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Everything posted by Dan9

  1. Soo..who's actually going? :)Cos I'm sure there would have been a few changes from the original list.
  2. Well surely in the summer it would be more, since the staff will be working extra hard to try and get more guests round, and if there are no problems with any trains it should be running at maximum capacity? So I'd think it'd be a bit more in the Summer and at FN than any other day.
  3. You do realise 2300ft is more than 1750? Which means it takes longer for the cars to go round, so the extra car just evens it out. If anything I think the throughput should be slightly less.
  4. Dan9


    Our snow is at 1ft. And it's still snowing...hard.
  5. Dan9

    its currently 9:03 apparently...OWNAGE!

  6. Dan9

    I've suddenly decided I want to own your comments box =P.

  7. Which is odd since in another topic you said next year your favourite noise will end up being Saw's squeeling?
  8. I detect a lot of sarcasm/untruth from Alex's post, especially considering he edited a picture with him by Saw and put it as his avatar .It would be awsaume to see Saw testing in February, makes a nice change from going and looking at a mud island on the last two February's.
  9. I doubt the station will look exactly like that, they still have lots of work to do still. Otherwise it'd be opening in February and not March.
  10. Dan9


    Out of all the things that could be done to make a theme park better though, this really isn't something I'd put at the top of the list. Really it is just luck, mine was taken at Thorpe and it's not what I'd call good quality, but it'l do. I just get mine renewed when I need it renewed, doesn't really matter where it is.
  11. Dan9


    Yes if you say your making a proper one it costs money.
  12. Dan9


    Basically you just repeated what I said...I said that it didn't matter how long they've been here, he just shouldn't have said what he said. End of.
  13. Dan9


    Well he's not exactly what you'd call New though is he...And the fact whether he's been here 2 years or 2 months, he shouldn't have said what he said about it in that way.
  14. Dan9


    No I didn't need to, but I wanted to. If he's going to make an un-civilized response, why shouldn't I back to him? I've seen many un-civilized responses from people on here, some who've been members for a long time, but they don't all exactly get complained at.
  15. Dan9


    Well he didn't exactly give a civilized response to the recreation. Just going 'LOL at that video!' isn't what I'd call civilized.
  16. Dan9


    I guarantee that you probably wouldn't have said that in the first place though. Or anything like that, which means you think I would only say what I said to a certain few people, but if I do there is always reasons for saying it, like the fact that they shouldn't have said what they said in the first place.
  17. Dan9


    The point is you can't just laugh at him and say it's crap. If its so crap why dont you go and make one, and then we can judge your one.The point is that he tried to do it, so when people attempt things like that and clearly put time and effort into it you can't just go and say what you said.
  18. People also need to remember that you can't say things like 'just extend the station' like that. Really it just isn't that easy in real life. It's not like something on RCT1/2/3, where you can just pause and build something like that, sometimes without it costing you anything. It isn't that easy I'm afraid.
  19. Dan9

    The Flume

    Well surely it would be kind of hard to jump into a boat your already sitting in?
  20. 1. It's a coincedence.2. Really, you KNOW do you? Look no one knows anything about future developments other than Thorpe, so please don't start saying you KNOW these things for sure, no one does.
  21. Well maybe you heard wrong...And I don't remember any debates about Falls Falling down .
  22. Well on tpm 2 years ago everyone did call it the 08 coaster, and I don't really remember but I'm sure I remember the MTDP used to have the new coaster under 2008, but then it was changed to 2009?
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