the moment.
  11. That's no excuse for trying to make him look like an idiot. It was better to just not say anything. How is this going to help new members join, knowing that if they point out an idea, it could get a reply like yours because you think it's 'stupid'?
  12. Totolly agree. Thorpe seem to just sell it like there's no tomorrow, there should be a better limit than the current one with how much can be sold.
  13. That's a stupid reply, it's just an idea.
  14. Dan9

    Your Thorpe Park

    When did I ever say anything about a Detonator extension? And subculturehero, Saw is around 100ft, so I don't understand what it has to do with anything. Just because there is a heigh restriction doesn't make that the only reason Saw isn't above 100ft. Not all of Thorpe Park's rides are only under 115t because they have to be. And I know what exception means, I was saying that they didn't just let Stealth be 205ft because it would be an excpetion, its tower had to be white to blend in with the sky better. If the local residents wanted the 115ft height restriction they wouldn't let there be any normal exceptions, otherwise the whole restriction would be pointless anyway. And Will, again...The person in the interview could have been some random person pulled in off the street if all you're going to say is 'the person in the interview'. I doubt even Thorpe Park know what is going to be built in 10 years time themselves.
  15. When was it ever going to be the Chainsaw Massacre?
  16. Dan9


    It's been shut since May 9th. And can I just say your signature can't say 'FACT' next to where you say Saw isn't the best ride to come out of Thorpe. There are many people who I'm sure would be willing to argue that. It's just an opinion. Everyone is entitled to one and no opinion is ever a fact.
  17. ...why? It's easy to notice the announcement says yourself.
  18. I'm not sure they really care. And what do you mean by again?
  19. Ahh but TPM is official. Official Fansite that is.
  20. I assume you mean tested by Staff riding the rides?
  21. Dan9


    Nearly everyone I know watches The Inbetweeners. Including me.
  22. Dan9

    Your Thorpe Park

    It wasn't an exception, it was only allowed because of the tower being white.
  23. Dan9

    Your Thorpe Park

    No, they won't get another 200ft-ish coaster unless the height restriction is lifted. And I don't see that happening personally.And can you please stop saying 'they said'. When did they say this? Who said this? Where did they say this? You can't just keep saying 'they said' unless you have a valid source and backup to confirm what you're saying, otherwise it's hard to believe you. Many things are said on forums which aren't correct and all the time people's excuse is 'they said it'. And not everyone is going to know who Darren Shears is. I don't really know who is either, so how are you expecting people to believe you by just saying 'Darren Shears said it'?
  24. That last one is a surprise, it hasn't been working since 2003. Or at least from what I've heard and seen anyway. Good on Thorpe for doing this anyway!
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