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Everything posted by Dan9

  1. Dan9


    Where has this been confirmed? Any source of information or a link to anywhere which does confirm this?
  2. Dan9


    The bits of the fence that are red now were light blue before.
  3. Take it you probably didn't detect the sarcasm .I don't continuously praise Thorpe Park all over the forum. Nearly all the time I agree with the fact that Thorpe are terrible in a lot of aspects and that they need to improve. But I just don't like how Thorpe are the only park that are heavily criticised for these kind of things. I know that Alton Towers and Chessington aren't talked about as much here but when we do it's all praise praise praise. And again I agree with a lot of the praise, but we can't just have praise without faults. With the Colossus situation, Thorpe could have easily decided to just close Colossus for the whole day, but they didn't. Neil said how Alton Towers could change the whole chain and still have the ride up and running within a day, but we're only classing that as impressive because we knew the scale of what had to be done. No one knows here for sure what the problem was, it could have been something monumentous for all we know. But back to the main point, Thorpe still decided to open their coaster for the final hour when in previous years they probably wouldn't have. They could have taken their time like they usually would have in previous years and had it up and running the next day, but they still got Colossus open for the final hour of the day and gave guests the chance to ride it. And I don't agree Quantum is better than Samurai. That's your opinion only. The Majority of other guests I know which visit the park find Samurai leagues ahead of Quantum. I understand it was on a much better setting at Chessington and could be better, but as you said, the 90% as you say of Thorpe's guests who visit once a year, how are they likely to know about that?I do give a toss if Colossus is shut, but I appreciate the effort that they put it in to get it open as soon as possible, just like Neil did with Nemesis and Alton Towers. I do feel for the guests who might only get to visit once a year, but the same could have happened with Alton, and at the end of the day Thorpe will always try and get all their rides up and running. Too many rides being shut like you said (what happened on March 14th) was unnaceptable. Truly it was, and I understand people's anger with the park and the debacle that was that day. However I get the feeling that if anything like this had happened at Alton Towers a lot of people would simply say 'It's one day in a whole season'. I'm not saying you personally would, but I know others would. It does compare. You can have available rides, but if the staff are horrible, the park has terribly maintanined toilets and food and etc etc, it does have bad impacts on your day. I've even seen and heard from people who've reported on how nice the staff are. And from personal experience, I've had terrible days at Thorpe, but it's still very nice to see Staff working their very hardest to try and doing their best to improve guests days. It shows they do care. I don't see how you can simply disregard this, it does have impacts on people's days and that's clear to see, otherwise your just saying that all the staff who are actually trying their hardests effort's don't count. In which case, why would they really want to try their hardest for guests, if that's the reaction they're going to get. I agree with you, that's really poor, the amount of rides which were unavailable that day, but you seemed to have a go at Thorpe Park for Colossus being unavailable for most of the day, when you didn't for Nemesis being shut, or Billy's Whizzer being shut. I know it was one ride, personally I wouldn't have a go at any theme park for having one ride shut for most of a day or a whole day, but you obviously do, as you did with Thorpe Park and Colossus. I know Alton Towers and Chessington are better run, I agree Thorpe Park are terrible in many ways, but there are some aspects where they rise above the other two, so I praise them for that. But the the way you've phrased your argument is implying you don't actually care about the things Thorpe Park do get right, and that's why I don't really see why Thorpe should even bother trying anymore if people are going to class those good points as 'they don't matter'.
  4. So now you say you know they're going on tomorrow when just 15 minutes ago you said this.. So why are you leaving Thorpe then?
  5. And we've heard from many people that it is now back on 8 cars.
  6. It is on 8 cars though.
  7. Dan9


    It opened on March 22nd. So 8 days .
  8. Can I just say, I'm not up Thorpe's arse and I don't praise the park just because I happen to know Thorpe Park read the forums.Mark, I agree Thorpe is terrible in comparison to some parks, and that it's reliability is of the poorest in Europe, and a lot of the other bad things about the place. No, no we don't need to jump on Thorpe's back for everything. If that's your attitude to all the points you make then they might as well be disregarded, because they'll have been said in a completely biased way. Alton Towers has numerous bad points, Chessington has numerous bad points, but I don't see anyone jumping on them for it like a lot of people do with Thorpe nowadays. In a way it's become a fashion, having to hate Thorpe Park in practically every way a Theme Park is rated. If something needs to be criticised it will be, fair enough. But not everything does. Not one person criticised Alton Towers for the way Nemesis' wheels had to be changed. However had something like this happened at Thorpe, I can easily imagine lads of comments on how Thorpe should have known it and etc etc. It's something that just doesn't need criticising, so I'm not going to criticise Alton for that, and I'm sure a lot of people agree that it's the neighbours who are the ones making Alton change them. Had this happened at Thorpe would it be criticised? Yes, most likely.I don't take the 'Thorpe can't help it' approach. I know Thorpe Park need to improve as really, Alton Towers are miles ahead. But Alton Towers has faults too. Every park does. I know again Thorpe have many more, but they seem to be being criticised for ALL of them. Alton Towers aren't criticised for any of theirs as far as I can see. My point is, if Mark you're reply to my question is 'Yes, yes we do', then really in fairness we should take that attitude to every theme park. But we don't, and that's the only reason why I said what I said before.
  9. Manta. Today saw a load of pictures from its soft opening and wow have Sea World done an amazing job with it!
  10. Dan9


    I haven't lol'd so much for a heck of a long time..
  11. Jeez it's not like Thorpe only wanted to give them an hour. That's like me saying: 'Oh wow, Nemesis pissed off all Alton Towers' neighbours this year and keeps getting stuck on its lift hill. Aren't Alton generous .'I know Thorpe are terrible in a lot of aspects and do need to improve, but do we seriously need to jump on them for everything?
  12. Dan9


    My opinion does count. I enjoy watching football and enjoyed watching it last night. But that's all it really should be for. Enjoyment. Otherwise there's just no point. All I mean by saying 'It's just a game' is that there are many other aspects to life which are more important and people shouldn't be getting so wound up for something which shouldn't really affect them anyway.He doesn't even deserve a kicking. Out of everything going on in the world and all the terrible crimes and horrible people, why does a referee who made a mistake suddenly deserve a 'kicking'? I bet any money that if it had been a Chelsea player who handballed the ball in the box and Barcelona had lost out a lot of Chelsea fans would be praising the referee as a saint.
  13. Dan9


    Nobody is going to argue with you and you know you're right? Oh Dear. Wonder whatever happened to an opinion..He doesn't deserve death threats. Out of all the people in the world why should he be the one who deserves that kind of treatment? People make mistakes. It's a game. Get over it.
  14. Dan9


    The way the players reacted was ridiculous. I agree the decisions were very bad, but that's no excuse.I also agree that the fact that the referee has had to be taken to a safe house just says it all. And Jack, you say there would always have been consequences, but his whole life has been disrupted just because some angry football fans can't accept the fact that Chelsea lost yesterday. He should be able to continue with his life with the freedom everybody else has. Whoever has made the referee feel that he needs to be in a safe house should be ashamed. It's just a frickin football match, Life goes on...
  15. Even if Saw goes back to 8 cars, all that's going to happen is that it'l end up being whored by fastrack. So my fear is that going back to 8 cars won't make any difference in reducing the queues.
  16. Dan9


    Since Slammer re-opened for this year (on March 22nd), it's been shut for 9 days (7 of which were in the breakdown it just re-opened from). Did you just go a lot for Thrill Chill or something?
  17. Dan9


    Chief Ranger's Carousel?!
  18. It was around where Detonator is located now.
  19. Hmm beckenham. Technically I can enter beckenham by walking down the road. =P. What school do you go to?

  20. Dan9


    It would mean saying goodbye to theming altogether if it turned into a Six Flags.
  21. Dan9


    Surely Number 1 would be never to evacuate upside down.
  22. Dan9


    Well so have I, but it seems to be a problem which has only started this year. The last two years have been ok for swing syncing but this year there's a massive difference.
  23. Dan9


    Swing A does go higher than Swing B, it's so easily noticable.
  24. Dan9


    Have you just ignored what James said? . If it kept getting 'stuck' it would be engineers manually controlling it and stopping it themsleves.
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