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Everything posted by Dan9

  1. Dan9

    This Or That

    iPod.Fried Eggs or Scrambled Eggs?
  2. Dan9


    Well it's a Huss Enterprise, is it even possible to tell what height your at, and then compare to another Enterprise? All in all, it really makes no difference.
  3. This word 'Apparentely' is the thing which is making me not believe this...Well in another topic we got news that the cars weren't arriving til January...so if this is true we do really need some backup, such as photos.
  4. just so you know that comment wasnt being rude or anything, just intrested...

  5. why are you called the hayesinator? You dont live in Hayes do you? :P

  6. I kinda wish I went now, looks pretty fun. But if it was up to me, I'd have stayed at the slides all day .And just for everyone who bickers with other members on this forum, people are a lot nicer in real life, so please don't be discouraged to go to meetups just because you may argue with someone on a forum. Forums are very different to the real thing.
  7. Dan9


  8. It will probably open at middayish. The Ride it First winners will go first, so yes it will have a 'Grand Opening' I s'pose.
  9. What? I'm not trying to start an argument, it's just a point I made. Just because we've had bickerings in other topics doesn't mean EVERY time I don't agree with you or question something I'm trying to start an argument. I misunderstood what you meant when you said 'Lucky Person', so yeah, that's not me arguing, it was just something I wanted to ask you about. Now please, lets get back to the topic of Saw...Christmas would be an irrelevant time to upload the video, but know that the 13th was 3 days ago, I doubt there will be one this month at all really. But you can't complain much, the November one was pretty pointless too. I mean yes it was there to build up hype, but from a POV of someone who would want the videos to unravel the storyline, it was fairly irrelevent.
  10. Weird how you think they should say 'Lucky person'. I will look at this from your POV. You previously stated when the video didn't come out on the 13th, that all the magic had gone. This was pretty ridiculous, but now you think Jigsaw should just say 'Lucky Person'. Obviously Jigsaw would never say this in a film situation, so the atmosphere would be ruined slightly in the video.Sorry but I'm just confused that you first complained that all the Saw magic had gone because a video didn't show up, and now you are completly contradicting yourself here.
  11. Dan9

    Your Thorpe Park

    No it's not...?And please don't overuse the exclamation mark in future. Thanks
  12. Dan9

    Your Thorpe Park

    Well you could try, but have you seen how small Thorpe is? They've pratically run out of space already, and the only other thing to do would be infilling the lake entirely. For that you really would need space like Cedar Point or Alton Towers have. And I'm trying to say this in the nicest possible way .
  13. Any maybe they could call it MANTA! The Flying Ray! No one EVER thought of that idea!
  14. I'm sorry? Have me and you recently just ended a fued over you calling people n00bs? And then you go and do it again to someone who has a far better understanding of theme parks than yourself? Jeez...Anyway, I find it ridiculous people are getting so upset about this, I mean what other Theme Park gives it's fanboys such info and things alike about their new ride? I mean Thorpe have done a great job and releasing videos month after month for our benefit, not theirs, they didn't have to, but they did. And Gareth, it's not like the ride will now be worse because a video didn't get released some day in December. I'm just looking forward to more pictures of the theming, right now Thorpe seem to living up to their plans that were submitted, which doesn't usually happen, so well done Thorpe!
  15. Dan9


    Me too. It was hard .
  16. I dont trust what just happened.

  17. Dan9


    The Internet on Vista is awful. When I'm changing tabs on XP, it just comes up instantly. On Vista it freezes for 5 seconds, then comes up and then the page takes a while to fully load up. Same Internet Connection too. Apart from that I find Vista to be fine.
  18. Well tbh me and most other people are only complaining about the way fanboys hype it up, personally I think Thorpe are doing a fantastic job, kudos to them. It seems the only the flaw with the ride right now is the people going to be riding it. Or the ones who will be riding it a lot.
  19. Well no I am delighted to be getting a very well themed ride with a story, but I just don't think it needs so much hype. I like the idea of the story and ride, but by the time of it's opening I'll be sick to death of it, because some fanboys feel the need to talk about it everywhere and in nearly every topic on this forum. I'm really not blaming thorpe, well done to them, they are making a ride with a decent storyline with blistering theming, and it will probably be a great ride too (basing this on reports from other Eurofighters), but it's the over the top fanboys who just make us feel this way.
  20. Dan9

    youd think, this is ma happeh face?

  21. Just LOL at Seb 'WTF am I doing here?'.Luffs it .
  22. Have you seen what Inferno comes out of? .It's basically a red box, so thorpe aren't known for finishing stations.
  23. Dan9


    So who thinks I would be able to organise Feb 14th trip?
  24. Aww, I love the Tidal Wave speakers .Don't really understand why they are getting replaced though, they sound fine, and have a nice Tidal Wave look to them.
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