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Everything posted by Dan9

  1. What I want to know is what am I looking at in the last one .
  2. Haha nah the running was one of the best parts tbh. I can't really recall any screaming . We still need Martin with the Group photo, after all Ian was a bit insistent on getting it in the first place!Anyway, stupid comment of the day...James (wearing Time Voyagers glasses): That Nemesis Inferno train looks 3-D!Me: It is 3-D..James: Oh =(I love you James really!
  3. The path should be ready by March 14th in time for Saws opening.
  4. Dan9

    WOO 2 to go =]

  5. Dan9

    zomg its 30 days til next meetup

  6. Dan9

    right so 4 comments to get rid of..hmm..

  7. Dan9

    by extending your comments to 10 youve just given me another challenge =P

  8. Martin has them I think. Just depends on whether he bothers to come on and upload them .
  9. Failday...Yeah well the day itself was great, but most of the rides were failing all day. Not even Saw could escape all the failing as it got stuck at the very top of the lift hill towards the end of the day. So at 10am the gates opened, and the rides available were errm...Detonator, Carousel and Mr.Monkeys Banana Ride. Throughout the day the main rides open were Nemesis Inferno, Detonator, Vortex, X:\NWO, Zodiac and Quantum, but all of these either opened late or suffered breakdowns. Colossus had started testing and was due to open at around 2ish, but then as the queue opens, 5 minutes later...'Colossus is experiencing a technical delay and has ciesed operation'. And that was Colossus closed for the day. Rush also failed to open, and at the beginning of the day it has seats missing, but they were put back in mid-dayish, but it still didn't open. And yes Samurai is still there for those who are still wondering.Zodiac was the biggest fail of the day, when it stopped half way through a testing cycle in a vertical position. And as far as I could see the only reason Stealth wasn't open was due to Tidal Wave's scaffolding going to near to the brake run track. There seemed to be nothing going on it, no work or maintenence being done, so it was difficult to see apart from this why it was shut. Slammer had scaffolding up and its tops were missing too. Fungle Safari is still there, and there doesn't seem to have been much done to it either. X:\NWO decided to break down as soon as we had stupidly run through the whole queue line. Though this didn't stop us running back out again . Quantum was also on one of the strangest settings ever in the morning. For about 5 minutes all it did was go up to half way and then back down again, pretty much like the Banana Boat. Eventually it did go over the top, but it took its time. Was pretty fun to be yelling Fail and Win throughout it though! Tidal Wave scaffoldingFailiacSome more failTom taking a failpic with the iFail...WIN .Saw pics are in the Saw topic but the full set of photos are here.Anyway thanks to everyone who went, was a fun day!
  10. Saw actually makes a rather nice sound when a car goes over its lift hill. Anyway for those Saw photo enthusiasts...
  11. Well that could be a problem with any ride/resteraunt at any theme park in the world really. (Apart from the parks who end up deciding Roller Coaster is actually a rather good name)This problem can be solved a bit with some good advertising though.
  12. You can't really call other people sad for their dreams, as you can't control what dreams you have.Would be great to see it testing tomorrow, and I'll be sure to bring back some pictures if it is (and if it isn't for the matter ).EDIT: Well Saw already seems to be ready for guests?...Clicketh
  13. I'm just having an opinion. Or is that now not allowed to happen without getting shouted at?And why is it you can take the 'bloody do it' attitude with Altons fastrack yet suddenly when it goes to Thorpe everyone moans about £50 being a rip off. I think some people on here are way too used to the Thorpe sucks, Alton Rules attitude.
  14. And people say Thorpes fastrack is expensive... .I hope this isn't a sign of things to come at Thorpe and Chessington, although knowing them it probably will be, especially now with Saw arriving. Apart from those carrying credit/debit cards at the time, I don't know anyone who carrys £75 with them to any theme park.
  15. Two weather forcecasts I've seen have forecast light snow and rain for Opening Day, with highs of 3/4 degrees...fun .
  16. Dan9


  17. Dan9

    have fun with dinner and whatnot

  18. Dan9

    lol ive already done two xD

  19. Dan9

    alright then attempt 2...

  20. Dan9

    I didnt give up I was going to come back later! =P

  21. Firstly, really well done! Hope you enjoy it :)But you have to over 18 to operate on rides I'm afraid (and if you are over 18 then, great!), a ride host does platforming and batching (what you said as filtering). Well I would call the person who does that job half way up the queue on Nemesis as a batcher, but they also are there to sort of the fastrack people as well. The main batcher is in the station as the person who lets people from the queue into the air gate area, and tells them where to go etc.
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