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Everything posted by Dan9

  1. That's weird, the last 6 times that I've been to Thorpe and Stealth was open, it was always open on time. It's just random luck.
  2. Dan9


    Yes the swing closest to the console goes higher than the swing closest to Colossus.
  3. Dan9


    Is this Slammer or Rush you're talking about? . Cos I can't seem to recall Rush going upside down.
  4. ..And what makes you say that with such certainty? :)No one really has an idea when the next coaster will be except the park themselves. I doubt they'll even know for sure.
  5. Yet it's been open for 3 days since that now .
  6. I feel safe in every restraint.
  7. I don't really think any rides restraints are safer than others, manufacturers put in only what is needed (with the Sky Swat being an exception), and they're all perfectly as safe as each others. However I feel Samurai's and Vortex's restraints are the most restricting of all Thorpe's rides. The more free and comfortable you feel on a ride, the better. Which is why Loggers Leaps are the best .And for rides which actually do have restraints, Rush's.
  8. I've never seen Samurai run in the rain either. Others might have seen it though, in which case just ignore me.
  9. Dan9

    The Blade

    I wouldn't call theming a ride to a banana generic .
  10. I know it's a bit bigger than I wanted it to be, but I actually finished Rush earlier than I knew of any sort of Screamin' Swing download. And half of the CS I download doesn't work on my computer anyway .
  11. Dan9


    I just hope it's up and running by tomorrow! That's the next day the park's open isn't it?
  12. Tbh the last 2 times I've visited the gate to the path that CCR goes down into towards the Saw ride area has been open, and anyone could literally strole right in. Obviously it would be nice for some people to use common sense and to not go walking into restricted ride areas, but Thorpe need to understand that not all of their guests have that common sense, and so shouldn't be leaving areas like that so easily accessable.
  13. *Copies and pastes stuff from Rob's post* Did you fail to see that last bit? . Both parties had reasons to believe they were crossbows or syringes, and both were partly right and partly wrong. Now can we PLEASE move on from this, this arguments gotten rather boring. All this fuss about something on the brake run which really is always going to do the same amazingly exciting thing, blow air at you.
  14. Sorry for the ruddy awful quality here, but here's a slight overview of the Lost City side of the park (taken before I finished the park). I'll get a better quality one tomorrow.And yes Colossus does have supports on its Lift Hill, It's just that when you turn down the quality, it means things disappear (mainly scenery, such as the custom supports) into the distance the further you go away from them. And yes Slammer is there, just sort of hard to see. And one of the top sides of Rush appears to be missing, but that is also there .
  15. I have a Thorpe recreation, but I've had to tone down the graphics so much so it doesn't lag as much as it did. So next time I'm on it I'll put the quality level back up to get some better screenshots.In the meantime, have some close up pictures (so the quality doesn't look as dreadful) of some of the rides. (before I get overview skyline shots from the entrance and bridge and etc).Except the next image, where the quality is still terrible but oh well.
  16. Naah we just all flashed our cameras at him as he walked out the exit .
  17. For me its the most stomach churning ride in the whole park .
  18. Dan9


    Believe me, that would make the ride dreadfully boring . Rush's restraints is one of the main things that makes the ride so amazing. It really lets you feel more open, and just lets you face the ground and the sky without having big bulky OTSR's like you do on things like Vortex. More restrictive restraints would take away pretty much all of the excitment from the ride.
  19. I haven't seen Wet Wet Wet open for 3 years . Surely he must mean Depth Charge?
  20. It would be classed as unreliable in any other park, but for Thorpe it's classed as very reliable .
  21. Just go to THIS page and download whatever audio you want from each ride.(Or the ones which are actually available for download anyway )
  22. Or you could get it off tpm's audio page?
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