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Everything posted by Mer

  1. May as well post something here :PWooooo loving the new pics Dayum that is some squeeze between the wing and the track
  2. Well I have a cracking bum.
  3. Mer

    Video Games.

    Ok so this is an online game but whatever http://www.kongregate.com/games/IcyLime/multitaskWow! SO additctive! I got 95 on my first go and just got 131 as my highest score, but I must drag myslf away from it for the time being!What I find quite intriguing is that the game is a LOT like what my brain feels like constantly, with loads of things going on at once, trying to make sense of it all and control it, add the crazy music...argh! So why do I love the game so much? Maybe it's "feeding" my brain, acting as a stimulant; so basically it's like self-medication/therapy I do actually feel much better after that, more alert and in less of a fog. Gimme caffeine and I may even feel normal :oAnyway sorry, kinda went off topic there
  4. Wooooo me in my shiny, smooth Back To The Future jacket :wub:Anyway...
  5. Mer


    Garlic bread! It's the future, I've tasted it!
  6. Has 3 cats which are wrecking the Christmas tree
  7. Mer


    Aww I really do feel for you Sidders I came home from the last day at Thorpe and my mum sat me down in my room to tell me we had to give Hermione back the next day, so I got the chance to say goodbye but it was still sad enough. I can't imagine what it would be like not to have had the chance to say goodbye :(The kitten in the latest Whiskas advert, the Christmassy one, reminds us of Hermoine, aww.But I'm sure they are all happy and well loved in their new homes :)I found some more kitteh photos of Poppy and Tango earlier, shall have to upload them onto Facebook soon!
  8. Mer


    I was going to say, if I'm on it on my iPhone and change it to the full theme, the option at the bottom to change back to the mobile theme is not there anywhere. But it used to be there, I'm sure!So I don't think it's just you pluk
  9. Aww shame Adam! But yes, Swarm meet will be upon us before we know it :PI wish I had taken photos in the evening! I know I'd had a few to drink but it's unlike me not to take drinky time photos My mind must have been preoccupied...Should have got some bum shots :lol:Sheepie with hair straighteners Omg!It was such a good night, although yes, it was a shame it didn't all go to plan. But I want to relive it again And the taxi ride!Someone build a time machine!
  10. Wow, so Saturday was amazeballs!Met Sheepie and Jay at Waterloo then met with Ian and Sarah. As usual it was awesome to see Ian and Sheepie again, and awesome to meet Jay and Sarah :)Nommed in McDonalds which was rather amusing, it was absolutely packed and we had to sit at a table with all these other random people, awk! Soggeh chips!Went to the Dungeons which as always was good fun, I like how they condensed the Jack The Ripper scene, it so needed to be done! Vengeance was pretty random and a bit of a laugh, as was Extremis! Omg and the part where you wait to go into the court room and that head is supposed to talk to you, well nothing happened. As Ian was saying, someone must have forgotten to press the start button! I remember this happening at last years meet, although eventually it did start. Not this time though lol!Next up was Madame Tussauds Had a bit of a kerfuffle with some of us having alcohol in our bags, eep! How awkward, the scary security bloke lining up the bottles of drink at the front of the queue!We soon got intside though, in the lift, aahh I love it! And it was all Christmassy, n'awww. Had a brilliant time, it was such a laugh! Like me wanting to get my photos taken and people getting in the way, me just stood awkwardly shooing them off with hand gestures (making sure they didn't see me of course), walking past the little map things and me and Sheepie pointing out how much nearer we're getting to the taxi ride! Aaah! The taxi ride itself was priceless, we were so excited and laughing the whole way round I'm laughing to myself now as I'm typing! Love it. Omg the creepy fireman in the Great Fire of London scene haha! The photo was hilarious, and us clapping to the music in the final scene! Shame I didn't buy the photo. I didn't think I'd have enough money, if I'd known the plan for eating was to change I probably could have bought it. Ah wells, we had an awesome time and also bumped into someone who I used to work with at Thorpe and Chessie (Michael Welsh, if anyone here knows him), he now works at Tussauds!Got back to Leatherface (lol), to Travelodge, met up with Ben, who is just awesome and lovely And he got me a Back To The Future jacket! How amazing is that? :DHad pizza for noms, and drinky times started! Good laugh, I've forgotten some of towards the end though, like when we were playing truth or dare. Apparently I fell asleep or looked like I was asleep? Haha, well I didn't get any sleep at all the night before so I'm not surprised! But I remember most of it and it was such a laugh, Sheepie was funneh!Ham sandwich. Ooh er. Not sure I can look at one the same way now! LOL anyway...So all in all a lovely time with such lovely people! I will upload the photos (which were all from Madame Tussauds) onto Facebook soon! I guess this is it until next year with THE SWARM! Aww I hate things coming to an end and knowing I probably won't see you guys again for months. I really didn't want to go home today! :'( Soppeh Merkeh!Hmm New years Eve at T5 anyone? You know you want to! The Travelodge bears are waiting for us!
  11. Mer


    CHRISTMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAS!This song is in my head: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5qP6vJzaj7U Love Christmas, love Christmas music
  12. Ooooooh it's tomorrow!Don't think I've ever been this excited for the Winter Meet before! I love London at Christmas time all lit up etc Gaaah Spirit of London Taxi Ride <3 Infact I actually enjoy all of Madame Tussauds *awaits mocking* Everytime I go I regret not taking more photos but I feel silly if I do, and no one else ever seems bohered I just like the atmosphere there and when they decorate it all Christmassy, n'aww!And Winter Wonderland! :')And then after all that excitement, we eat at Frankie & Bennys ^_^And then to top it all off, fun and crazy hotel times!*Bounces off the walls with excitement*
  13. Hmm I will say this here politely rather than on the FB page...I would prefer it if we didn't do Sealife It takes quite a while to do and it's quite repetitive, but of course, the nice thing about these trips is that we stay together, so we couldnt split up.I'm just thinking about what time we'd get to Leatherhead Travelodge for, we want to get there early enough for fun drinkeh times :oAnd the Benjinator will be waiting for us :PPrevious years we seem to have eaten by 9pm, which is too late really...although I remember last year spending a ridiculous amount of time waiting for slow stragglers outsde Madame Tussauds, and then deciidng where to eat...grr! We need less faff and more movement this time!Other than that, I'm really looking forward to the meet
  14. Mer

    This Or That

    PEPSI!Panasonic or Sony
  15. Mer

    This Or That

    Oranges or lemons?
  16. I've not seen any of these videos either Neil and Sidders, they don't interest me at all :PHell I'm just gonna be honest at the risk of sounding like a n00b, I actually don't know anything about this Lezbo Cougan geezer plot thing He's the sandwich board dude who was used on park to promote Swarm, right?
  17. I'm gonna have to say the right :PThe inversion going into the drop
  18. Mer

    News Desk

    The BETA testers can't see the new logo unless they log out :oBut yes, very nice
  19. Mer


    A new day and I still can't change my signature...*sigh*
  20. No idea but it's on someone's YouTube so
  21. Mer


    SAME!I didn't mind the upgrade at first and you know, these things have teething problems...but I seem to be encountering more problems by the minute and I'm starting to lose my patience now!
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