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Everything posted by Whiteknuckle

  1. Was there today, hardly any mist in the tunnel, and one of the vents by the steps working part time.
  2. Crappest day at Thorpe ever. Park was stupidly busy.Ride countColossus 1Rush 1Stealth 2Nemesis Inferno 2Saw 2. 2nd ride after queueing for two hours due to a breakdown and someone being sick about 20 minutes later Ended up getting bored and leaving early
  3. If you see me, say Hi. You wont miss me with the long hair lol
  4. I'm going there tomorrow, so hopefully wont be too busy.
  5. They could have cleaned the track up while they were doing the modifications to accomidate the new trains Great to see the pics though, cheers Themeparkmad
  6. I have'nt found a bad seat on Megafobia yetSpeed, definatley. Last time I was there they had one car on.I can't remember, as I don't usually ride itDon't lean back on Waterfall, because you will come off Oakwood is one of my favorite parks in the UK, even though it's a 5 hour trip to get there. Hope you have a good day.Oh, one other thing, go on the bobsleigh without using the brake until you get back to the station, that is unless you have a slowie in front of you Hydr opens at 2pm and closes at 5 when the park shuts.
  7. The Vampire's second lift and drop is, I think, the only chain hill and drop which are nearly the same angles of acsent and decsent.
  8. That will probably be the stupid amount of bamboo they planted in that area.
  9. Cheers Martin. I think Stealth maybe my new ringtone
  10. Whiteknuckle


    I never know which way to look
  11. Interesting page, for those who might not have seen it.http://www.thorpeparkinsider.co.uk/history...p=1&ride=91On the picture of the black and white house entrance, I beleive the orange ish building on the left is still there. Can anyone confirm this, thanks.
  12. Mine has to be Thorpe, but can only really savour the view when entering the car park. I also like the panorama of the Pepsi Max Big One from the beach.
  13. I always take a pack lunch to parks, even though I still buy food in the park aswell, so I don't see what all the fuss is about. Some parks might not cater for some people, so they have no choice but to bring their own food.
  14. Just a normal day then really
  15. Did'nt notice it yesterday, though I was'nt really paying that much attention
  16. Same songs I'm afraid. Just some of the talking is different.
  17. Thanks for that Jack. I'm hoping for the best. This ride reminds me of Valhalla at Blackpool, if all the effects are working the ride experience is a lot better.
  18. I'm going to Thorpe tomorrow again. Does anyone know if the blades on the inside drop are working yet? I think that's the only effect I have'nt seen.
  19. I feel safe in a lot of the park's restraints, but I dont like Quantum's for some reason. Comfort wise, I had to go for Inferno and Saw.
  20. Wicked, you made Thorpe Park look a lot more well themed than it actually is
  21. Whiteknuckle


    I hope it's open next friday, as I'm going up there for a few hours on the way to Blackpool.
  22. Which would be VERY annoying
  23. I have to agree. Stealth could have been a bit longer, say with a huge overbanked turn over the lake.
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