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About Whiteknuckle

  • Birthday 04/13/1978

Previous Fields

  • Favourite ride
    Megafobia, Oakwood, Wales
  • Favourite Theme Park
    Thorpe Park

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  • Interests
    Rollercoasters and real ales

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  1. Good to see you again mate. Have to agree with you about Megafobia, she was flying during the morning ERS. The late night ERS was insane. No wonder it's voted the UK's best wooden coaster..........then they invest in a tatty, second hand Pinfari death machine
  2. So proud of my local park. Well done Paultons, thoroughly deserved.
  3. Happy 37th Thorpe Park. Thanks for the thrills.
  4. Ah. Roll on next Tuesday. Only half an hour from home
  5. We used to camp at the Star, until the place went downhill and the pub shut. We usually stay at the Weathervane on Muir Park, just outside Stoke.
  6. A wooden coaster would suit the Go Kart area well. Maybe something along the lines of Antelope at Gullivers Warrington.
  7. Went today. No water splashes or fire.
  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B3D1emFS1IQ A video compilation of some of the dinos in action, filmed by me yesterday.
  9. Had a visit today. The dinosaurs do look pretty good. I can also confirm that the scaffolding was being dismantled today.
  10. I still have the rucksack I brought there, about 10 years ago. The biggest concern I have for the park is the weather. The amount of times I have heard that Millennium and Odyssee are down, due to high winds is beyond belief, which is a shame, because they are two good quality coasters.
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