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Everything posted by Dan9

  1. I agree with James and Whiteknuckle. Tbh though it's not thorpe's fault, it's the constant attention it's getting from fanboys everywhere. Saw seems to be brought up in nearly every topic.
  2. Just to clarify I definatly can't go. Sorry.And I'm up for organsing Feb 14th Meet .
  3. Dan9


    If you look at Alton Towers closed season pictures, Nemesis frequently has scaffolding on many different parts of it's track, due to fatigue usually.
  4. Just another argument on your question about Stealth, it really isn't unreliable. Only back in 2006, it's first year, was it ever really closed a lot of the time. 2007 and 2008 have been very good years for Stealth reliability, and it is open nearly all the time. you may have just visited on unlucky days if Stealth is always closed for you, because I visited 14 times this year and 23 times

  5. I would actually go on this trip, but I don't have a Merlin AP anymore. So yah.
  6. WOO its beth! =D

  7. So..?It's not as if it's actually any different.
  8. Sorry, I don't go to Colossus and automatically check to see if it's wheels are new colours.And that doesn't mean it gets new wheels every season, they could have simply been cleaned or painted?
  9. Well...Merlin pretty much is Tussauds now. Or just owns it, and everything it owned is in the Merlin name. Extremis is pretty good I s'pose. I obviously won't be going because then it wouldn't be a true tpm trip with me there .
  10. Dan9


    Slammers only ever been on the news once I think. Rush has had more publicity, it was on the TV news.TPDan. Unless my real name is infact also James .
  11. Well I'm guessing it can't be down only because its more a sophisticated ride and therefore needs more maintenence. Stealth has been open for February in the last two years, so I'm guessing Rita must be having well...extra maintenence. But probably for a certain reason more than just being sophisticated I'm guessing. Sounds pretty good though .
  12. So what you're saying is, you would risk people Health and well-being, just so you didn't have to bother to evacuate a lift hill? Well at least now if I know you to ever be working for a theme park and operating a ride I was about to go on, I would definately not ride. It's people safety your saying thorpe should have risked, which is not an option for any operator.
  13. Dan9

    This Or That

    Scrambled Egg.Top Gear or Fifth Gear?
  14. Dan9

    Twas something called an academic tutoring day. You go on in for 15 minutes, have an interview and go home =]

  15. Well it isn't really the staff's duty to give out exit passes all the time for everything. You still got your ride didn't you? The breakdown didn't actually stop you from riding it, it just wasted 20 minutes on the break run and 15 on the lift hill. So because your ride was not really affected, they wouldn't need to give you an exit pass for you to ride it again.
  16. Dan9


    My msn is funked completely. It mixes up who online and offline, and sometime randomely blocks people. So people who says are online could be offline and vice versa. So if I havn't spoken to anyone recentlely this is why, my msn doesn't want me to .
  17. Erm, there's only 2 corkscrews.
  18. Dan9


    Firstly, no one knows what kind of problem it had, and they closed it mainly because after the problem was detected, the engineers would then have discovered that the problem would not be able to be fixed until after the season had ended, so they would have started winter maintenence early.
  19. Dan9

    meh I have bigger worries. Of course thats a joke I'm outraged!

    What does E-GY even mean? =P

  20. Dan9


    I think I do get that, but it looks more like aball of multi-coloured weirdness if that's a why of putting it .Its sort of loads of colours confuzzling themselves in a ball in the very centre of vision. It's weird.I've also recentely discovered I have Asperger Syndrome. Great >_>.
  21. Dan9

    would you rather my user name was tpdan, mini dan or dan? NEED ANSWER :D

  22. Dan9

    3159 profile views! Who the hell does this! :P

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