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About Phill

  • Birthday 03/31/1992

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  1. Phill


    It's just a parrot!
  2. Phill


    Keepin' it real.We can embed stuff now!? How far we've come.
  3. Phill


    My job is full time Scientist. But seriously - I'm a Software Engineer.
  4. No - Especially Stealth. I dread to think.
  5. Phill

    Look we're social networking on a non conformist site! **** the bed!

  6. Phil Jupiter was in the office the other day - as you do.
  7. Keepin' it real. PS: Thorpe still sucks.
  8. Feeling awfully nostalgic this evening.
  9. Pro Tip: Don't be a n00b.
  10. I completely forgot it was tomorrow. I thought Sunday. THE PRESSURE IS ON.
  11. Phill

    Pocket Thorpe

    Pocket Thorpe 1.1 was submitted to Apple today, so will probably take another lifetime to get approved. Includes Bug Fixes, New Icon, UI Tweaks, and other small improvements. Will post when it's ready for download! Thanks to everyone who has bought it, coming up to 150 sales! Rock on!
  12. Phill

    News Desk

    If you could say specifically what you liked about the old one we'll try work it in!
  13. Invision 3 wasn't the most easiest thing to skin, so it's not perfect atm. I agree it kinda looks 'heavy' atm as we've switched to purple for quite a few headers, I'll try make it lighter. Also currently working on redesigning the posts to look a bit more lighter. (I'm not back, I'm just helping these guys btw).
  14. has not set their status LOL

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