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Everything posted by Dan9

  1. Rides can break down at any time (and this is the first public week, it's been operating for ages before Saturday as well). It just so happens to be that it is suffering problems at this time. If anything it's a good thing, it means engineers will be able to learn about the ride and possible problems immediately, and prepare for the busier summer ahead. Better suffering problems now than July anyway.And that said, its reliability will get better anyway. Stealth had dreadful problems all through its first year, and it's improved by a lot now. I mean apart from scheduled maintenence, I rarely see it down for whole days now. So as the staff learn more about it, reliability will improve and it won't suffer as many problems as it is now .(hopefully)
  2. Well the syringe pens have Saw: The Ride on them so I find it rather odd that your sister seems to have had one for years.
  3. Dan9

    This Or That

    Roast. Mac or PC?
  4. I think we'd be able to tell if there was a piece of track missing .
  5. I use my Saw syringe pen every day at school now!
  6. Dan9


    Must have just been the setting you were on at the time, on Sunday it seemed to be giving pretty good rides, and came down on the same row that it started on.
  7. The guy who kept telling us we're stupid for waiting for it to open? Not really, most un-enthusiatic staff member ever.
  8. Ok guys I'm sorry but these last few topics about today have been really exaggerated. The power cut affected rides were all re-opened by 12.15, and Slammer, Stealth, Saw and Loggers were all shut today. Daniaa I'm sorry but I honestly don't remember Colossus, Rush and Nemesis being down for that long today. In fact I don't remember them being down at all. Saw was testing for a good 5 hours from 12ish til 5, and relibility in general was rather good.
  9. Aah Ewan is awsaume. Found myself speaking to him at Stealth today without even knowing it was him .
  10. It actually was I think you'll find . It just failed again while it was testing.
  11. Firstly, today I really do have to lol at the people who said Saw wouldn't be open for another 2 weeks, when really it should be opening tomorrow or so. It tested for about 5 hours straight today, but unfortunately was not able to open. I did buy a syringe pen, which I actually think are awsaume, and next time I'm sure to buy a hell of lot more.So in the morning I found Tommy and Jonny and we were treated to the announcement that there had been a power cut, and half the rides would be unavailable til the power came back. So a good start there. However the power did come back, and after 2 hours everything affected had successfully had re-opened. So yeah enjoyed all the rides today, apart from Quantum and the Teacups ( ). Quantum for the first time ever actually made me feel quite ill, and that feeling kinda stayed with me for the rest of the day, which put a slight downer on things for me but the day was still very much enjoyed. The park wasn't so busy really, after 2 the maximum queue was about 45 minutes for Colossus, and everything else was only about 10 - 20. So we managed to get on most things, and overall it was a great day .So heres a few pictures anyway (I won't post a certain one of Tommy, since otherwise he might post the Rumba ORP ).PROJECT DYLAN!!!....Angles, winrar ...Saw: The Ride on the bridge...So we exit X:\NWO, and manage to see this through the trees...Saw was indeed testing (so much for March 28th).Poonchooos are win!..Loggers was dead..Rumba is also win!And I think I'll leave you with this ...
  12. Well errm no, because you said Saw wouldn't open til March 28th, when actually it was about to open today til it failed again .Tbh I'd expect it to be open tomorrow. Todays reliability was actually rather good, Rumba Rapids was open, and Saw was testing all day. And really I didn't see much in the way of breakdowns at all. Apart from the power cut in the morning, meaning half the rides opened late, but by 12 everything that was meant to had successfully opened.
  13. It did for sure. In June it did have a major problem meaning it was shut for a month or so, and it always seemed to shut down during the year. Stealth shouldn't be the only example though, Air was awful for relibility for its first few periods of operation, and now I barely find a day with it down. Things like this happen all the time with new rides, and things will get better in time.
  14. And there's another thing. If people want to live in hope just let them. I don't see the point in just making people dissapointed before they've even got there, when the people who say that don't even know 100% themselves.And Tim, they can't, simple as. Believe me, I've had tons of people act like this before, and I'd say about 75% of the time they're wrong.
  15. People do need to back themselves up, otherwise it's difficult to believe anything they say.NO ONE knows for sure when these rides will open, it's just a matter of when engineers can get them up and running again.
  16. Yes there are. If you look for a POV on Youtube you will hear the effects.
  17. I didn't go today, but Samurai looks pretty much the same, as it can be seen in pictures from throughout the week. Not sure about its performance though.
  18. Well it hadn't just been drifting around, last week it was said in a different topic that the blades were spinning on Sunday (8th). And before that many construction workers had said that the blades will spin.
  19. So today Slammer, Stealth, Loggers Leap and Rumba Rapids were shut all day. Saw: The Ride and Nemesis Inferno have broken down early, Rush has also had numerous breakdowns and Colossus and Samurai opened late.Not a very good start to the main season it must be said.
  20. Well that's weird, considering you could clearly see the inline twist when the first bits of track were being put up, and there many updates on TPM showing it. And yes we've known about the blades spinning for weeks now. And no you do not have to book if you have an AP, it was only for yesterday for which you had to book.
  21. For people still wondering about the speed in which the blades turn, it shows it well in this video (0.18 - 0.29)...
  22. No one knows. You'll just have to wait and see. If there was no activity today then I doubt it will be open, but I guess you can't know until the day itself.
  23. Yeah I bet it really does suck to have millions of pounds and be on TV every week. Honestly, I do think there are other things Jonathon Ross really cares about.
  24. Well theres also a chance that if it's closed on Saturday that it could be closed until June?
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