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Everything posted by Dan9

  1. Dan9

    Forum Posts

    Where are you going tonight .
  2. What makes you think that? . If it is closed, we can only guess when it might open again. We don't even know it will be closed on Saturday!
  3. Including TPM .Just a shame it interferes with school.
  4. Well I was only referring to knowing whether the cables were new or not. I understand why people should be happy to know that Stealth now has its cables back in, but I just don't think it matters to know if they are new or not. They'd still be doing the same job. I'm just happy to know it has any cables back in at all, regardless of if they are new.
  5. Well if Rita is getting a bundle of TLC it's because it needs it. No one knows for sure about what's been happening with Stealth over the closed season, but it won't get 'a bundle of TLC' just because Rita is. It will get all the maintenence it needs.
  6. I will be attending on the Sunday.
  7. I'm sure the MTDP lasts until like 2016?
  8. Firstly I doubt you'd be able to tell if they were new or not, as they are just cables, and secondly, why does it matter?
  9. Well that FINALLY shuts up people who still believe Samurai is still being re-themed...And if there was a re-painting of the pods, it certaintly hasn't been painted a different colour.
  10. I'm going on the Sunday with Tommy and co, don't know if I'll go to the meet or not though. Depends on whether anyone else is going to it really.
  11. I really wouldnt say that on a forum, as it is illegal to film in a cinema. So be careful what you say about things like that, as we know that Thorpe Park read fan forums like this.
  12. Dan9


    So I take it I'm not the only one who's finding words in posts replaced with overused word in a box then?
  13. Or maybe people could just not spoil it for everyone?
  14. There is a rumour that the truck carrying Stealths motor was stolen. Was said by a well-respected member on SP, but no one knows for sure really. Will just have to wait and see.
  15. If that is true, next time can you please put it in spoiler tags? It is really annoying for some people who don't want to find out until they ride it, so after waiting for so long to ride it, it would be rather infuriating for someone to blurt it out on a forum without any pre-warning. I'm just saying that it can ruin the experience for some people. And that goes for people who ride it on Thursday/Friday. You might be bursting to tell everyone all about it, but a lot of people won't have ridden it and therefore might not want to know all about it yet.
  16. And take into account that because of a power cut that day, only Stealth, Nemesis Inferno, Detonator and a few others were the only main rides open. Had this not have happened the Stealth queue would have been even smaller than 45 minutes.So I too doubt it will be that busy.
  17. Saturdays are quite hard for me now, so I'll go depending on if I can. If not I'll be along 15th with Tommy and co! :PUntil then I'll be a maybe.
  18. Dan9

    News Desk

    Wow! Really awsaume to see you back!
  19. But you didn't, you said 'No Fair'. Major contradiction much .I might be going on Sunday, so hopefully then I'll get some more pictures for everyone then. And I don't see why the 13th should make a fuss for anyone really. I mean they're only riding it a day before most people anyway. Anyway it's nice to see Thorpe giving Annual Passers something back! I hope there are more days like this in the future.
  20. It would be good to see something like ste193 said. However I doubt Thorpe nowadays would go to the effort of making something like that for the Families with childrens sake. With Thorpe making it clear they are a park for Thrill Rides now it's hard to see something like that happen, which is a shame really as I think it's a pretty good idea, and it would be good to see a few more family friendly rides at Thorpe.
  21. Not any more .Hmm lets see...- On Inferno I always sit at the end of a row.- I try to get the right hand sided seat on Stealth.- I always take pictures of Tommy .- I shout 'Fail' every time I see a ride break down.- My first ride is always usually either Rush or Nemesis Inferno.- I will do anything to avoid riding Stealth towards the back.- I only ride Colossus at the front.
  22. Naah Tidal Wave is best themed by far at Thorpe, Nemesis Inferno might have been, if Thorpe had finished its volcano properly. Although I think either way Tidal is best for theming!
  23. Yes but it's because of the theming that there is a queue line experience and an indoor section.
  24. If you look at the caption it says NOT the theming. Which means it must have been coming from a piece of machinary or something.
  25. Yep they will be spinning. I mean obviously not violent spinning but they will turn.
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