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Everything posted by Dan9

  1. Dan9

    lol I'm talking to you on msn! xD x

  2. Dan9

    lol I'm talking to you on msn! xD x

  3. ...Samurai is always shut at february :P.

  4. ...Samurai is always shut at february :P.

  5. This is who I think it is isn't it?

  6. I agree with what Iskander said, just a warning that some theming may disturb or be not suitable for some guests would do fine, instead of casting out hundreds of guests wanting to ride.And getting rid of the areas would destroy the atmosphere that is left, and turn Thorpe into a rides plonked into the ground type of park.
  7. Well if you click on your warn level then it will tell you who warned you/took away warn and why.So you will always know why you may have suddenly been warned or unwarned .
  8. Dan9

    AAGH my msn isnt working >_<.

    So hey =P. x

  9. Dan9

    Forum Posts

    Erm actually, I think it's an opinion that only you and a few others who think they are picked on will disagree with. This forum really is quite laid back, but not laid back so it lets people go and spam the whole forum and saying how much they hate everything here and all the members on it, and yet still continue posting here. If you think that we are picking on you, then it will be because of what you are posting. Some people just need to improve the quality of their posts and grammar and thing's like that, make it relevant to the discussion (like without saying how crap tpm is in every post).No one if forcing you to stay here, if you don't like it then leave! Simple as.See? That's pretty laid back. P.S. Sorry did you just say Coasterforce aren't strict? My, oh my.
  10. Well because Saw is located out of Canada Creek, it wouldn't actually help guests that much, especially if they were heading in from Ranger County. Generally a better thing to say would actually just be 'between Colossus and Samurai'.
  11. What, you mean....wait for it.....pitch black?
  12. ....How? And we know that the windmill probably won't be spinning if your getting confused with that.
  13. Dan9

    Moo to reply to those last 3 other texts! =D

  14. Well tbh drop towers I dont think shouldn't be above a certain height, because for example Hurrikan Condor...I mean it's a good ride, but the drop seems to go on for a bit longer than it should IMO. That's why Detty is so unique, it's one the most intense drop towers, but also one of the smallest.
  15. Tbh I'm really not too bothered about the queueline fences. I find that there are other more importaint things in the aspect of the ride.But however if you do look at the plans there were many different bits of fence all along the queueline.
  16. Detonator is probably as one of the most intense drop towers in the uk, if not the world, so a launch would just completely ruin it.
  17. Dan9


  18. Dan9


    You buy drinks from it.
  19. Dan9

    I was indeed around a lot when you were admin, as you did used to warn me a far bit ;).

  20. Dan9


    I doubt Huss would really bother making different sizes of Enterprises, espeically with such a small difference like people seem to be making out. As I said before, if you have been on Zodiac or Enterprise, you can never really tell what height your at during the ride. I mean you can probably tell when your upside down, but your not going to be thinking at the top 'ZOMG this really feels 0.574cm taller than Zodiac!!'. If you get what I mean.
  21. That music is actually quite awsaume. If I heard Britney Spears in the Saw queue, I would at first laugh my head of, then leave. In other words, it would completely kill the atmosphere in the queueline and in the building.
  22. With Tommy in every months picture! :DExcept May, that's mine!
  23. Thorpe won't be getting rid of it any time soon. If they did it would be utterly pointless, as there wouldn't be too much else that would fit in that area. It's still popular and one of the best rides in the park, if not the best ride in the park.
  24. But then in your day you'd be telling people off for swearing, not actually swearing yourself.
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