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Everything posted by Dan9

  1. It makes a big difference. Single Rider is just filling in empty seats left from main groups, Fastrack is actually filling up seats in a car which could have had people from the normal queue in them. Example...With single rider, there could be a group of 4 and a group of 3 for example who are going to fill up a car. That leaves one empty seat, and it is filled with a single rider. This isn't slowing the main queue down, it's just filling up seats. With fastrack, there could be 4 groups of 2 in the main queue, and one group of two in the fastrack queue. Those 4 groups in the main queue could fill up a whole car, but with fastrack they could only send up 3 of those 4 groups, and the group of 2 from the fastrack queue. Notice how with fastrack they're only letting 6 people from the main queue in, but if there was no fastrack they'd be letting in 8 people from the main queue. Now can you see that if this happened with nearly every car, the queue is being slowed down the exact same way that running on limited capacity is right now.
  2. Even though selling fastrack would make the main queue last even longer?
  3. You make that sound so much easier than it would be
  4. Well I just wouldn't get your hopes up tbh. They are very rare to be on (apart from when there's very high winds or rain). I think everyone hopes to have a rollback at some point and it's very lucky if you do get to be on one. I've been on Stealth a hell of a lot but haven't even seen a rollback yet.
  5. Even though the second train is still a much better experience?
  6. Just like SP don't know everything?They ARE syringes. You can believe they're crossbows if ya want, but you'll be wrong.
  7. Why would crossbows throw air at you?
  8. And also prepare to nearly die of suffocation by its restraints .
  9. Agreed. Drayton Manor was absolutely terrible, I felt like I wanted to leave after about an hour. In fact pretty much every aspect of the park was absolutely terrible. If anyone has the choice of going to Alton Towers (even if its for the zillionth time) or going to Drayton Manor, there just is no competition.So if you want a good Birthday trip, the Towers is the only way to go.
  10. Hmm luckily for me it doesn't hurt at all! I don't find any of the ride rough anyway, though apparently it has gotten a bit better since its opening day.
  11. The Teacups are far superior to Vortex. Way more intense if you're in the right cup, and you don't have to queue as long either!Hence Boretex?
  12. It's the same as every other ride in the park. They will aim for it to always be open for the park opening, but as we know with Thorpe, that doesn't always happen.
  13. Nah, the Saw queue line filled up can take in about 3 hours worth of people before reaching the entrance I'd say. And remember right now Saw is running with reduced capacity, so the queue can look small, but still take a hell of a long time. And I really do wish people would stop asking what queues are going to be like. I mean really, we can't look into the future, so why does everyone expect us to know? For what must be the billionth time I've had to say this to someone, NO ONE can know what queues will be like! What's best is to expect the worst, then if it isn't as bad as you thought it would be, it's a nice surprise. Obviously people are going to think 'Schools are off, that means 3 hour queues', but people can say the same for July with school trips, yet I remember a mid-july day where every queue was a walk on. IMO queueing is part of the whole experience. Obviously it's nice to have a day or two when the queues are down and you can ride things numerous times, but I can tell you, you'd get bored of it eventually. So expect the worst every time you go, then there's no way you can be dissapointed.
  14. Personally I think the single rider system worked excellently on Saw the last 2 times I visited! I'm all in favour of that, it's just fastrack which really bugs me.
  15. Yes but the original source sponshership blended in a bit better than this tbh. I honestly hope to God this goes after Head Rush, I literally facepalm'd after seeing that picture.
  16. There's no need to say anything like that to anyone Will. A lot of people join these forums to learn more things about theme parks in depth, as they might be intrested in them without knowing too much about them. Just because someone might not know what a certain coaster is (or just have forgotten it), doesn't mean people should be able to make comments like that.
  17. *4 days .And I was expecting their to be actors all throughout the Easter period. Seems that seeing the actors is a rare thing now then.
  18. Dan9


    There are 2 signs around at the entrance saying that the ride has been removed from the parks lineup.
  19. Well what are Thorpe going to say?...'Worlds Scariest Rollercoaster!'or..'This ride isn't the scariest in the world, but we like to think it is pretty scary even if it isn't!'I think for Thorpe it's a rather clear choice. They're going to want to advertise their new ride. And anyway, for people dissapointed, well compare Saw's theming and ride effects compared to Thorpe's other rides? I think people were carried away and expected way too much tbh. So yeah, Well done Thorpe Park and Lionsgate!
  20. He doesn't, he meant that there will be more rollbacks to still come this year (as there are every year).Rollbacks aren't rare and can happen daily.
  21. In the morning it was a walk on. And it stayed like that for the first hour basically. From then on it was 30 minutes or so. Basically go to Stealth early.
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